I don’t think Elon supports his child’s delusion. Also wanting to go to Mars and space exploration is a good thing. As for the rest of the stuff, I can see why it’s concerning
Lindsay and Peterson, both gave me the strange feeling that they never expected the pendulum to swing back and that scares them. Both are liberals and they believe that the left has gone so far to the left that the pendulum swinging back is going to be nazi Germany. I find their fears to me unfounded, the pendulum is not even swinging back, it has slowed down while still going left.
This makes for a good discussion, identity politics have pushed racial relations way, way back. Anti-white hatred is still the norm to the point that a lot of white people just don't care. Why would I care if a black person is discriminated against when white people are constantly being discriminated while politicians and companies are bragging about it with their DIE goals? Why would white people care about the treatment of immigrants when you have politicians and companies celebrating white people becoming a minority?
I doubt anything will happen but at the very least it will be apathy.
Race relations were actually great....in the 90s, we'd pretty much gotten nearly to the point that race didn't matter, it was more your attitude that was the factor.
But then we had the mass importation of people that were frankly, centuries behind the West culturally and in order to deflect genuine criticism of ' these backwards fuckers think rape and killing is ok!' they got old nearly dead race disputes to at as a shield to protect their pet invading army.
Also we have this ridiculous notion that a young black person who grew up in fancy suburbs is an expert on racial oppression and we must take their whining as gospel
Don't forget that Mexican and black gang violence erupted in the 90's. That tribal shit where wearing the "wrong" colored shirt on accident could get you deleted certainly didn't help anything. I remember that very distinctly.
Said many times, first guy, organisation or country to unlock space resource extraction has the world's economy by the balls. Elon isn't the WORST option for that as both China and DEI NASA exist.
Other stuff except trans as he said they 'killed' his son, is concerning but I'm tired of this 'woke right' shit, it's a bunch of leftist purity spiralling crap WE are meant to follow when calling someone a wanker or retarded for an opinion is simpler.
Also wanting to go to Mars and space exploration is a good thing.
No, Musk gets slaughtered on that point. Okay, imagine we land on Mars right fucking now. So what? Build a shopping mall? A football stadium? A theme park? An exclusive resort for the ultra wealthy? WTF are we going to do on Mars that we can't or aren't already doing here?
We have enough problems as a species here on Earth. A change of scenery isn't going to change our nature or the circumstances of our current state of existence. Musk talks about Mars because he thinks it makes him look "cool" in a radical Howard Hughes way. Musk is an idiot.
Like what? Also if a wealthy dude wants to put his money to space exploration it’s his money. Now Elon works with NASA I know but just hypothetically speaking. I can’t dictate how someone spends their own money. You can address the issues you see on earth in at least a small way. Not saying the world doesn’t have a lot of problems but they will always be there. We can do what we can to help those in need and try to fight for a smaller govt
This is correct in that they're libfags and fake right wingers, but don't give credence to nonsense terms like "woke right". It just helps the left create a false equivalence.
It's not Elon's job to fix the world. That would be a liberal position.
I just don't agree with you all that Tommy Robinson is some kind of controlled asset. He's more like a limited hangout. Where the difference is the former is intentionally deceptive while the latter is being used. He's pushed more than more extreme voices because his positions are more favorable to Israel / the establishment. It doesn't mean he's wrong, or liberal on immigration compared to what you have in the UK now.
IMC is literally only relevant to us because he was marginally above being a nobody during early GG as a "reformed former Wokie."
To anyone else he has always been a literally nobody, and anyone who cared to find out would see he is a former "actual by name" Nazi self-hating brownie.
I suspect once Mars colony is self sufficient, Elon will declare independence from Earth and rule it as a dictator. He can enforce his authority with robots/drones and brain chips. This is the breakaway civilization scenario Alex Jones kept talking about.
I don't think this is particularly useful list. Some of these are more "woke" than others, and some of these need the scare quotes around "right," because they're not, but there's not enough in common here to be a good marker.
Shapiro is probably most identity-oriented, so I'd give him top billing as "woke right" of these bunch. Lindsay takes second, since he's pushing the term. Peterson gets next, for similar reasons to Linsday; he's weak and a hypocrite on a bunch, but still not as "woke" consistently as Lindsay or Shapiro. IMC is just a retarded grifter, and too inconsistent to be "woke" or nonwoke...and is also just not worth the attention, fuck that guy.
