The F1 student Visa fraud explained :
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This isn’t new. There was a study that showed 95% of Indian “tech” workers didn’t actually have the skills they listed on their resumes. It’s not shocking Indian and Chinese students lied to get into American universities who openly recruit foreign students because they get paid more than American students.
I fucking knew it. The quality of work I get from indian consultants is absurdly bad. Like, failed CS 101 bad.
Back in the day I used to be a recruiter, and anyone who has recruited for tech roles that get a lot of Indian applicants can attest to the fact that it's a total nightmare.
Most people spruce up their resume here and there, but Indians just straight up lie about what they can do.
I had to do Skype calls to prevent candidates from having someone else do the interview for them, but even that isn't foolproof because they will still have someone on a phone speaking for them while they lip sync.
Sounds absurd, I know, but it was extremely common and I doubt anything has changed since then.
it's tough because they put forward candidates that check a bunch of dei boxes too. they could be doing a form of penetration testing so rejecting them outright could put you and your company at risk.
this means I have to spend the entire hour interview basically giving them a basic programming lesson so they have nothing to clip from the conversation and say "see, this company is racist!"
I've had candidates come to my interview with very impressive resumes that made it past HR, only for them to not even know what was on their own resume.
Yeah that rough. I'm so thankful I'm no longer doing that type of work. I hated having so many interviews scheduled each day while knowing most of them would be with bullshit candidates.
There's money to be made as a recruiter though, so I'm not knocking the job.
Please sair, do the interrupt and stop the printing task. And then insert the computer chip in the dip... sweetch.
I don't even get to that point, because I'm too busy digging through the absolute sea of if - else statements in their code, while also fixing the rampant security holes they leave in.
An individual if statement for EVERY case, because FUCK nested logic amirite?
I had an Indian employee assigned to my team at work this year. I didn't hire him, one day upper management said "Here's your new employee. Train him well." I did not and would not. One day he's bragging about how his uncle was able to scam his way into THREE salaried consultant jobs at the same time during Covid since everything was being done remotely.
The guy admitted that they used Fiver to hire randoms to do their assignments, and said he was looking to start his own agency here using AI and Fiver to get the work done. Imagine admitting this to your boss at work? They're shameless cheaters and thieves. Shameless!
I was able to get him fired for making promises to clients the company couldn't keep.
I know the Chinese lie too, but their base level of competency is much higher than an Indian. I still don't want them.
Low IQ illegals from Central and South America are still smart enough to lie about being refugees and needing asylum. Why wouldn’t higher IQ invaders from China and India lie about their qualifications, degrees, certifications, etc.?
Wow, it's almost like India is a shithole full of liars and cheats and scammers who add nothing of value to the world.
It goes further again, into secondary and primary education in the West.
Teachers need a certificate these days to say they can teach. What do they teach? Progressivism with a heavy Marxist slant because that's what the universities require them to know in order to pass.
Once AI has it all figured there won't be any need for people, well people outside the elites who might want someone to bully for their kicks.
As Google showed us with their woke AI model, it really depends on the training data.
The number of people who fundamentally misunderstand AI, even on this board, is a source of deep despair.
Enlighten us.
AI, or LLMs more specifically since that's the most visible variant, are basically just doing a whole bunch of math to predict the next symbol in a sequence of symbols based on probabilistic weights. So when you give it the input:
It takes a whole bunch of training data and sees that numerical symbols bunched together are often paired with operator symbols. This is determined by frequency of symbol patterns occurring in the training data. The vast majority of the time a set of numbers and operators ends with an equals sign(=) followed by another number. But sometimes it's a variable. The model itself has no actual knowledge of the symbols, they're just a pattern determined by frequency of occurrence and a big ol' hunk of math plus a pseudo-random seed used to simulate variance of response. So you can get a response that 2+2=4, or you could get a response of 2+2=5(because that's a symbol sequence that shows up a lot as an example of absurd claims during discourse on the internet which is what makes up most of the training data). However you can also get something like 2+2=x, because that's something that'll show up as a math exercise from some textbook that got fed into the training data. The seed is what will ultimately determine what kind of response comes out.
AI is basically a very advanced RNG-based spellcheck.
