Clicked on one of those astroturfed youtube vids of a battle involving the Kaylon or whatever and I kept getting bombarded with 'The Orville' Youtube shorts in the days since. One of them was about that Abortus guy and his husband fighting over their kid's gender.
I never got passed episode three or four of the first season, so I had no idea. These are such thinly veiled Hollywoke talking points and specific political pet peeves. You must be absolutely blind to not see what was going on. Charlize 'My Sons Are Girls Now' Theron was also on the show.
And this microwaved slop was supposed to be the acceptable normie alternative to Star Trek Disco/STD?
That would be the first I’ve heard about it. It’s possible but he proudly proclaimed he was an atheist when it was fashionable.
I said ethnic jew.
Edit - Okay, he is not an ethnic jew. I was incorrect
He's half scot half potato nigger. I know it seems so but not everyone who works in media is a kike.
He's right. I can sense my bug eating drunken ancestors anywhere.