Elon Musk isn't "woke right," he's autistic. I think his heart is (transhumanism aside) in the right place, although he still gets a lot wrong. But that's different than "woke right." Tommy Robinson has some issues, but I still think he gets some stuff right, even if he's shown to be hypocritical on others.
But I don't think this list is consistent enough to be a useful measure of "woke right."
id rather not use the term "woke right" at all but im just throwing this out there against the people who are trying to push the term like James Lindsay yet who themselves are closer to being "woke right" than anything.
Ian Miles-Cheong isn't an immigrant. He still lives in Malaysia. He's just a grifter that talks about western topics because there is money to be made.
Malaysia isn't exactly an ethnically homogeneous country. I'm not that familiar with Malay features so I can't say if he's ethnically Malay or some other indegenious tribe native to Malaysia or of mixed race but I'm 100% certain he isn't Han Chinese or Indian. A name in South East Asia is a very bad indicator of a persons ethnicity.
Either way it is irrelevant if he's an immigrant to Malaysia as he talks exclusively about western topics. Topics that do not affect him in the slighest. He does not talk about Malaysian politics.
he is han chinese though. he said it himself. https://x.com/stillgray/status/949853318850859008 It should be noted that China is a big country and some chinese do look darker than others especially in the south
Didn't know that. He definitely doesn't look like a typical Chinese. But unless his family only recently immigrated to Malaysia he really isn't an immigrant anymore. And my point about him talking exclusively talking about western topics still stands. Whether or not he's an immigrant to Malaysia has no relevance whatsoever as he's grifting faggot making money off of talking exclusively about western politics while not even living anywhere close to the west.
Like i said. China is a big country, . Chinese in the south don't look the same as Chinese from the north. Similar to how Indians in the north don't look like Indians in the south. "Han chinese" itself is actually made out of a lot of different groups that the CCP shoved together even though they are quite different. In some ways the fight between Hong kongers and Mainland Chinese is also partly ethnic because Cantonese are not really the same as northern Chinese mainlanders despite being catogorized as also "Han Chinese" by the CCP.
Hoe_Math, a pretty smart dude, identified a subset of the right with this tweet (archive). A quote from it below:
What the left is not aware of - and amazingly, cannot become aware of - is the "former leftists" segment. These are the people who never thought they'd be voting red, but could no longer ignore how ridiculous the left had become. They did not want to be surrounded by retarded psychopaths. These are mostly converts from the "sheltered" leftist section.
The former leftists haven't changed their beliefs, they simply don't want to be part of Team Psychopath. They're still retarded, though.
I'm sort of okay with them coming for the ride if they just vote correctly and stay out of people's way when it's time to crush communism, but more and more I think they'd be the first turncoats. Embrace new allies, sure, but be wary for throwing all your trust at them.
We know who we meant by Woke Right, and the Left is trying to co opt it by writing articles acting like its a "thing" across the media. And its working great by making us now try to play this little game of "NU UH YOU ARE THE REAL ONE!" meaninglessly over ideological differences that barely have anything to do with the word "woke."
While the actual "woke right" just skirt away because the people the term was gaining traction against are now completely out of the limelight.
That first one about Tommy is just plain wrong though. He had a restraining order or the british equivalent and would have been instantly arrested. So he chose to go on his family holiday.
It's not really fleeing if it's a pre booked holiday.
It's not really fleeing if it's a pre booked holiday.
Same situation with LW1 "fleeing" the USA 10 years ago to go on some holiday that had already been booked long in advance. But the same idiots keep repeating the lies when it's convenient and this is no different.
I don’t think Elon supports his child’s delusion. Also wanting to go to Mars and space exploration is a good thing. As for the rest of the stuff, I can see why it’s concerning
Other then the H1B stuff, Elon is ok.
Lindsay and Peterson, both gave me the strange feeling that they never expected the pendulum to swing back and that scares them. Both are liberals and they believe that the left has gone so far to the left that the pendulum swinging back is going to be nazi Germany. I find their fears to me unfounded, the pendulum is not even swinging back, it has slowed down while still going left.
