Wikipedia uses Elon Musk as an example of "Libertarian Authoritarianism"
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Everyone with working braincells
So I want to have control over you by REMOVING the institutions that have power over you. This is the most retarded concept I've ever heard.
The most retarded concept you've ever heard yet.
"Peak leftist retardation" is a myth. There is no peak, and the potential is infinite.
That was one of my red pills - realizing progressivism has no end goal. Only constant struggle.
Yep, not like they're going to pack up shop one day and say that's enough progress. Gotta keep the money flowing into the PACs.
You got that exactly right. That's why they can reverse themselves on nearly every major issue over the course of years or decades, and still be 'progressive'.
Progressives, or rather leftists, in my country used to be anti-immigraton, because it depresses workers' wages, pro-car, because they wanted every worker to have a car, anti-war, critical of Big Pharma, critical of the weapons industry. Needless to say, there is none of that anymore.
That's every country not just yours leftists all follow the same marching orders
And they call those eternal struggles and advances "waves", meaning there will never, ever, EVER be an end.
Ice read modern Chinese history. They really had to pull in the army to stop rampaging youths who were calling each other Bourgeoisie.
It's not nonfiction but three body problem is incredibly based in the way that they depict communism being so fucking awful that someone really does contact the aliens and tell them to just kill us all because nothing could be worse than living under a communist rule
Semi non fiction is To Live by Zhang Yimou. It's on YouTube and has excellent cinematography and acting. The scene with the nurses made me think about COVID.
Actually, a lot of Zhang Yimou has stuff about Chinese Communism and dealing with it. Some of it is indirect, but has symbolism bleeding about it.
He also made stuff like House of Flying Daggers.
they describe it as something along the lines of "All government, even elected government, is oppressive and should be stamped out". The definition, of course, comes from a so-called Democratic Socialist magazine, what should tell you how well researched and accurate this term actually is (/s).
Even still, The term is applied inaccurately as Musk has never targeted a Democratic State.
"Those institutions are there to protect me, I mean you from having your crimes, I mean personal information exposed."
By Wikipedia's own definition, this is an incorrect characterization. musk's actions have been to audit and defund the Bureaucratic state of unelected officials, not a Democratic state.
I agree although for different reasons.
Abolition of the state would be anarchist. But these communist goblins would deny water is wet if they thought it would give them the tiniest advantage.
It is hilarious that the name of the goblin that wrote this is "jacobin", though.
They're propagandists you retards!
They put the moron in oxymoron.
Civic nationalists are, in fact, globalists.
Because they believe in magic dirt by default.
Getting to keep more of money instead of sending it to the middle east, wow, authoritarianism is great!
looks like the edits were removed and whoever did the original editing annoyed the fuck outta somebody on the talk page, there's three or four separate threads bitching about the change.](
Glad to see a shitstorm has been kicked up, this is why we archive. they will not deny what they've done.
Had a former friend in 2014 or 2015 describe the Montana Freemen as "anti-government authoritarians." I wrote him off after that.
That said, it's already been edited away.
Is this worded similarly to Right wing version of Oligarchal Collectivism? Meh, I'm down for it
These retards don't even know the two ideologies are DIRECTLY oppositional to each other. Fucking retards.
So that's like what, being an authority to the oppressive state? I like it.