Also ‘Place the Material in the Wells’: Docs Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare
For decades, rumors and testimonies swirled about Jewish troops sent to poison wells in Arab villages. Now, researchers have located official documentation of the ‘Cast Thy Bread’ operation"
Poisoning wells during wartime has always been commonplace.
The difference is that the lies about Jews poisoning wells were in peacetime... and they were meant to explain why people dropped dead from the Black Death. Are you suggesting that the Black Death wasn't actually Yersinia Pestis, but the Evil Jews poisoning wells?
Here's the thing. Either i believe what Christian anscestors said about jews or i believe what jews said about my anscestors. And you know who i am more likely to believe
Either i believe what Christian anscestors said about jews
I guess your ancestors were the retards, because no serious or intelligent person believed that Jews were poisoning wells. (Makes sense, because intelligence is genetic.) And even now that it is very well-known that Yersinia pestis caused the Black Death and not the Jews, you persist in blaming it on the Jews.
i do not know enough about the black plague but i do know that i can spot patterns with jewish behaviour. And like i said. Either i believe what jews said about my anscestors or i believe what my anscestors said about jews.
Of course it was. During sieges, you didn't want your opponent to have access to water. Think, please.
Besides the fact that this is bullshit Israel poisoned wells to ensure the Palestinians they displaced in the first place couldn't return home. For the same reason they also completely destroyed their villages.
It's funny you mention that because Giz says he's actually opposed to Zionism (lol). AoV is a self-described Zionist, yet I cannot recall a single adversarial interaction between the two despite sharing reddit and this place with them for ~10 years.
Isn't AoV racially Arab or other non-yiddish Middle Easterner? If so... what a loathsome, vile traitor to his own people. No different to that 'Saudi German', that insane anti-Muslim Zionist who went on a killing spree.
An anti-Zionist libertarian and a Zionist Arab? This place is schizophrenic.
Yes. He once asked me what I think motivated him, and I answered that I suspect he is embarrassed and ashamed of the current sate of the Arab world and that racial shame is what drives him to be so philosemitic. IIRC, he didn't respond. I don't think he is crypto-Jew either. I think he is telling the truth about his race.
I don't take Gizortnik's stated opposition to Zionism seriously. He consistently repeats Hasbara and tries to brow beat people into trusting shills like Tommy Robinson rather than actual White Nationalists. He's similar to the BAPtards.
This place is schizophrenic.
It has its characters for sure. Some of this is just layers of lies and shilling though.
Gizortnik's support of the Zionist message and its key tenants is almost axiomatic.
Every time I think he has an insightful take on something, he almost instantly follows up by trumpeting a list of talking points that might as well have arrived by fax from Mossad. It is utterly predictable.
Gizortnik is the smartest drooling retard I've ever met.
Giz is puzzling because if someone criticizes Zionism, he just accuses them of using that for cover for their Jew hatred. Only he knows the secret incantation for correctly criticizing genocidal, supremacist maniacs.
Sorry, not gonna pretend that a guy who thinks that "Jews poisoning wells" caused the Black Death is some sort of serious thinker. Not interested in changing his 'mind'. Any position coming out of his mouth is going to sound stupid. He's not going to magically become smart by not having this particular stupid opinion, y'know.
Any position coming out of his mouth is going to sound stupid. He's not going to magically become smart by not having this particular stupid opinion, y'know.
Dropping a small, dead animal into the well was pretty effective too. The gut microbes would foul the water very effectively. Bonus points for using stones etc. to weigh down the carcass to stop it being recovered and removed.
Right? I'm fucking tired of outsiders bro, even if they post shit that's vaguely in line with my beliefs. They don't belong here. I have yet to see any evidence that these faggots even play video games.
Yup, plenty of things. In fact, I don't post about that at all, rather than comment on the threads of morons and handshakes. Easy enough to see in my posting history.
KCD 2 is just a $70 ,100+ hour humiliation ritual.
It’s turning out to be one of the most aggressively pozzed games ever made. Even the most woke purple DEI trash doesn’t stoop to sucking Jewish dick.
Veilguard fans call you a faggot if they catch you playing it. Or they would if they existed.
Owch. Double owch.
We actually have a world class faggot who may share his insights with us.
Hey @DomitiusOfMassilia is the faggotry of KCD 2 too intense, even for you? Or are you going to play it?
Also ‘Place the Material in the Wells’: Docs Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare For decades, rumors and testimonies swirled about Jewish troops sent to poison wells in Arab villages. Now, researchers have located official documentation of the ‘Cast Thy Bread’ operation"
Poisoning wells during wartime has always been commonplace.
The difference is that the lies about Jews poisoning wells were in peacetime... and they were meant to explain why people dropped dead from the Black Death. Are you suggesting that the Black Death wasn't actually Yersinia Pestis, but the Evil Jews poisoning wells?
Here's the thing. Either i believe what Christian anscestors said about jews or i believe what jews said about my anscestors. And you know who i am more likely to believe
I guess your ancestors were the retards, because no serious or intelligent person believed that Jews were poisoning wells. (Makes sense, because intelligence is genetic.) And even now that it is very well-known that Yersinia pestis caused the Black Death and not the Jews, you persist in blaming it on the Jews.
