I wish more people would have the guts to make this exact point. Along those lines nobody ever points out that all these “refugees” go to majority white countries. I get there is an agenda but they never go to neighboring countries. I do know other countries won’t take in refugees and they don’t get hassled by the UN
And it doesn't make sense for displaced middle easterners to go to European countries to rebuild their lives geographically, culturally and logically. It would be much more logical for arabs to go to countries with islamic rule and culture because the countries are close to each other and most of them speak the similar language to each other.
This whole multiculturalism of european countries started because globalists and shlomos strong-armed and blackmailed the cucked western leaders and then we have in the internal institution and media, left-wing journos and shlomos making lectures the normie masses that being white is bad and racist, and they should feel bad for colonisation and sins of the ancestors, etc, etc. THEN you have these shlomos have the audacity to be just as racist and have been supremacist for very long time in their own country. This is why I'm not too fond of them, the sheer hypocrisy they display and in the same breath they go to great length to justify their behaviour. The smugness, the entitlement and non-stop rambling, they can't help but be obnoxious.
Honestly if they stopped apologizing for the past instantly you would see immediate results. Land conquest and slavery are as old as time across the world. Some were winners and some were losers. Also they allowed immigrants to arrive and demand that everything change to suit them
It's built upon the premise that white people are inherently super bigoted and super evil. The goal isn't assimilation or even coexistence, it's breeding out "whiteness." It's why they try to remove skin color when they talk about whiteness.
Apologizing for the past doesn’t even make sense in most cases. Pretty much everyone was a dick to everyone before the comforts we have now. Jews killed millions. So did Africans. So did everyone. Shit sucked and people sucked. Europeans ended up changing that. Other people’s mentality didn’t change as Europeans tried being nice and it fucked over the western world it seems. The idea was others would be Christian. That worked okay. Now they’re not.
There was a thread on X recently about some kid who went from some Middle East country to the UK and they traced all the perfectly safe countries he passed through and none of the people involved in posting it realized they were just showing off a travel diary and not the plight of a poor destitute refugee.
I'm watching a video about failed backdoor pilots on YouTube. And one was about a Brady Bunch one called, "Kellys' Kids." In the show one of the Brady's neighbors the Kellys adopt 3 boys, one asian, one black, one white. I have a point here, hang on.
Anyways in one scene the father picks up a copy of the Three Musketeers and theres a drawing of the eponymous characters, that the three kids drew over making one asian, and one black.
Now some will think that's great, but it fundamentally changes the story and the culture those characters lived in. And who is being asked to change their culture to accommodate, the white French.
But Smith, you're quite open about being black. So we all know that you can never be inspired by anything unless it looks exactly like you. Given what you talk about, I imagine you look like a cross between a spider, a bat and Christopher Reeves!
You just have to let them speak, listen to them, and take them seriously. They've never lied about their intentions and where their loyalties lie, people just don't #listenandbelieve.
In a completely abstract theory Yaron is hypothetically correct. You know, if you played HOI4 or something. But reality is different.
However, America is an "Anglo In The Woods" 17th century English, Protestant, Lockean Liberal ideological experiment that wasn't even properly replicated across the English channel in France, despite people like Thomas Jefferson trying to help.
Ideas are not fully interchangeable because they are extensions of the people they emerge from. Even America before the Hart-Cellar Act was not the America it was in 1775.
If you wish for a nation to continue (let alone it's values), not only must the people be continued, but the traditions of those people must be preserved, and any new commers must be assimilated into that nation.
In theory, you could potentially have an America that wasn't white. But the time it would take to do that would either be so long that population would be white as well, or the assimilation of the foreigner would be so complete they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between themselves and the domestic population, which means they would probably think of themselves as White.
And you think that israel and jews are good boys that dindu nuffin.
You think the media is truthful about Saddam Hussein. And i dont think he dindu nuffin. I think he was hated by zionist globalists and that generally means that he was doing something right. But what is a fact is that Iraq was better off under him than without him.
And no. we don't always have to have immigrants. Thats a lie made by globalists like you . And if there is to be immigrants it should only be White immigrants.
You will never find single quote from me saying that Israel and the jews are perfect victims. Israel is less of an ally than France, and the Jewish Mafia is well documented in my comment history.