This makes for a good discussion, identity politics have pushed racial relations way, way back. Anti-white hatred is still the norm to the point that a lot of white people just don't care. Why would I care if a black person is discriminated against when white people are constantly being discriminated while politicians and companies are bragging about it with their DIE goals? Why would white people care about the treatment of immigrants when you have politicians and companies celebrating white people becoming a minority?
I doubt anything will happen but at the very least it will be apathy.
You make an excellent point concerning race relations and it seems that there is a massive agenda to flood western countries
Race relations were actually great....in the 90s, we'd pretty much gotten nearly to the point that race didn't matter, it was more your attitude that was the factor.
But then we had the mass importation of people that were frankly, centuries behind the West culturally and in order to deflect genuine criticism of ' these backwards fuckers think rape and killing is ok!' they got old nearly dead race disputes to at as a shield to protect their pet invading army.
Also we have this ridiculous notion that a young black person who grew up in fancy suburbs is an expert on racial oppression and we must take their whining as gospel
Don't forget that Mexican and black gang violence erupted in the 90's. That tribal shit where wearing the "wrong" colored shirt on accident could get you deleted certainly didn't help anything. I remember that very distinctly.
They brought this back in 2016 for people wearing the "wrong hat", but only one side did it.
No, he's not. Banning people who voiced their opposition is not bringing free speech back to twitter/X.
Said many times, first guy, organisation or country to unlock space resource extraction has the world's economy by the balls. Elon isn't the WORST option for that as both China and DEI NASA exist.
Other stuff except trans as he said they 'killed' his son, is concerning but I'm tired of this 'woke right' shit, it's a bunch of leftist purity spiralling crap WE are meant to follow when calling someone a wanker or retarded for an opinion is simpler.
This sub has always been a dumpster fire. I wouldn't recommend taking anything that's popular here too seriously.
After the H1B thing, I don't trust any of them.
No, Musk gets slaughtered on that point. Okay, imagine we land on Mars right fucking now. So what? Build a shopping mall? A football stadium? A theme park? An exclusive resort for the ultra wealthy? WTF are we going to do on Mars that we can't or aren't already doing here?
We have enough problems as a species here on Earth. A change of scenery isn't going to change our nature or the circumstances of our current state of existence. Musk talks about Mars because he thinks it makes him look "cool" in a radical Howard Hughes way. Musk is an idiot.
But I’m fascinated by space exploration. I’d love to go out into space. Also being a multi planet species isn’t a bad thing.
Yeah, but do you want to serve an authoritarian tyrant in order to do so? Because that's what Elon has shown himself to be over the H1B issue.
Your supply of air has been temporarily locked while you reconsider your wrong think.
Ok, put me in cryo freeze for 1000 years and when I wake up space travel will be as common as driving down the street.
We all are, but there's still more work to be done on this rock before we go chasing the next.
Like what? Also if a wealthy dude wants to put his money to space exploration it’s his money. Now Elon works with NASA I know but just hypothetically speaking. I can’t dictate how someone spends their own money. You can address the issues you see on earth in at least a small way. Not saying the world doesn’t have a lot of problems but they will always be there. We can do what we can to help those in need and try to fight for a smaller govt
This is correct in that they're libfags and fake right wingers, but don't give credence to nonsense terms like "woke right". It just helps the left create a false equivalence.
i prefer to call them the "kosher right"
There is a lot of overlap.
Ha, that's a good one.
Agree with the premise, but this presentation and several points are shit.
i didn't actually make this, i found it on twitter. . But how would you improve it?
My only problems with this chart are:
Imc not only is he nobody, he doesn't even live in the west, all he does is re-tweet other people's rage baits
IMC is literally only relevant to us because he was marginally above being a nobody during early GG as a "reformed former Wokie."
To anyone else he has always been a literally nobody, and anyone who cared to find out would see he is a former "actual by name" Nazi self-hating brownie.
This is pretty good aside from space travel with Elon.
Red my post above. We have no business on Mars.
