Clicked on one of those astroturfed youtube vids of a battle involving the Kaylon or whatever and I kept getting bombarded with 'The Orville' Youtube shorts in the days since. One of them was about that Abortus guy and his husband fighting over their kid's gender.
I never got passed episode three or four of the first season, so I had no idea. These are such thinly veiled Hollywoke talking points and specific political pet peeves. You must be absolutely blind to not see what was going on. Charlize 'My Sons Are Girls Now' Theron was also on the show.
And this microwaved slop was supposed to be the acceptable normie alternative to Star Trek Disco/STD?
To the OP's original gripe: the mocklans live in a society where transgenderism is forced. The society is all male, because all females are peer pressured and groomed to be F2M trannies. The 'controversial leftist' point of view was drums rolls People should be the gender they are born as, and we shouldn't force children to transition.
In execution that's how it turned out, but it was written as a feminist message. The Mocklans are so misogynistic they won't even allow women to exist! Which goes to show that feminism and transgenderism are mutually exclusive.
As I understood it, the kid wanted to be 'her true self', whereas in Walnut society, everyone was male, and the females were genetic anomalies and biologically unnecessary for reproduction. The message was that the kid should just be herself and express her 'true gender self', going against the customs and norms of Walnut society. The stigma of being a biological female should be disregarded.
This is a pro-trans message. In the views of trenders, everyone is 'assigned' a gender at birth and this is considered a 'crime against humanity', because some may not be the gender that they were 'assigned'. This is similar to walnut society, where everyone is supposed to be male, but a few are 'genetic females', and they will get 'assigned' the male gender, regardless, which is considered a 'crime against sentient beings' by the pro-trans writers of The Orville.
Did the girl even know though? It's been a while since I saw it, but I remember a quiet confused child surrounded by adults; parents, crew, doctors, captains, court, society, hermit cat lady, famous authors, etc all having their own points of view and trying to force it on her without consideration to what she wanted. My interpretation was both sides acting poorly but no one I've met who watched it sees it that way, they all seem to pick a side to agree with.
It's a politicized issue meant to explore the current practices as seen in Western countries, where Mengele-style medical experiments are conducted on human children and encouraged to do so by left-liberal elites.
McFarlane is a left-liberal elite.