Btw she did this shit because she wanted to make a statement that girls should be allowed to do anything they want, but later complained that she got sexualized. They sexualize themselves to stick it to the patriachy but when guys sexualize them they get upset. So it really boils down to how guys react. Video games is for the enjoyment of guys , and women don't profit from it (at least from their pespective. They don't ever like to acknowledge female artists that do fanservice) which is why they hate it even when the fanservice in video games is more dignified than the trash that the IRL singers and actors do ..
Because at least the ones in the middle have neuron activating bodies. Miley on the other hand was a repressed memory that I thought I'd never have to see again. So uh yeah.. thanks for that.
And yet the fantasy ones are sexy AND more than just eye candy.
As think about it, all the ones you can think of from 2B, Tifa, Miranda from Mass Effect etc all sexy yet all can useful to your character or as playing as them.
It's actually a weird inverse where in reality the thots are JUST eyecandy and in fantasy they have MORE characterisation.
There was also the Cersei and Jaime "rape" scene in the mausoleum or whatever you want to call it while Joffrey was lying dead right next to them. Again, nowhere near what happened in the books where instead Cersei was overcome with grief at the death of one of her children and so wanted to fuck the father of said child. Sure it was her brother so there's the incest angle going on but both in general and specific to parents who lose a child the drive to have sex while mourning is extremely high. In general because being close to death can jumpstart the need to reproduce, and specifically in the case of a mother who just lost a child having the biological compulsion to "replace" the loss.
Everyone was trying to figure out what the hell went so wrong with the last few seasons of thrones, but it’s really damn obvious in hindsight: the show turned blatantly feminist. The writers assassinated all of the male characters and elevated all of the female characters. The final council of surviving characters was a bunch of sassy girl bosses. Tyrion, Littlefinger, Varys, Jon, the Night King - all were figuratively castrated in service of the female characters.
To be fair, they assassinated their Girlboss Danny too at the end and just said "she went crazy at the last moment!" to end her entire show long character arc.
I think there were equal parts Feminism and literal incompetence at play for the last seasons.
Really it's more about the idea that starting a show with the premise of subverting (genre-name-here) means you can't tell a compelling (genre-name-here) story.
GOT/ASOIAF sets up this grand threat, which is kind of the core staple of heroic fantasy, but there's no way to finish the story in a compelling way except to actually have heroic characters rise to the challenge.
It would be nothing but dicks. Endless degenerate scenes of clothed women dominating naked guys. I haven't had HBO in years but you could already see it going that way long ago.
House of the Dragon and A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms are current series, well KOTSK comes out this year, inspired by GRRM's work. So I don't think so.
HOTD scaled back the main cast nudity. Emilia Clarke et al got big enough to say no to HBO around 2015 or so, and after that the bad press was enough to dissuade them apparently. I'm not sure if Rhaenyra showed boobs and I can't remember any swinging dicks either. The whorehouse scenes, on the other hand, are full of random extras banging. As usual in GOT, peasants are abused.
Unfortunately Vindictus is the opposite end of the spectrum, where you are bombarded with so many cashshop popups in game as well as loading screens trying to push various forms of scantily clad ladies on you it becomes a joke.
I'd take that any day over manjaws and Islamic coverings, but that game is ridiculous with it.
Was still super fun way back in the day, and hopefully Defying Fate (still in alpha afaik) is fun too.
How could you miss Miley Cyrus ?
Btw she did this shit because she wanted to make a statement that girls should be allowed to do anything they want, but later complained that she got sexualized. They sexualize themselves to stick it to the patriachy but when guys sexualize them they get upset. So it really boils down to how guys react. Video games is for the enjoyment of guys , and women don't profit from it (at least from their pespective. They don't ever like to acknowledge female artists that do fanservice) which is why they hate it even when the fanservice in video games is more dignified than the trash that the IRL singers and actors do ..
We'd be here all day if we tried to list every example. That garbage just keeps going, ad nauseum.
Swift doesn't belong within a 100 yards of that list. She ain't got no ass! 🤣
Because at least the ones in the middle have neuron activating bodies. Miley on the other hand was a repressed memory that I thought I'd never have to see again. So uh yeah.. thanks for that.
She wouldn’t say it outright, but I’m sure that she would have been far more upset if she did that shit and didn’t get any sexual interest from men.
Insert Guardian Journoïd bitching about catcalling, then a few years later bitching that men don't catcall her anymore.