I suspect once Mars colony is self sufficient, Elon will declare independence from Earth and rule it as a dictator. He can enforce his authority with robots/drones and brain chips. This is the breakaway civilization scenario Alex Jones kept talking about.
Call them what they really are: traitors.
I don't think this is particularly useful list. Some of these are more "woke" than others, and some of these need the scare quotes around "right," because they're not, but there's not enough in common here to be a good marker.
Shapiro is probably most identity-oriented, so I'd give him top billing as "woke right" of these bunch. Lindsay takes second, since he's pushing the term. Peterson gets next, for similar reasons to Linsday; he's weak and a hypocrite on a bunch, but still not as "woke" consistently as Lindsay or Shapiro. IMC is just a retarded grifter, and too inconsistent to be "woke" or nonwoke...and is also just not worth the attention, fuck that guy.
Elon Musk isn't "woke right," he's autistic. I think his heart is (transhumanism aside) in the right place, although he still gets a lot wrong. But that's different than "woke right." Tommy Robinson has some issues, but I still think he gets some stuff right, even if he's shown to be hypocritical on others.
But I don't think this list is consistent enough to be a useful measure of "woke right."
id rather not use the term "woke right" at all but im just throwing this out there against the people who are trying to push the term like James Lindsay yet who themselves are closer to being "woke right" than anything.
Ian Miles-Cheong isn't an immigrant. He still lives in Malaysia. He's just a grifter that talks about western topics because there is money to be made.
Well he's an immigrant in Malaysia. Cheong is not exactly a Malay name.
Malaysia isn't exactly an ethnically homogeneous country. I'm not that familiar with Malay features so I can't say if he's ethnically Malay or some other indegenious tribe native to Malaysia or of mixed race but I'm 100% certain he isn't Han Chinese or Indian. A name in South East Asia is a very bad indicator of a persons ethnicity.
Either way it is irrelevant if he's an immigrant to Malaysia as he talks exclusively about western topics. Topics that do not affect him in the slighest. He does not talk about Malaysian politics.
he is han chinese though. he said it himself. https://x.com/stillgray/status/949853318850859008 It should be noted that China is a big country and some chinese do look darker than others especially in the south
Didn't know that. He definitely doesn't look like a typical Chinese. But unless his family only recently immigrated to Malaysia he really isn't an immigrant anymore. And my point about him talking exclusively talking about western topics still stands. Whether or not he's an immigrant to Malaysia has no relevance whatsoever as he's grifting faggot making money off of talking exclusively about western politics while not even living anywhere close to the west.
Like i said. China is a big country, . Chinese in the south don't look the same as Chinese from the north. Similar to how Indians in the north don't look like Indians in the south. "Han chinese" itself is actually made out of a lot of different groups that the CCP shoved together even though they are quite different. In some ways the fight between Hong kongers and Mainland Chinese is also partly ethnic because Cantonese are not really the same as northern Chinese mainlanders despite being catogorized as also "Han Chinese" by the CCP.
Hoe_Math, a pretty smart dude, identified a subset of the right with this tweet (archive). A quote from it below:
The former leftists haven't changed their beliefs, they simply don't want to be part of Team Psychopath. They're still retarded, though.
I'm sort of okay with them coming for the ride if they just vote correctly and stay out of people's way when it's time to crush communism, but more and more I think they'd be the first turncoats. Embrace new allies, sure, but be wary for throwing all your trust at them.
Playing this little telephone game is so weak.
We know who we meant by Woke Right, and the Left is trying to co opt it by writing articles acting like its a "thing" across the media. And its working great by making us now try to play this little game of "NU UH YOU ARE THE REAL ONE!" meaninglessly over ideological differences that barely have anything to do with the word "woke."
While the actual "woke right" just skirt away because the people the term was gaining traction against are now completely out of the limelight.
That first one about Tommy is just plain wrong though. He had a restraining order or the british equivalent and would have been instantly arrested. So he chose to go on his family holiday. It's not really fleeing if it's a pre booked holiday.
Same situation with LW1 "fleeing" the USA 10 years ago to go on some holiday that had already been booked long in advance. But the same idiots keep repeating the lies when it's convenient and this is no different.
No bad tactics, only targets.
Funny coincidence how all the 'right wing' names are either jews or shabbos.