I think Saddam's survivors are truthful about Saddam. Yes, you do always have some immigrants. Even North Korea has some immigrants. Stop being a reductive child.
Your inability to understand that the holocaust never happened makes a lot of your jew-stuff a bit insufferable. Hopefully one day you'll look into it.
Albania is a White Shithole country. Being shitheads is what makes places shitholes. This is actually what "Broken Windows Policing" is intended to stop: don't allow for places to attract degenerate behavior by allowing the culture to degrade.
Yeah, we actually shouldn't allow immigration from Muslim countries generally because Islam isn't compatible with Liberalism (frankly, it was hard to integrate Catholics into Liberalism). My point is that race isn't the sole determining factor of what makes a place a shithole, it's behaviors. Islam happens to be a particularly shit religion. Kind of the worst. Maybe ever.
There is zero evidence that black and brown people are capable of upholding American ideals when they're the majority in a country. There is evidence that white people can.
Saying "in theory black/brown people could" is as worthless as saying in theory a pack of elephants could build a helicopter.
I've been drinking too much since Notre Dame beat Georgia a coupla days ago.
So: pedantically speaking, you can't type 'random' words for a few reasons: like, your fingers are different lengths/strengths, and the keyboard layout favours certain letters.
There's evidence than anyone of any ethnic group could adopt American ideals. By definition, as society based on people who adopt American ideals will have a society of American ideals.
Thing is, basically no one outside the US believes in American ideals.
I'm sure you'd choose Liberia to live in over Albania if forced to make a choice, certainly. It's just ideas and their constitution is effectively the American one. Right?
I think I would choose a bullet over either utter hell hole.
Liberia isn't built off of the American constitution, certainly not anymore. Even then it was founded off or Plantation Southern standards and cultures which is why they immediately engaged in slavery, plantation economics, and rampant ethnic discrimination. You can say you're a Liberal country but if you do literally nothing Liberal, you're kinda not.
As for Albania, it's Islamo-Communism so I shouldn't have to explain that.
Look at youtuber like Mutahar. He may be an indian who is actually more fluent at English than me, but can you say he is assimilated? And even if he continues his bloodline, his offspring will never think like white native does due to the familial culture and circumstance. This is why academics get lined in the wall. They are useless insufferable nerdlingers unable to understand if the idea is inapplicable in the real world, yet too arrogant to admit the mistakes they made.
He may be an indian who is actually more fluent at English than me, but can you say he is assimilated?
I have no idea who he is, so that would have to be a personal investigation.
his offspring will never think like white native does due to the familial culture and circumstance.
That's not really true. Again, after 3 generations (so long as there is continual integration), the population not thinking about themselves as independent.
No one would say the descendants of the Germans who immigrated during the 2nd Great Awakening are foreigners.
That's not really true. Again, after 3 generations (so long as there is continual integration), the population not thinking about themselves as independent.
But you don't provide any evidence or any success story of integration of this. If you have no proof about it, why even bother bringing it up? What you suggest is hypothetical.
No one would say the descendants of the Germans who immigrated during the 2nd Great Awakening are foreigners.
Yeah because Germans are white and generally have shared beliefs as anglo-westerners do. Your whole premise of argument is flawed if you have to bring up the germans to this conversation like you don't even understand why people have problem with multi-culturalism.
It's like the pet-owner want to search for well-behaved dogs for his toy poodle for playmates, and you the clueless guy suggests pitbull or staffordshire to pair with the small dog. I mean come the fuck on, guy. This is why I have problem with your shit pilpul, you frankly aren't even that good at. You make all these arguments and rambles on but can't even get the basic premise of the problem.
I don't provide proof because this is an internet forum not peer-reviewed journal. I'm sorry if that's something you've literally never seen before, but everything I've seen on integration, immigration, and de-radicalization agrees that the 3rd generation of an immigrant family will have point where they will have to chose to fully assimilate, or completely reject assimilation and go back to the old ways. It's why we actually see more crime and terrorism from 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants than 1st.