It's a mental illness.
Which was?
believe jews who hate me and my anscestors or believe my ancient Christian anscestors.... hmmmm tough choice.
Believe intelligent Christians or your retarded ancestors... tough choice indeed.
so you think most ancient Christians are stupid then? you think 109 countries were stupid then?
Ancient Christians? The 14th century is not 'ancient' times. Most Christians at the time were not claiming such things, only the mentally deficient.
Though I admit that they were smarter than you. They were not aware of either germ theory or Yersinia pestis. So that makes you vastly more stupid.
I bet you can't list 109 countries.
So Israel should probably cede total control of their state and culture to the Japanese, huh?
Help me follow the thought process that got you to that question, because I'm befuddled (AS USUAL, YOU ALWAYS ARE).
poisoning the wells of villages isn't common place at all. Stop projecting your own crimes on to others.
Of course it was. During sieges, you didn't want your opponent to have access to water. Think, please.
What are my crimes? How curious that you couldn't answer the question about the Black Death being caused by Jews rather than by Yersinia Pestis.
i do not know enough about the black plague but i do know that i can spot patterns with jewish behaviour. And like i said. Either i believe what jews said about my anscestors or i believe what my anscestors said about jews.
You don't know enough about the Black Plague, but you do know that the Jews are to blame?
Well, fits with the rest of your 'beliefs'.
Besides the fact that this is bullshit Israel poisoned wells to ensure the Palestinians they displaced in the first place couldn't return home. For the same reason they also completely destroyed their villages.
Wouldn't poisoning the wells outside of the besieged settlement also mean poisoning the attackers' water supply?
They're incapable of thought. Just constant seething about their inferiority to... Well, everyone else. Then they project that
See, I appreciate the honesty that you simply say "I WANT THEM ALL DEAD" rather than the hypocritical BS spewed by most other Nazis.
Do you post about anything other than how Jews live in your head rent-free?
These retards aren't "poisoning" a well, they're anti-socially using it to bathe in.
I bet if you insult him some more he'll change his mind. Maybe you can get Giz to come in and tag team for double efficacy.
It's funny you mention that because Giz says he's actually opposed to Zionism (lol). AoV is a self-described Zionist, yet I cannot recall a single adversarial interaction between the two despite sharing reddit and this place with them for ~10 years.
Isn't AoV racially Arab or other non-yiddish Middle Easterner? If so... what a loathsome, vile traitor to his own people. No different to that 'Saudi German', that insane anti-Muslim Zionist who went on a killing spree.
An anti-Zionist libertarian and a Zionist Arab? This place is schizophrenic.
Yes. He once asked me what I think motivated him, and I answered that I suspect he is embarrassed and ashamed of the current sate of the Arab world and that racial shame is what drives him to be so philosemitic. IIRC, he didn't respond. I don't think he is crypto-Jew either. I think he is telling the truth about his race.
I don't take Gizortnik's stated opposition to Zionism seriously. He consistently repeats Hasbara and tries to brow beat people into trusting shills like Tommy Robinson rather than actual White Nationalists. He's similar to the BAPtards.
It has its characters for sure. Some of this is just layers of lies and shilling though.
Gizortnik's support of the Zionist message and its key tenants is almost axiomatic.
Every time I think he has an insightful take on something, he almost instantly follows up by trumpeting a list of talking points that might as well have arrived by fax from Mossad. It is utterly predictable.
Gizortnik is the smartest drooling retard I've ever met.
Giz is puzzling because if someone criticizes Zionism, he just accuses them of using that for cover for their Jew hatred. Only he knows the secret incantation for correctly criticizing genocidal, supremacist maniacs.
He has a mind?
Sorry, not gonna pretend that a guy who thinks that "Jews poisoning wells" caused the Black Death is some sort of serious thinker. Not interested in changing his 'mind'. Any position coming out of his mouth is going to sound stupid. He's not going to magically become smart by not having this particular stupid opinion, y'know.
Pot calling the kettle a nigger
To be fair you brought up the black plague stuff
Classic “fact checking”.
You do understand the most common way wells were poisoned was by tainted apparel and feces right?
Tepid People Broth would be a cool band name
Dropping a small, dead animal into the well was pretty effective too. The gut microbes would foul the water very effectively. Bonus points for using stones etc. to weigh down the carcass to stop it being recovered and removed.
I don't actually. The history books I've read never detailed how the wells were poisoned.
The Jews probably did it; that's why it's hidden from the books.
Even I am starting to get tired of the interlopers posting Jew threads. That's how bad it is.
That is extraordinary.
Right? I'm fucking tired of outsiders bro, even if they post shit that's vaguely in line with my beliefs. They don't belong here. I have yet to see any evidence that these faggots even play video games.
Yup, plenty of things. In fact, I don't post about that at all, rather than comment on the threads of morons and handshakes. Easy enough to see in my posting history.