As much as I prefer a male work environment, we don't need trannies to cover the billet for the odd woman in tech who's actually a worthwhile addition to the team and not totally dead weight. I will remain grateful to the one lady who documented the everloving fuck out of our software version migration plan before getting poached by the vendor and leaving the rest of us to pick up the slack and make it happen. That binder full of step by step instructions really made those two weekends go a lot smoother than they would have otherwise.
I actually yelled out "EEGGGGHHHH!" when I opened this thread.
Lenord from Logistics over there isn't a good looking man by any stretch of the imagination. That dude was clearly beaten to death by a lynch mob of Hindu Nationalists holding ugly sticks.
Without the red circle, I never would have noticed.
Yes, that elongated ellipse identifies as a circle.
Dude has cracked the code for how not to lose your job to pajeets
It's easier to turn autistic men into "women" than it is to turn women into software engineers.
Holy crap... you didn't need the red circle, my man.
What do you mean? Clearly 'she' passes so well. It's impossible to tell!
AI has gone too far, who are you to combine Fiona and Shrek into one person and give them an award?
This is ghoulish.
As much as I prefer a male work environment, we don't need trannies to cover the billet for the odd woman in tech who's actually a worthwhile addition to the team and not totally dead weight. I will remain grateful to the one lady who documented the everloving fuck out of our software version migration plan before getting poached by the vendor and leaving the rest of us to pick up the slack and make it happen. That binder full of step by step instructions really made those two weekends go a lot smoother than they would have otherwise.
I actually yelled out "EEGGGGHHHH!" when I opened this thread.
Lenord from Logistics over there isn't a good looking man by any stretch of the imagination. That dude was clearly beaten to death by a lynch mob of Hindu Nationalists holding ugly sticks.
"it rubs the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again" energy
The thumbnail picture is 60 pixels wide and 40 pixels high, and even that's enough to identify the transsexual.
Cosplay Daphne Blake?
An clown recipient for a clown award
Good god.. that some hillbilly hills have eyes kinda mutant.
I will never not see a mentally ill sexual deviant when I see them.
I can't lie to myself
What the hell is that?!
I’m not sure who is crazier. The tranny or the three people gleefully grinning next to him, enabling his mental illness.
That's a man, Baby - Austin Powers
what the fuck is that
I don't care what anyone says about him, Geoffrey has a wicked sense of humour!