Why am I now required to provide sources, when no one around me is willing to provides source material to claims of: "It is physically impossible for any African descendent person in any epoch of history to ever be capable of any civilizational development ever, even given infinite time". That's an insane claim that stands directly in the face of all known scientific and historical evidence, but I'm supposed to take it on faith 100% of the time.
Germans are white and generally have shared beliefs as anglo-westerners do
Not according to the Benjamin Franklin quote that WN's keep throwing at me. Many of them were Catholic, and non-British, which made them non-White. The English define White differently than the Americans, and Franklin was using the English concept.
I understand why people have a problem with multi-culturalism. I have a problem with multi-culturalism. I oppose it. That's why I talk about integration and assimilation.
You have a problem with my arguments because you are not willing to accept any of the same premises. Your ideology requires you to talk past me.
It would be no different then me talking to a Feminist. A Feminist would never accept that men are inferior humans who must be controlled for the prosperity of women. I can't argue that men should be treated fairly, or that marriage is a good thing under that premise. If I tell a Feminist that women are happier and more prosperous in marriage, like you, they would tell me that is completely hypothetical and unevidenced and dismiss it out of hand.
Key here is that Israel is neither a Liberal state, nor a Western one. This is because Judaism is also not Liberal and not Western. Zionism, being progressive, is technically western, but isn't Liberal.
The whole concept of it being okay to interchange a people only works with Civic Nationalism, but that only comes in Liberalism or Imperialism. Empires are always Civic National. If Israel is a Civic National State, and it's not Liberal... then that means it's an Empire. A religious state can do this, probably better than Liberaism... but it would still mean it's a religious empire, like the Islamic Caliphate. Which would mean Israel is a Jewish Empire. womp womp. There goes the whole "western liberal" argument.
If it is a Religious State, then they have to stop pretending to be Liberal, and have to abandon Progressivism. If it's a Jewish Religious State, then they have to stop pretending to be Western.
If it is a Religious State, then they have to stop pretending to be Liberal, and have to abandon Progressivism. If it's a Jewish Religious State, then they have to stop pretending to be Western.
So are you accusing the Israeli government of ... shapeshifting?
I would slightly disagree but for similar reasons. America, as it was founded is built upon English common law and the Enlightenment. I don't know if that tradition continues without a majority white nation? But I agree that America today is vastly different than the founding version
For the most part no, but theoretically it could, but it would have to be done perfectly.
Probably better to just keep the population you have and protect your traditions. Seems simple enough.
it's like Liberal Imperialism. Yeah, technically you can bring Liberal Democracy like Helldivers 2. But is that really gonna work? America is actually built to conquer other nations by making them states and fully assimilating them, to the point that our open internal borders allow settler migration and inter-mixing of ethnic groups. But again, that's a tough path to follow, and even America only sometimes did that. Particularly if you... conquered... them.
Is Super Earth a liberal democracy? I haven't played the games, I'm going by some information the developers put out. They implied it was more of a Heinleinian dystopia disguised as a democracy.
I'll take Sargon's lead on this, and say the answer is "No". "Managed Democracy" is effectively just Neo-Liberalism. The idea of a fake Democracy that is disguised as one, but is nothing more than an extremely elite cartel of power mongers engaging in Imperialism is effectively Tony Blair's Neo-Liberalism (aka: Fabian Socialism).
I wish more people would have the guts to make this exact point. Along those lines nobody ever points out that all these “refugees” go to majority white countries. I get there is an agenda but they never go to neighboring countries. I do know other countries won’t take in refugees and they don’t get hassled by the UN
In a democracy with birthright citizenship, demographics can shift the polity as surely as war.
The dirt is not magic. Send them back.
Let's take a second look at that birthright citizenship thing too.
And it doesn't make sense for displaced middle easterners to go to European countries to rebuild their lives geographically, culturally and logically. It would be much more logical for arabs to go to countries with islamic rule and culture because the countries are close to each other and most of them speak the similar language to each other.
This whole multiculturalism of european countries started because globalists and shlomos strong-armed and blackmailed the cucked western leaders and then we have in the internal institution and media, left-wing journos and shlomos making lectures the normie masses that being white is bad and racist, and they should feel bad for colonisation and sins of the ancestors, etc, etc. THEN you have these shlomos have the audacity to be just as racist and have been supremacist for very long time in their own country. This is why I'm not too fond of them, the sheer hypocrisy they display and in the same breath they go to great length to justify their behaviour. The smugness, the entitlement and non-stop rambling, they can't help but be obnoxious.
