That is all. (Pretty much.)
Happy Inauguration Day, everyone.
Stay positive. Best wishes to all, even the retarded blackpill doomers.
Trump will do things we don't like, even things many of us despise. Trump will also do many great things for our great nation.
Kamala would have done nothing but further degradation of everything. I'll take Trump any day of the week, and I do think today is a cause for celebration.
Let's fucking go.
Completely overshadowing MLK day, which is a fantastic side benefit.
If the shrew had won it would have been nonstop "first black woman innaugurated on MLK day" slop.
I'm thankful Trump won just so we didn't have THAT!
His speech seems to have set a good tone as he was basically dissing the previous administration whilst the corpse and whore sat behind him. I hope he has a wrist brace from the pardons and executive actions he's soon going to be writing.
People at work were remarking on the light traffic today and literally nobody made the MLK day connection. We actually work, you know, we don't get a fakeass long weekend every two weeks. Nobody noticed it was MLK day.
Yes! I'm tired of talking about the past and tired of being grouchy about everything. Fix the future while the opportunity is there. Even if it's hopeless, what sense is there not trying?
The god emperor protects.
Seriously! Today is a day of celebration!!! Yes, what Biden did today with the pardons was terrible, but we can address that later. Tomorrow. We can address a lot of things tomorrow, and Trump plans on starting this afternoon! But do not let the negatives get you down. We have won big, and today is a day to celebrate that!!!
I can't believe I almost forgot about WINNING BIGLY!
Trump is nothing more than hitting the pause button. What we do ourselves during his 4 years is more important than what he does.
The next 10 to 12 years will just be leftys melting down over orange man
I hope so.
I hope this lasts more than the next four years. I'm focusing on the positive today, but 2028 will certainly be an interesting one. Hopefully we've done our work before than, and can keep the good times rolling.
If it were so easy to destroy us, the Left would have done it already when they had unlimited power.
For whatever mistakes Trump will make, and he will make some catastrophic ones to every side of our spectrum, it will at least be in some attempt at improving over destroying (us, not our enemies who he seems big on destroying).
So whatever happens, we are given the chance to fight on another day and maybe in the future the winds will have shifted entirely in our favors. But its all better than just giving up and dying because we are big mad.
That stupid xkcd comic with evangelical Christians as the tiny block keeping us from becoming a European style totalitarian hell-state
Really need to make sure we throw them a big bone every now and then to keep them happy
I think MSM and academic influence have sufficiently collapsed to the point where their indoctrination efforts no longer generate a net positive number of leftists to support their movements. The west is slowly turning red(pilled).
Weren't you arguing the exact opposite position a few days ago? Justifying abandoning society and doing nothing to try to solve issues, only the minimum for your own comfort and survival in that doomer fag thread.
So are you just saying words for internet approval or did you remove your head from your ass?
What you construe my position to be might not be what it actually is, you should stop and think "maybe I assumed something that isn't true" before you immediately jump to "he 180'd on it nonsensically."
Go read the post you defended in that thread when you were replying to me. You defended a poster advocating fraudulently collecting welfare and refusing any civic engagement (which includes voting or protesting unjust law or running for office, or any of the things people like scott pressler did that helped win the election) because the government and current social dogma isn't favorable. That is the epitome of doomer fag "quit life because it's hard" bullshit. If people on the right actually did that, the country would be lost and we'd have cackles the cunt running things now.
Did you actually read the whiny cringefest that you tried to defend? Because those positions were pretty clear, so you either flipped like cheap footwear or you were just being stupid.
Or I replied to you, with words I said, and in disagreement with what you said.
So yes you did assume something and got your panties in a twist about it not ending up being true. Appreciate you clearing that up, my nigger.
Grover Cleveland fans on suicide watch.
My lefty friends have been making sure to only talk about MLK day.
Fuck 'em.
Side note: the number of lefty coworkers and family who have gone radio silent regarding all politics since the election has been truly telling. Their retardation used to saturate every overhead conversation and group text to the point where anyone not enthusiastically contributing was obviously their enemy. Feels good not to be exposed to their idiocy for even a few months.
Trump winning the popular vote was an under-appreciated victory. Totally took the wind out of their sails, and I don’t think they expected that even if they expected him to win.
The rest of the lefties are talking about how Biden was right to pardon his family, Fauci and people on the J6 investigation, because orange man was going to send them all to concentration camps despite having done absolutely nothing wrong or illegal ever.
Figures. As soon as I heard about the pardons I wondered how leftists would contort themselves to justify them. That's the natural explanation if you have no standards, integrity, or objectivity.
They are so desperate they can't even try to complain about Robert E Lee day getting celebrated in the South as a mockery of them.
We are so back
I even got some McDonalds to celebrate Trump's inauguration
I am looking forward to Trump's second term.
Hopefully he will keep his main promises.
So glad that we avoided Kamala Harris though!
I'm just sitting here using the screams of those damn redcoats to supply my power grid at this point.
Sulley? Wazowski?
I'm mostly concerned how Elon revealed himself to be such an insecure bitch. Didn't see that coming. I hope Trump can tard rangel him enough to remain productive.
Both Vivek and Elon freaked out. Elon seemed to come to his senses later, and Vivek got booted and is now going to try to convince Ohioans he doesn't hate them.
Let us hope that is a sign of thing to come.
Doomers gonna doom. They'll never be happy, even with perfection--they'll just find something ELSE to complain about, because they HAVE to complain to assuage their negativity.
Same thing for certain hateful men. Even if the objects of their hate just vanished from the face of the Earth tomorrow, they'll just turn their hatred somewhere else. Haters gonna hate.
Today, we celebrate!
We dodged such a massive bullet. Kamala bring President would have been a nightmare. Imagine her being in charge for something like the Cuban missle crisis lmfao, we would have been absolutely cooked.
Amen brother! He's a strong leader with a vision, and that's just what the United States (and the rest of the world) needs right now.
The culture is shifting and I think this year is going to be great!
First: Stay Positive. So that you can then: Take action. Saying "stay positive" on it's own is just daffy. Best wishes as well, even to those who just take whatever they can get.
Congress writes laws. We have states. Our government is a system. You didn't just elect the King of America although you do seem to want that.
Yet you never tire of having only two real choices.
No bullshit: The next 4 years will be pretty fun anyways.