It has no knowledge and it cannot reason. It's all just weighted probabilities + some randomized variance.
For more evidence, look at IBM's Watson throwing the week-long curbstomp during its run on Jeopardy because... it mis-weighted a descriptor in the question.
Indeed, and when people start saying it's conscious that drives me nuts.
Conscious experience is not something computers can geneate at all. Heck we don't even know how the human mind really does it.
Who says humans do to that? You put a LLM and an Indian behind a monitor and try to tell them apart.
Honestly, you can tell because one of them answers immediately and the other puts you on hold
Your mistake is that you think most people are any different from an LLM. In the majority of the world, learning is just fact regurgitation. For a good explanation of that just look at the chapter discussing Brazil in "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" It is pretty much only the White Anglosphere (and at least at one point, Germany) that focus on anything else.
No, most of the population are unthinking animals that simply respond to stimuli. I have no misconceptions about that, save for just how large a section of the population that actually is.
Oh I think that too. You saved me a lot of typing, lol.
"AI" is a copyright laundering system.
Search for something. Read the "AI Summary." Scroll down. You'll find an article that has almost entirely the exact same data, in the exact same writing style, hosted on someones site.
It's a bunch of bullshit smoke and mirrors so Google can steal your content. That's all it is.
The problem is AI operates off cold, hard logic. It doesn’t think or reason, it uses information gleaned from datasets and identifies the underlying patterns. If you don’t have an AI that is geared towards maximal truth, even if it says bad things, it is essentially lobotomized as you are short circuiting its ability to use its pattern recognition skills to identify emergent trends.
All “woke” AI companies see this, and most likely have an airgapped, non lobotomized version they are using internally. That is precisely what I would do.
This is wrong. You don't understand what AI models are doing at all if you believe this to be true.
Yeah, it's very much fuzzy Bayesian logic.
Plenty of room to be concerned about both. In fact every god damn legal way to import our replacements needs to be looked at and locked the fuck down
"Hurr durr why are you concerned about X when Y is the same thing but worse??"
This argument is never not retarded. Maybe just maybe people can be capable of being concerned about both? But when the spotlight is on X there should be no need to add a disclaimer about Y whenever it's mentioned.
I mean some of us have been talking about DEI discrimination in the college admission process forever. Even with recent SCOTUS ruling did not stop colleges from continuing to exclude white / asian men from colleges.
Also the whole foreign student scam is just to prop up the woke feminist universities and government allowed this kind of fraud to happen. See recent news in Australia where fake colleges existed to only hand out these student visas. Once they're there, they then apply for their families to come over and can have unlimited work permissions.
This is absolutely the problem in Australia - it is by design. The traitorous government of both major parties has encouraged it.
Student visas are at the tip of a very big and insidious iceberg that is the education system.
It'd be nice if white people could learn that every other race on the planet is a tribe, values their own tribe over others, and doesn't consider cheating and lying to other tribes to be immoral.
Im less concerned about student visas because I already know our education system is garbage. Its redundant. Sure the competition lowers White Americans access to the ruling class, but is also lowers White Americans likelihood to be sterilized marxists. You dont need a degree but you do need a job.
Friedman huh
I know they are the main ones using the CS Masters programs. All the people with CS BAs I know from US and Canada don't bother with masters, they just start working.
Yeah. In elite academia in the US it’s generally understood there’s nothing to learn from school after CS undergraduate, and even then if you just know how to code well you probably already know most of it without the undergraduate degree. If someone has say a PhD in CS in the professional world you assume they’re incompetent. There probably are a few exceptions. But not many.
One Indian guy born and raised here that I know is very smart and nice and successful. He says there’s a shortage of software engineers in the US, but given all the lay offs, I can’t see that being true. On most big tech software teams, 1-10% of people actually know how to code or do anything and everyone else is just along for the ride or reading over their work.
Maybe this is partially a race issue, but moreso it seems like an issue favoring Foreigners instead of Americans
It’s more globalism vs nationalism than it is race. I’m fine if the top 1% of coders want to come here but that’s not most of who we’re getting here in college or the working world. You’re basically getting someone with no knowledge or experience trying to google things and figure it out, and at that point just hire some kid already here.