Honestly if they stopped apologizing for the past instantly you would see immediate results. Land conquest and slavery are as old as time across the world. Some were winners and some were losers. Also they allowed immigrants to arrive and demand that everything change to suit them
It's built upon the premise that white people are inherently super bigoted and super evil. The goal isn't assimilation or even coexistence, it's breeding out "whiteness." It's why they try to remove skin color when they talk about whiteness.
Can’t argue with that
Apologizing for the past doesn’t even make sense in most cases. Pretty much everyone was a dick to everyone before the comforts we have now. Jews killed millions. So did Africans. So did everyone. Shit sucked and people sucked. Europeans ended up changing that. Other people’s mentality didn’t change as Europeans tried being nice and it fucked over the western world it seems. The idea was others would be Christian. That worked okay. Now they’re not.
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
As an example, Central and South Americans know NOT to try to migrate to Mexico.
Mexico's immigration laws are draconian and migrants, legal or not, are often mistreated and even imprisoned with no legal recourse.
For all our faults, America has one of the most generous immigration systems in the world.
There was a thread on X recently about some kid who went from some Middle East country to the UK and they traced all the perfectly safe countries he passed through and none of the people involved in posting it realized they were just showing off a travel diary and not the plight of a poor destitute refugee.
Just like Elon, Ben Shapiro, and Dennis Prager insisting that "America is a collection of ideas" rather than a product of White Christian culture.
Are you all taking notes?
I'm watching a video about failed backdoor pilots on YouTube. And one was about a Brady Bunch one called, "Kellys' Kids." In the show one of the Brady's neighbors the Kellys adopt 3 boys, one asian, one black, one white. I have a point here, hang on.
Anyways in one scene the father picks up a copy of the Three Musketeers and theres a drawing of the eponymous characters, that the three kids drew over making one asian, and one black.
Now some will think that's great, but it fundamentally changes the story and the culture those characters lived in. And who is being asked to change their culture to accommodate, the white French.
The propaganda has gone on longer than any of us could have initially imagined.
I'm amazed at how little I noticed it, until I "noticed" it, and see it in everything now.
Only about as long as a holocaust "survivor"
I remember that episode. They could’ve just been inspired by the three musketeers instead
But Smith, you're quite open about being black. So we all know that you can never be inspired by anything unless it looks exactly like you. Given what you talk about, I imagine you look like a cross between a spider, a bat and Christopher Reeves!
lol! Caught me red handed. No I have to go find the nearest phone booth
You just have to let them speak, listen to them, and take them seriously. They've never lied about their intentions and where their loyalties lie, people just don't #listenandbelieve.
In a completely abstract theory Yaron is hypothetically correct. You know, if you played HOI4 or something. But reality is different.
However, America is an "Anglo In The Woods" 17th century English, Protestant, Lockean Liberal ideological experiment that wasn't even properly replicated across the English channel in France, despite people like Thomas Jefferson trying to help.
Ideas are not fully interchangeable because they are extensions of the people they emerge from. Even America before the Hart-Cellar Act was not the America it was in 1775.
If you wish for a nation to continue (let alone it's values), not only must the people be continued, but the traditions of those people must be preserved, and any new commers must be assimilated into that nation.
In theory, you could potentially have an America that wasn't white. But the time it would take to do that would either be so long that population would be white as well, or the assimilation of the foreigner would be so complete they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between themselves and the domestic population, which means they would probably think of themselves as White.
i don't want new commers to be assimulated. I want them to be seperated and then sent back to where they came from.
You think Saddam Hussein was a good boy who dindu nuffin.
Beyond that, you will always have some number of immigrants, even if it's one a year, so those will have to be assimilated.
And you think that israel and jews are good boys that dindu nuffin.
You think the media is truthful about Saddam Hussein. And i dont think he dindu nuffin. I think he was hated by zionist globalists and that generally means that he was doing something right. But what is a fact is that Iraq was better off under him than without him.
And no. we don't always have to have immigrants. Thats a lie made by globalists like you . And if there is to be immigrants it should only be White immigrants.