Eeew gross!
I like an erotic outfit as much as any guy, but not that one! On that... girl.
Case in point, Bayonetta's lead designer is a woman.
And yet the fantasy ones are sexy AND more than just eye candy.
As think about it, all the ones you can think of from 2B, Tifa, Miranda from Mass Effect etc all sexy yet all can useful to your character or as playing as them.
It's actually a weird inverse where in reality the thots are JUST eyecandy and in fantasy they have MORE characterisation.
That's because men like women that have personalities that are deeper than three inches.
Reminder GoT did that scene with Drogo and Dany wrong and upped the rape factor that didn't even exist in the books.
And women creamed themselves over it.
There was also the Cersei and Jaime "rape" scene in the mausoleum or whatever you want to call it while Joffrey was lying dead right next to them. Again, nowhere near what happened in the books where instead Cersei was overcome with grief at the death of one of her children and so wanted to fuck the father of said child. Sure it was her brother so there's the incest angle going on but both in general and specific to parents who lose a child the drive to have sex while mourning is extremely high. In general because being close to death can jumpstart the need to reproduce, and specifically in the case of a mother who just lost a child having the biological compulsion to "replace" the loss.
Women are broken in the West, and a lot of it has to do with the media they're watching.
The Nature of Women's Rape Fantasies
Women's Attitudes and Fantasies About Rape as a Function of Early Exposure to Pornography
I guarantee Game of Thrones would be cancelled today.
Everyone was trying to figure out what the hell went so wrong with the last few seasons of thrones, but it’s really damn obvious in hindsight: the show turned blatantly feminist. The writers assassinated all of the male characters and elevated all of the female characters. The final council of surviving characters was a bunch of sassy girl bosses. Tyrion, Littlefinger, Varys, Jon, the Night King - all were figuratively castrated in service of the female characters.
To be fair, they assassinated their Girlboss Danny too at the end and just said "she went crazy at the last moment!" to end her entire show long character arc.
I think there were equal parts Feminism and literal incompetence at play for the last seasons.
Really it's more about the idea that starting a show with the premise of subverting (genre-name-here) means you can't tell a compelling (genre-name-here) story.
GOT/ASOIAF sets up this grand threat, which is kind of the core staple of heroic fantasy, but there's no way to finish the story in a compelling way except to actually have heroic characters rise to the challenge.
It would be nothing but dicks. Endless degenerate scenes of clothed women dominating naked guys. I haven't had HBO in years but you could already see it going that way long ago.
We don’t need a hypothetical. We have House of the Dragon, and it is indeed full of dicks.
I wonder if there are any current TV series which shows rape scenes and other garbage today. I don't know since I don't consume goyslop.
Wasen't there an explicitly-intended-as-humiliation-and-lulz rape of a male character in The Boys? I didn't watch it.
House of the Dragon and A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms are current series, well KOTSK comes out this year, inspired by GRRM's work. So I don't think so.
HOTD scaled back the main cast nudity. Emilia Clarke et al got big enough to say no to HBO around 2015 or so, and after that the bad press was enough to dissuade them apparently. I'm not sure if Rhaenyra showed boobs and I can't remember any swinging dicks either. The whorehouse scenes, on the other hand, are full of random extras banging. As usual in GOT, peasants are abused.
The nudity was scaled back but it was scaled back during the later seasons of GOT.
What is the bottom left girl from? Somewhat reminds me of BDO characters but nicer more modern art and just makes me curious.
Vindictus Defying Fate
Unfortunately Vindictus is the opposite end of the spectrum, where you are bombarded with so many cashshop popups in game as well as loading screens trying to push various forms of scantily clad ladies on you it becomes a joke.
I'd take that any day over manjaws and Islamic coverings, but that game is ridiculous with it.
Was still super fun way back in the day, and hopefully Defying Fate (still in alpha afaik) is fun too.
All three are bad
Might be the only time someone tries to portray Swift as having sex appeal physically.
She is flatter than flat in every single way, leaving nothing for any form of guy to enjoy.
I personally do not like all three. If you don’t like some of them at least be consistent and dislike all of them.
Well you might be a faggot but at least not a hypocritical faggot like the others.
I don't enjoy getting overly sexualized stuff getting pushed in my face 24/7, I'm not saying no attractive women.
Til you're gay if you don't like any coomer shit
You're gay if you freak out over video game ninjas.
He didn't say anything about freaking out lol
3dpd. That's consistent.