Clicked on one of those astroturfed youtube vids of a battle involving the Kaylon or whatever and I kept getting bombarded with 'The Orville' Youtube shorts in the days since. One of them was about that Abortus guy and his husband fighting over their kid's gender.
I never got passed episode three or four of the first season, so I had no idea. These are such thinly veiled Hollywoke talking points and specific political pet peeves. You must be absolutely blind to not see what was going on. Charlize 'My Sons Are Girls Now' Theron was also on the show.
And this microwaved slop was supposed to be the acceptable normie alternative to Star Trek Disco/STD?
I liked the Krill. They were a xenophobic and theocratic empire, and after one of them honey potted Mcfarlane's character and had a half-breed bastard, there was a moral debate after she kept the child hidden away Flowers in the Attic style. Seth was aghast at this, and the Krill woman said it was less cruel than what the humans do: abortion. She then demonstrated what happens to Krills who have illegal abortions, their DNA is sampled, a computer simulation of what their child might have been like like is ran in a holodeck, and the parents are forced to interact with it as it asks why they killed it. It was amazing. Obviously this was meant to paint the Krill as evil, but it was the most based thing I've ever seen in a while.
Some of the species are conceptually quite funny and interesting to consider. The Moclan only urinating once every 3 years or something and so making it a special ritual conducted on their homeworld with close friends and family for example. It takes biological extremes even found on our own planet and then draws them out to sort of parody levels but still within some realm of sci-fi make believe. There is some kind of deer that only urinates once every month or something, smells God-awful when it does unsurprisingly, but it does so because water is that rare where it lives it needs that conservation of hydration, so it's not as if the Moclan concept is without some basis.
I loved that episode.
It really highlights the leftist mentality, they didn't give a shit about their child until it said they would have loved them. And realizing what they did is somehow supposed to be the ultimate inhumane torture.
I didn't think it was possible to be that narcissistic, but then again I'm not psychopathic.
When you compare it to the off-brand Federation's attitude on eating meat it's especially bad. Killing an animal for food, even when you're stranded on a planet away from replicators, is seen as morally equivalent as being a serial killer. But abortion is still an accepted thing, even though the advances in medical technology should have made abortion as obsolete as raising livestock for food.
Oh yeah. The fake federation has the perfect socialist system. No money. Free education, food, housing, & medical treatment. They even have halo decks for sexual encounters.
And they are still pro-murder.
To the OP's original gripe: the mocklans live in a society where transgenderism is forced. The society is all male, because all females are peer pressured and groomed to be F2M trannies. The 'controversial leftist' point of view was drums rolls People should be the gender they are born as, and we shouldn't force children to transition.
In execution that's how it turned out, but it was written as a feminist message. The Mocklans are so misogynistic they won't even allow women to exist! Which goes to show that feminism and transgenderism are mutually exclusive.
As I understood it, the kid wanted to be 'her true self', whereas in Walnut society, everyone was male, and the females were genetic anomalies and biologically unnecessary for reproduction. The message was that the kid should just be herself and express her 'true gender self', going against the customs and norms of Walnut society. The stigma of being a biological female should be disregarded.
This is a pro-trans message. In the views of trenders, everyone is 'assigned' a gender at birth and this is considered a 'crime against humanity', because some may not be the gender that they were 'assigned'. This is similar to walnut society, where everyone is supposed to be male, but a few are 'genetic females', and they will get 'assigned' the male gender, regardless, which is considered a 'crime against sentient beings' by the pro-trans writers of The Orville.
Did the girl even know though? It's been a while since I saw it, but I remember a quiet confused child surrounded by adults; parents, crew, doctors, captains, court, society, hermit cat lady, famous authors, etc all having their own points of view and trying to force it on her without consideration to what she wanted. My interpretation was both sides acting poorly but no one I've met who watched it sees it that way, they all seem to pick a side to agree with.
It's a politicized issue meant to explore the current practices as seen in Western countries, where Mengele-style medical experiments are conducted on human children and encouraged to do so by left-liberal elites.
McFarlane is a left-liberal elite.
McFarlane is a weird duck. He will occasionally give the other side a chance in his shows. But he will have episodes were he will eviscerate everyone right of Mao.
Yep, cant make up my mind about him.
Hes got a weird taste of humor. I laughed so many times during his movie a million ways to die in the west. And I really enjoyed orville, though it had its moments. Its hard to make me laugh but his jokes are pretty good.
Weird op thinks its supposed to be some kinda competitor to star trek or something, its clear to me seth was given freedom to do what he wanted. So he did this sci fi show hes always wanted to do but a parody of it which does touch upon alot of issues in todays society. Like are you really going to hate your child because they are born the wrong sex? That to me was a obvious reference to china and its policys they had up until recently.
