Paywall Subreddits Are Coming This Year: Padded Rooms Full Of Crazies Paid For By Your Rich Uncle
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Enjoy losing a shit ton of infrastructure as you spend years rebuilding decades worth of lost knowledge you cavalier fool.
I'm not saying "don't gut reddit", I'm saying don't ignore the very real negative consequences that will come from it.
Reddit is an Internet forum like all the others than came before it. Let me guess, you were born after 2000?
Bitch I grew up on DOS playing Commander Keen.
Behold, the mindset of why things we're allowed to get so bad.
I'm well aware of the consequences and how massive they might be, I consider them necessary removals of a crutch and a cancer that should have never been allowed to fester.
You're being dishonest.
Why? Because you think everyone must be like you or they are lying?
Intentionally misrepresenting my position and being an arrogant jackass about it. You are dishonest.