People who work under the table to avoid paying taxes. Including my own sister, whose husband hasn't paid taxes in the entire time they've known each other because he works for his dad for cash, and still never misses a moment to bitch about the government wasting our tax dollars
Why are they acting like that's some form of hypocrisy? That's an entirely consistent worldview of "taxes are wasted, I won't let them waste my money". It's the leftoids who are after endless gibs but suddenly have excuses for why their income doesn't deserve taxing that are being retarded.
Why are they acting like that's some form of hypocrisy?
Funny, I was about to say the exact same thing, nearly verbatim. Don't like taxes? Think it's theft, think it's unjust? Think you can get away with not paying them? Yeah, of course you won't pay them. That's in line with your principles completely.
The issue is that when no one pays taxes, or cheats to pay less taxes the country is fucked.
Greece is utterly fucked because of it's antique paper tax system and everyone in the country cheats on their taxes. There are other reasons, including extravagant pension commitments to government employees, etc.; but the big problem is they are a nation of tax cheats.
What is best for everyone is if we are all very honest about paying our taxes, and the government is effective and efficent about using the taxation revenue.
Not realistic I know, but still the most desirable outcome.
What is best for everyone is if we are all very honest about paying our taxes, and the government is effective and efficent about using the taxation revenue.
Well, sure, but as long as that second part doesn’t exist—in fact, as it is, taxes fund any number of things that make life worse for me—then it’s hard to get worked up about individuals not following through on their part of the deal.
First, this is probably all fake, but let's say it's real for the sake of response.
People who work under the table to avoid paying taxes. Including my own sister...still never misses a moment to bitch
Not hypocrisy in the slightest, as someone else already addressed. Also, don't fuck with your own family, you absolute fucking sociopath. Fuck you for eternity.
People who live with their parents and reported fake rent payments that they don't make in order to quality for food stamps and medicaid -I know two unmarried couples who claim to not live together so that their households qualify for all the government waste...
This is worse, and more hypocritical. But also illustrates the point that the system is easily abused, and there is incentive to do so. Also, don't report your friends, you sociopath.
...and to spoil their kids into being the worst humans you'll ever meet.
(X) Doubt. The day I listen to a psychotic lib snitch about parenting will be a sad day indeed.
My in-laws...
Just. Stop.
My BIL...
Can't stop, won't stop.
To be fair, I reported EVERYBODY I know who does this kind of stuff...
Yeah, yeah.
My thought is that if funding gets cut, I'm not going to sit back and watch people that need it suffer while these people - who I know for a fact are lying fucking thieves - scam the government...
Tell me you don't understand how the government works without telling me you don't understand how the government works.
...pretending like they aren't the problem because they're not black...
Cherry on top, bringing race into it.
Anyway, I might not have any family left soon. Taking applications 😂
Took control or were given control by the majority of a population desperately hoping for the smallest chance to unfuck their lives and maybe their nation?
a lot of libtards haven't been taking it very well.
My 50 year old socialist polyamorous coworker with dyed red hair had a meltdown at the end of the workday on Tuesday. He randomly brought up the tariffs to me and how Trump is destroying the country with terrible foreign policy. I told him I wasn't going to listen to a guy who thinks socialism is a viable economic model for opinions on economics and he immediately started going on a tirade about how I have an orange ring around my lips because I apparently suck off Trump all the time.
You could say they see the nuclear family as the backbone of white, hetronormative, Christian, patriarchal western society. Or you could say they are faggots and feminist trash.
leftists have an out group preference, meaning they do not have an affinity for their immediate family, relatives, friends, acquaintances. They have a preference for the idialistic "human race" [except white people].
When you are kept in line via consensus-based social proof and your entire ethical framework is built on subjective, relative standards, the idea of true loyalty is completely impossible. It is impossible to be loyal when the next day the culture can shift and your best friend is now your worst enemy, ultimately ending in the very world we find ourselves in now. Loyalty is hard to find these days because the forces intentionally subverting our societies rely on their ability to tell you your friend isn't your friend. If you had a moral code based on something fixed and unchanging, like God, your consent would be much harder to manufacture and your ability to collectivize and fight against their subversion would be greater.
Tldr: treachery is intentionally baked into the leftist pie through subversion of values and completely arbitrary standards.
That's an excellent point. It's all by design to make everyone turn on each other to keep them all weak and in line. Their entire culture is designed from scratch purposely to be rotten to the core.