You will never find single quote from me saying that Israel and the jews are perfect victims. Israel is less of an ally than France, and the Jewish Mafia is well documented in my comment history.
I think Saddam's survivors are truthful about Saddam. Yes, you do always have some immigrants. Even North Korea has some immigrants. Stop being a reductive child.
Have you heard of Japan's "Sakoku " period? and North Korea has a "Juche" policy. Would you support White countries having a Juche policy?
And you show up to defend israel and jews all the time don't pretend you don't
I only defend jews because I hate you and you're stupid. Not because jews are better than anyone else. Don't get it twisted.
I favor mass deportations and negative net migration, probably 30 straight years.
"i hate you and you're stupid" ---the guy who says other people are acting like children.
You're actually pretty balanced, to be honest.
Your inability to understand that the holocaust never happened makes a lot of your jew-stuff a bit insufferable. Hopefully one day you'll look into it.
Comment Reported for: Rule 15 - Slurs
There's literally no slurs here.
In theory my ass. Every black and brown majority country is a shit hole.
Albania is a White Shithole country. Being shitheads is what makes places shitholes. This is actually what "Broken Windows Policing" is intended to stop: don't allow for places to attract degenerate behavior by allowing the culture to degrade.
The peccadillo about using Albania is that it's majority muslim.
Yeah, we actually shouldn't allow immigration from Muslim countries generally because Islam isn't compatible with Liberalism (frankly, it was hard to integrate Catholics into Liberalism). My point is that race isn't the sole determining factor of what makes a place a shithole, it's behaviors. Islam happens to be a particularly shit religion. Kind of the worst. Maybe ever.
Albania has nothing to do with my point.
There is zero evidence that black and brown people are capable of upholding American ideals when they're the majority in a country. There is evidence that white people can.
Saying "in theory black/brown people could" is as worthless as saying in theory a pack of elephants could build a helicopter.
Is the Elephant Helicopter building near the Monkeys writing Shakespeare building?
I've been drinking too much since Notre Dame beat Georgia a coupla days ago.
So: pedantically speaking, you can't type 'random' words for a few reasons: like, your fingers are different lengths/strengths, and the keyboard layout favours certain letters.
Anyway, I'm hoping that Notre Dame wins it all.
There's evidence than anyone of any ethnic group could adopt American ideals. By definition, as society based on people who adopt American ideals will have a society of American ideals.
Thing is, basically no one outside the US believes in American ideals.
There's evidence that individuals within any ethnic group can adopt American ideals.
There's no evidence that an entire country, city, or even community full of said ethnicities can adopt them and live that way.
Absolutely correct. You can't even say all the same people on the same street can adopt American ideals.
I'm sure you'd choose Liberia to live in over Albania if forced to make a choice, certainly. It's just ideas and their constitution is effectively the American one. Right?
I think I would choose a bullet over either utter hell hole.
Liberia isn't built off of the American constitution, certainly not anymore. Even then it was founded off or Plantation Southern standards and cultures which is why they immediately engaged in slavery, plantation economics, and rampant ethnic discrimination. You can say you're a Liberal country but if you do literally nothing Liberal, you're kinda not.
As for Albania, it's Islamo-Communism so I shouldn't have to explain that.
Look at youtuber like Mutahar. He may be an indian who is actually more fluent at English than me, but can you say he is assimilated? And even if he continues his bloodline, his offspring will never think like white native does due to the familial culture and circumstance. This is why academics get lined in the wall. They are useless insufferable nerdlingers unable to understand if the idea is inapplicable in the real world, yet too arrogant to admit the mistakes they made.
"Real multiculturalism has never been tried!"
I have no idea who he is, so that would have to be a personal investigation.
That's not really true. Again, after 3 generations (so long as there is continual integration), the population not thinking about themselves as independent.
No one would say the descendants of the Germans who immigrated during the 2nd Great Awakening are foreigners.
But you don't provide any evidence or any success story of integration of this. If you have no proof about it, why even bother bringing it up? What you suggest is hypothetical.
Yeah because Germans are white and generally have shared beliefs as anglo-westerners do. Your whole premise of argument is flawed if you have to bring up the germans to this conversation like you don't even understand why people have problem with multi-culturalism.
