Paywall Subreddits Are Coming This Year: Padded Rooms Full Of Crazies Paid For By Your Rich Uncle
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I'm mostly just curious what anyone could possibly put on reddit that's worth paying for, and who would willingly pay money when you can get banned if you so much as offend some mentally ill tranny janny.
That right there? That right there got me instantly 'permabanned' oh I don't know, dozens of times.
It was fun for a while getting them frothing at the mouth, then just plain tiresome and boring. It's way too easy getting the violently mentally ill to do violently mentally ill things.
Porn, OnlyFans might have a new competitor.
I will continue beating this drum, but for better or for worse reddit has become a professional technical resource for the IT industry. People are entirely too flippant about burning down a vast information repository simply because its politics are insane.
Shutting down USAID probably legitimately hurt a lot of good and charitable causes the world over that were dependent on that income flow.
Should we have kept it open to protect that minuscule percentage of value it brings relative to the horrors of the rest?
If the IT industry needs an unsecured forum like reddit for do the heavy lifting for them, then they need to rip that bandaid off and get their own shit together somewhere under their thrall.
Enjoy losing a shit ton of infrastructure as you spend years rebuilding decades worth of lost knowledge you cavalier fool.
I'm not saying "don't gut reddit", I'm saying don't ignore the very real negative consequences that will come from it.
Reddit is an Internet forum like all the others than came before it. Let me guess, you were born after 2000?
Behold, the mindset of why things we're allowed to get so bad.
I'm well aware of the consequences and how massive they might be, I consider them necessary removals of a crutch and a cancer that should have never been allowed to fester.
The IT industry survived the downfall of ExpertSexChange. It continues to survive the pedantry of Stack Overflow and its million subsites. It will survive the cancer that is Reddit being wiped out and will be better off for it.
Not sure why you are getting downvoted. Forums are dying unfortunately. And discord is a blackhole and shitty to search for answers. Reddit is a major place that has information or for troubleshooting. Basically either asking your own question or seeing if someone asked the same question.
I dislike reddit like anyone else here. But it does contain a suppository of information. Remember, reddit wasnt always a leftwing echo chamber. It loved ron paul.
Forums are dying because of Reddit. If Reddit goes away the forums get popular or Twitter / Facebook get more useful.
The entire reason that forums are dying is because no one wants to remember 20 different passwords to different sites, and the centralization that Reddit provides is useful.
Sucks that Schwartz got hit by feds
I agree that it induces shit.
People don't like hearing the truth. If there's one thing I've learned from the last decade it's that.
I dunno what part of IT you're in but most of reddit is not useful in that endeavor. Sure there may occasionally be a bit of relevant information, but the reality is you're going to be filtering 99% of the retarded garbage nonsense out. It's the same problem with the greater internet - anything remotely popular will be engulfed in a cacophony of noise from poos, grifters and idiots.
Correct me if wrong but reddit is (allegedly) a private entity so only it's owners could ever be responsible for it "burning down", no? They can donate their vast IT Library of Alexandria to or Elon Musk if it's that important.
Never been banned, happy to pay. try being a decent human being?? 🤷🏿
Do you pay for Ashley Madison too? All you’re doing to talking to bots.
You're really kind of pathetic for a troll. You manage almost no engagement.