Seth reminds me a bit of Titanic Sinclair. They are both obviously on the inside of the group and have knowledge. Sinclair publishing stuff with poppy like this right before the covid outbreak.
How to apply your mask. From 2018
A song called, dont go outside from early 2020.
Titanic is also owner of "sumerian records" which is a underrated label imo.
I really feel like these guys know something and they want to tell us, but they know if they do....
Who knows tho.
It's a current year parody of Star Trek, what did you expect?
The hilarious thing is that The Oroville, such as it was, was indeed the more faithful alternative to the official new Star Trek.
Not a Roseanne-type reboot meant to stealth the more conservative leaning audience into thinking that children can have sex changes.
Yeah that was always the worst aspect of the Rosanne show. At most the groomed tranny kid should have been a one off character from a single throwaway episode plot, if shown at all.
Why would it only be in one episode? What would happen to the kid? Do you think the odds are about 47% that this would happen?
Kek nothing that dark. Just some random visiting cousin with their groomed tranny child.
To me, its comparative success is evidence that good writing can conceal many sins.
It’s actually not so much the politics that’s the problem, it’s the smugness, heavy-handedness, and preachiness of most woke stuff that bothers me.
I like to think I’d feel the same way if my own politics were depicted in the star trek universe in that way. I think I’d cringe pretty hard if captain Kirk looked off into space at the end of an episode and said “with gods help, we shall never surrender our precious 2nd amendment and thus suffer the fate of those poor bastards on cucktonia prime’
The first two seasons were mostly good, fun TV, then almost 1/3rd of the third season revolved around trans rights. It was horrendous and even worse than you're imagining.
The tranny shit was hilarious because it was actually a detransition plot. Those aliens have state-mandated homosexuality, so the girls are trooned at birth.
Yeah, the wife and I mostly enjoyed the first two seasons, we were still able to just cringe and ignore the odd woke comment and plot point here and there.
My favourite was the episode where Gordon was trying to teach Isaac about practical jokes, but Isaac kept taking it too far to the point where Gordon wakes up with his leg amputated 😆🤦🏼
Then season 3 begins and there’s some new teenage girlboss (I forget its name) shoehorned into the show, walking around rolling her eyes at everyone and even barking orders at McFarlane’s character (who’s supposed to be the captain). It was just far too “current day” to ignore anymore, not to mention the gags and humor started taking a back seat to leftist talking points. Don’t think I made it more that 3 episodes in.
Then you left before multiple episodes had their A plot revolve around the new child character's (trans)gender issues, with all the subtlety of a bad zipper scar.
Charly Burke was a really good character though.
Sounds like yet another grrlboss Mary Sue, which is ironic since the term originates from Star Trek self inserts.
The Orville is just as bad as Lower Decks for showcasing why certain groups flat out cannot understand of write the requirements a starship would need in order to not explode on a weekly basis. Both have crews that should be spaced asap to prevent potentially destroying themselves, the ship, localised space, and any species they encounter because none of the behaviour shown is ever appropriate for the importance inherent to all those situations.
For those who haven't seen TO, one of the senior staff, either soon to be chief engineer or actual chief engineer already, goes on an away mission and within minutes is literally twerking on a local statue because... he's black? He gets caught on camera, almost lobotomised, and still then ends up as chief engineer later on whether promoted after or left in charge despite almost causing a global incident for being retarded.
You have entire species who emit pheromones that equate to date rape drugs because not only does everyone around them become pliable to suggestion but also wants to sleep with said species and the aliens do nothing to prevent this from happening, ergo taking advantage of others under the influence in a sexual manner. This is the reason the main character gets divorced from his wife before the show starts and later on both the captain and XO/ex-wife meet the alien again and both try to sleep with it this time.
The fact it was cancelled after 2 seasons then bought by Disney explains a lot why the first 2 seasons are ok for most and after that it turns into just another shitshow of political sperging handled with all the nuance of a radioactive bull on fire in a china shop filled with explosives.
Yeah, some of the jokes in the first couple of episodes didn't land, at all. And the involvement of Disney does explain a couple of things, but I suspect McFarlane is to blame himself.
He loves Star Trek so there are a lot of similarities and call backs. It’s ironically 100x better than new trek even with the wokie plot lines. Better than all female BS disco shit
He was even in an episode of Enterprise back in 2005.
Dude, what did you expect from a Seth MacFarlane show produced by Disney?
It’s either
The guys talented (he can sing and act) but politics always ruin his long form series.
He's not a straight white male. He's an ethnic jew
Edit - might as well edit here as well, he is just a white guy and not an ethnic jew
That would be the first I’ve heard about it. It’s possible but he proudly proclaimed he was an atheist when it was fashionable.
I said ethnic jew.
Edit - Okay, he is not an ethnic jew. I was incorrect
He's half scot half potato nigger. I know it seems so but not everyone who works in media is a kike.