Why are they acting like that's some form of hypocrisy? That's an entirely consistent worldview of "taxes are wasted, I won't let them waste my money". It's the leftoids who are after endless gibs but suddenly have excuses for why their income doesn't deserve taxing that are being retarded.
Funny, I was about to say the exact same thing, nearly verbatim. Don't like taxes? Think it's theft, think it's unjust? Think you can get away with not paying them? Yeah, of course you won't pay them. That's in line with your principles completely.
He likely pays plenty of sales taxes anyway.
Yeah, it's perfectly logical for people to not want to pay taxes if they think their tax dollars are being flushed down the toilet.
The issue is that when no one pays taxes, or cheats to pay less taxes the country is fucked.
Greece is utterly fucked because of it's antique paper tax system and everyone in the country cheats on their taxes. There are other reasons, including extravagant pension commitments to government employees, etc.; but the big problem is they are a nation of tax cheats.
What is best for everyone is if we are all very honest about paying our taxes, and the government is effective and efficent about using the taxation revenue.
Not realistic I know, but still the most desirable outcome.
Yes, that's called starving the beast.
Well, sure, but as long as that second part doesn’t exist—in fact, as it is, taxes fund any number of things that make life worse for me—then it’s hard to get worked up about individuals not following through on their part of the deal.
I think it's reductionist "You can't complain because you didn't vote" style reasoning.
They are incapable of logic or honesty
First, this is probably all fake, but let's say it's real for the sake of response.
Not hypocrisy in the slightest, as someone else already addressed. Also, don't fuck with your own family, you absolute fucking sociopath. Fuck you for eternity.
This is worse, and more hypocritical. But also illustrates the point that the system is easily abused, and there is incentive to do so. Also, don't report your friends, you sociopath.
(X) Doubt. The day I listen to a psychotic lib snitch about parenting will be a sad day indeed.
Just. Stop.
Can't stop, won't stop.
Yeah, yeah.
Tell me you don't understand how the government works without telling me you don't understand how the government works.
Cherry on top, bringing race into it.
Satan. Satan will be your family.
I don't think it is because after Trump won, a lot of libtards haven't been taking it very well. And reddit is where they vent.
Fair point. They're burning Tesla dealerships and such, this isn't that much of a reach. May be totally fake is more accurate.
They know the Republicans took control of all the branches of the U.S. government so they feel like a cornered animal.
Took control or were given control by the majority of a population desperately hoping for the smallest chance to unfuck their lives and maybe their nation?
My 50 year old socialist polyamorous coworker with dyed red hair had a meltdown at the end of the workday on Tuesday. He randomly brought up the tariffs to me and how Trump is destroying the country with terrible foreign policy. I told him I wasn't going to listen to a guy who thinks socialism is a viable economic model for opinions on economics and he immediately started going on a tirade about how I have an orange ring around my lips because I apparently suck off Trump all the time.
Do you work somewhere you can report him for sexual harassment and homophobia, for the laughs?
Either report him or challenge him to mutual combat if you're in a good state
Weird flex, but ok.
Scorpion and the frog, it's in their nature.
Recall how eager libtards were to snitch on people during the lockdowns, while looking the other way when their political masters had fun.
Remember the fact that 50% of the population in East Germany was spying on the other.
This is what they are - crabs in a bucket, eagerly pulling down others for the chance to get a dopamine rush or even better - some clout.
You could say they see the nuclear family as the backbone of white, hetronormative, Christian, patriarchal western society. Or you could say they are faggots and feminist trash.
IT IS reddit:
90% chances that story is FAKE.
leftists have an out group preference, meaning they do not have an affinity for their immediate family, relatives, friends, acquaintances. They have a preference for the idialistic "human race" [except white people].
When you are kept in line via consensus-based social proof and your entire ethical framework is built on subjective, relative standards, the idea of true loyalty is completely impossible. It is impossible to be loyal when the next day the culture can shift and your best friend is now your worst enemy, ultimately ending in the very world we find ourselves in now. Loyalty is hard to find these days because the forces intentionally subverting our societies rely on their ability to tell you your friend isn't your friend. If you had a moral code based on something fixed and unchanging, like God, your consent would be much harder to manufacture and your ability to collectivize and fight against their subversion would be greater.
Tldr: treachery is intentionally baked into the leftist pie through subversion of values and completely arbitrary standards.
That's an excellent point. It's all by design to make everyone turn on each other to keep them all weak and in line. Their entire culture is designed from scratch purposely to be rotten to the core.
They're evil?