People who work under the table to avoid paying taxes. Including my own sister, whose husband hasn't paid taxes in the entire time they've known each other because he works for his dad for cash, and still never misses a moment to bitch about the government wasting our tax dollars
Why are they acting like that's some form of hypocrisy? That's an entirely consistent worldview of "taxes are wasted, I won't let them waste my money". It's the leftoids who are after endless gibs but suddenly have excuses for why their income doesn't deserve taxing that are being retarded.
Why are they acting like that's some form of hypocrisy?
Funny, I was about to say the exact same thing, nearly verbatim. Don't like taxes? Think it's theft, think it's unjust? Think you can get away with not paying them? Yeah, of course you won't pay them. That's in line with your principles completely.
The issue is that when no one pays taxes, or cheats to pay less taxes the country is fucked.
Greece is utterly fucked because of it's antique paper tax system and everyone in the country cheats on their taxes. There are other reasons, including extravagant pension commitments to government employees, etc.; but the big problem is they are a nation of tax cheats.
What is best for everyone is if we are all very honest about paying our taxes, and the government is effective and efficent about using the taxation revenue.
Not realistic I know, but still the most desirable outcome.
What is best for everyone is if we are all very honest about paying our taxes, and the government is effective and efficent about using the taxation revenue.
Well, sure, but as long as that second part doesn’t exist—in fact, as it is, taxes fund any number of things that make life worse for me—then it’s hard to get worked up about individuals not following through on their part of the deal.
Why are they acting like that's some form of hypocrisy? That's an entirely consistent worldview of "taxes are wasted, I won't let them waste my money". It's the leftoids who are after endless gibs but suddenly have excuses for why their income doesn't deserve taxing that are being retarded.
Funny, I was about to say the exact same thing, nearly verbatim. Don't like taxes? Think it's theft, think it's unjust? Think you can get away with not paying them? Yeah, of course you won't pay them. That's in line with your principles completely.
He likely pays plenty of sales taxes anyway.
Yeah, it's perfectly logical for people to not want to pay taxes if they think their tax dollars are being flushed down the toilet.
The issue is that when no one pays taxes, or cheats to pay less taxes the country is fucked.
Greece is utterly fucked because of it's antique paper tax system and everyone in the country cheats on their taxes. There are other reasons, including extravagant pension commitments to government employees, etc.; but the big problem is they are a nation of tax cheats.
What is best for everyone is if we are all very honest about paying our taxes, and the government is effective and efficent about using the taxation revenue.
Not realistic I know, but still the most desirable outcome.
Yes, that's called starving the beast.
Well, sure, but as long as that second part doesn’t exist—in fact, as it is, taxes fund any number of things that make life worse for me—then it’s hard to get worked up about individuals not following through on their part of the deal.
I think it's reductionist "You can't complain because you didn't vote" style reasoning.
They are incapable of logic or honesty