It's like the pet-owner want to search for well-behaved dogs for his toy poodle for playmates, and you the clueless guy suggests pitbull or staffordshire to pair with the small dog. I mean come the fuck on, guy. This is why I have problem with your shit pilpul, you frankly aren't even that good at. You make all these arguments and rambles on but can't even get the basic premise of the problem.
I don't provide proof because this is an internet forum not peer-reviewed journal. I'm sorry if that's something you've literally never seen before, but everything I've seen on integration, immigration, and de-radicalization agrees that the 3rd generation of an immigrant family will have point where they will have to chose to fully assimilate, or completely reject assimilation and go back to the old ways. It's why we actually see more crime and terrorism from 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants than 1st.
Why am I now required to provide sources, when no one around me is willing to provides source material to claims of: "It is physically impossible for any African descendent person in any epoch of history to ever be capable of any civilizational development ever, even given infinite time". That's an insane claim that stands directly in the face of all known scientific and historical evidence, but I'm supposed to take it on faith 100% of the time.
Not according to the Benjamin Franklin quote that WN's keep throwing at me. Many of them were Catholic, and non-British, which made them non-White. The English define White differently than the Americans, and Franklin was using the English concept.
I understand why people have a problem with multi-culturalism. I have a problem with multi-culturalism. I oppose it. That's why I talk about integration and assimilation.
You have a problem with my arguments because you are not willing to accept any of the same premises. Your ideology requires you to talk past me.
It would be no different then me talking to a Feminist. A Feminist would never accept that men are inferior humans who must be controlled for the prosperity of women. I can't argue that men should be treated fairly, or that marriage is a good thing under that premise. If I tell a Feminist that women are happier and more prosperous in marriage, like you, they would tell me that is completely hypothetical and unevidenced and dismiss it out of hand.
You also could get a gentile Israel
Key here is that Israel is neither a Liberal state, nor a Western one. This is because Judaism is also not Liberal and not Western. Zionism, being progressive, is technically western, but isn't Liberal.
The whole concept of it being okay to interchange a people only works with Civic Nationalism, but that only comes in Liberalism or Imperialism. Empires are always Civic National. If Israel is a Civic National State, and it's not Liberal... then that means it's an Empire. A religious state can do this, probably better than Liberaism... but it would still mean it's a religious empire, like the Islamic Caliphate. Which would mean Israel is a Jewish Empire. womp womp. There goes the whole "western liberal" argument.
If it is a Religious State, then they have to stop pretending to be Liberal, and have to abandon Progressivism. If it's a Jewish Religious State, then they have to stop pretending to be Western.
So are you accusing the Israeli government of ... shapeshifting?
No? I don't really know how any government would 'shapeshift'.
But they are lying. They are a government. That shouldn't surprise you.
Honestly, they probably wouldn't be in this situation if they just banned American Jews from having the Right of Return like they originally intended.
Make me faggot
I would slightly disagree but for similar reasons. America, as it was founded is built upon English common law and the Enlightenment. I don't know if that tradition continues without a majority white nation? But I agree that America today is vastly different than the founding version
For the most part no, but theoretically it could, but it would have to be done perfectly.
Probably better to just keep the population you have and protect your traditions. Seems simple enough.
it's like Liberal Imperialism. Yeah, technically you can bring Liberal Democracy like Helldivers 2. But is that really gonna work? America is actually built to conquer other nations by making them states and fully assimilating them, to the point that our open internal borders allow settler migration and inter-mixing of ethnic groups. But again, that's a tough path to follow, and even America only sometimes did that. Particularly if you... conquered... them.
Is Super Earth a liberal democracy? I haven't played the games, I'm going by some information the developers put out. They implied it was more of a Heinleinian dystopia disguised as a democracy.
I'll take Sargon's lead on this, and say the answer is "No". "Managed Democracy" is effectively just Neo-Liberalism. The idea of a fake Democracy that is disguised as one, but is nothing more than an extremely elite cartel of power mongers engaging in Imperialism is effectively Tony Blair's Neo-Liberalism (aka: Fabian Socialism).
You're basically fighting in the Iraq War.