He's right. I can sense my bug eating drunken ancestors anywhere.
It's been a long time since I've watched The Orville and I don't think I ever saw the third season. My memory of the Bortus/Klyden thing is that their government basically mandated male-male relationships (reproduction was never explained that I recall).
One of them, Klyden, was born a biological female, but as a child was forced to undergo sex mutilation to appear male.
You can read it as a pro-trans "identity" plotline, but the more blunt and direct interpretation is a detrans, forced child sex changes are bad plot.
RIP Norm Macdonald.
That whole arc starts with the Bortus laying a massive egg and since it was his husband who had been changed at birth it seems females of the species might not even be needed in the whole thing.
Could be like various animals on Earth where without the other sex the offspring are only ever 1 sex with a few outlier cases due to reasons. There are wasp species which are haplodiploid and any unfertilised offspring born are male IIRC because from an energy budget POV it's cheaper to only put in the effort and energy to create males that can mate with multiple females than it will be to do the alternative. Sure females are produced but it will depend on resource availability whether any laying females then commit to spending the additional costs for what will potentially benefit other egg laying females more.
Aphids can also produce clones of themselves via asexual reproduction/parthanogenesis when looking to simply boost pop numbers under conditions of bountiful resources. When there are fewer resources then they lay eggs which can produce males for sexual reproduction.
The Orville and other shows taking these concepts and applying them in some way to aliens wouldn't be too surprising although it's likely the writers lack of intimate knowledge with biology in these fields leads to both inaccuracies and loose threads left unanswered because at times it doesn't always need fully addressed.
clow fish is the best example of this. ALL clown fish are born male. When they cohabitate, the dominant alpha male grow ovaries and lays eggs that the other males fertilize. When the alpha male egg layer dies, the next most dominant steps into the role and grows ovaries.
But Bortus's "husband" was/is a women.
For all we know, they have always required male & female to mate. But their culture buried the public existence of women and forcibly put women through genital mutilation so everyone is convinced the species uses asexual reproduction.
to be honest, that particular episode came off as a 'no easy answers' type of story... yeah, the characters had strong opinions, in both directions, and what happened in the end was what it was, however the episode didn't exactly spoonfeed an easy answer to the problem.
It's part of why the showed appealed to classic star trek fans. it had its problems, but it didn't act as though every moral question had an easy answer by the conclusion of a story arc. I kinda tuned out somewhere in season 2 (wasn't the show, just other things going on), so I don't know what happened after that...
I think the are a single sex species with the rare female birth. So when a female birth happens they turn it male
Tbh the first season was pretty funny. Once they tried to make it just another Star Trek series it got real gay….but yeah, it was pretty obvious spotting the left wing brainwashing bullshit everytime it came up.
I discovered it through YouTube shorts with the "500 cigarettes" meme. After seeing more shorts of it, I decided against watching it because apparently all of that type of aliens are gay and/or trans. Apparently even being a woman is illegal on their planet or something like that. That show seems like trash
The Orville literally has the main character forgive and become friends with a ex wife who cheated on him so yeah, it's Hollywoke slop...
The episode on social credit was really good.
The gender stuff is actually anti-trans to me, because they transition any females to male at birth.
The abortion episode was unintentionally based (they make aborters see their child if it was born, oh the horror).
The first 2 seasons were really well done and Halston Sage is a smokeshow. The Charly Burke character arc was really great.
The ep where they erase Malloy's life with Leighton Meester was dark and made them look evil.
I'm pretty sure the whole point of the show was for MacFarlane to date the hot girl who ended up quitting. MacFarlane is a colossal faggot.
I don't think it's Charlize Theron, but a chick that looks like her. She has one of those big face bumps so many women get when they age.
No, it is her. As a guest appearance.
It says it was her, plus she was in one of his movies and he likes to re-employ people he worked with before
Was she in that Seth McFarland cowboy movie? That shit was awful.
I thought that it was cancelled since I heard nothing of it since season 2. Not sure if it was covid or bad numbers, probably both TBH.
Both and they got purchased by Disney. The third season is on Hulu only.
Reports are that a fourth season started production in January. We'll see.
Yeah everything I've seen in youtube clips about the orville reinforces the idea that I have absolutely no interest in watching it, and that was before I saw the clips that make it clear they threw hamfisted woke talking points.
For people that are supposedly against left-liberal propaganda, you sure do watch and then want to discuss, a shitload of left-liberal propaganda. Adblockers are a thing.
"Guys, just bury your heads in the sand so you have no idea what is going on! Trust me, bros!"
If it came from pedowood, it's going to be cancerous woke trash. We all know this. Discussing it daily is only spreading the cancer further.
Adblockers for Youtube recommendations? Okay ...
Ublock Origin works for me. Secondly just because you saw an ad doesn't mean you have to post about it here. Or anywhere.
I do, actually.