Even if they let the player go lesbian, you know the only options will be a series of fugly dykes.
I’m never playing a game that expects me to role-play as a woman who is actively seeking male (or ugly female) affection. That shit is absolutely tranny adjacent.
Niggers, dykes, probably some trannies. Closest thing to a White male romance option will probably be some cucked faggy elf who will whine about how mean humans are to elves all the time. Ciri’s already supposed to be bi apparently, and not in a hot way.
In the books she is raped by an older woman while in her teens and develops a stockholm syndrome relationship with her. So that kind of bi.
Kind of? Sexual abuse is how all degenerate "identities" start.
that or overexposure to porn
We could argue that's a kind of abuse.
Self abuse?
There are two types of fags. Fags who were abused as children And fags that lie about it
That's it
Spot on.
Dishonesty is the biggest selling point of the rainbow community.
Haven’t read the books yet but I thought at the end she ends up with a guy
She doesn't really "end up" with anyone at the end of the books.
It's the same reason even many normies balked at Last of Us 2. Here, play as Joel's killer, and watch her/him get plowed, you being pegged by Naughty Dog by proxy.
If your audience is mostly dudes, stop trying to peg them. It's just grooming and with more steps.
Like the other commenters are saying probably the DEI power rangers but knowing how woke cdpr is now, I'm won't even bother to play. Besides I'm too sexist to play RPGs with female leads.
I don’t think people realize what’s about to happen here. As far as I know, every (major) rpg video game where the player is “trying to get laid” has either had a fixed male protagonist or create a character. Witcher 4 will be the first to feature both a fixed female protagonist and those romance options. It’s the first major studio release asking a super majority male audience to role-play as a woman navigating her intimate relationships. It’s super gay. And it will be made extra bad by the “available options” they will use to constrain your “choices”. They aren’t going to let you bang hot hookers or pursue sexy feminine witches.
Actually they probably will; look at Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. Those games managed to push the DEI messaging forward big time with all of the faggotry in them. Decent enough looking female characters who could engage in faggotry has almost everyone and their cousin defending those games. Even people here in this forum.
CDPR wants to push ESG forward, so they will let you bang hot women to push the faggotry angle because a ton of young porn-addicted men will find it "hot". At the same time, the "canon" romance will either be a tranny or some fugly black lesbian, because they hate lineages and nuclear families. And if the gameplay is just mediocre enough there will be a bunch of porn-addicted simps defending the game, and opening the doorway for even more degeneracy going mainstream in media.
Cyberpunk 2077 did not push the DEI message, gay, lesbian and tranny was already part of the lore even in the 80 like they did exist in our world since the roman empire era. A game in the future having them is not suprising. And cp 2077 characters are not screaming look at me i am gay or whatever, unless you delve deeper in their quests you will not know shit. Most gamers did not even knew the tranny character was a tranny until their quest reveal it.
Then again CP 2077 was made with the original devs of CD projekt before the wokies made them left ( they are most likely the reason there was hot chicks and hookers in the Witcher and CP 2077). And since they are not involved in Witcher 4, it will most likely be trash.
It was literally in the character creator. They purposely removed "male" and "female" text indicators due to the tranny freaks, and then added a bunch of genitalia options to appease the porn addicts. None of that added anything to the game, had nothing to do with any of the stories, and was literally there just to push the normalisation of fetishes on the broader public, and majority of people ate it up and defend it.
Cyberpunk 2077 was woke. Trannies galore. Majority of the wenches in that game were busted looking. Nothing in that game's story actually decried globalisation. Nothing in the game actually highlighted that diversity at the expense of native ethnic majorities is actually a bad thing. But this goes back to my point -- or rather, Razorfist's point that he made a long while ago: people have become accustomed to incrementalism, and so now people -- like now -- are defending those incremental woke steps because it's become so pervasive and normal in today's media.
A reminder it is book canon that Ciri was almost raped by one of the male members of The Rats group she joined, but was then saved by one of the female members.
Who raped her instead.
another thing the west likes to do... middle aged, non attractive white women as protagonist lol. yeah, it wont work because why the hell would i want to see a middle aged non attractive woman have sex with hot dudes, ugly dudes, ugly women or even pretty women??
Tyrone be hagmaxxing.
Witchers are sterile at least...
Actual Witchers sure, jury is out on the 'I identify as a Witcher! - Modern Ciri' type still.
The ONLY reason we had romance options in 3 (whores doesn't count) was it was an established part of the original story. So unless someone tells me the same for Ciri, I would not think this is implemented well than just a gimmick.
Ciri was raped in that story, so that's the starting point for this shitshow.
Devs have confirmed Ciri will have romance options.
They're not the devs that made the Witcher 3 so I don't give a shit what they say, I have little hope they'll provide the quality required to do it properly.
You can only have 1.
That's not true, with diversity we can have utterly shit quality!
I choose the former, simple question really.
Hah, I boycott CDPR back when they announced ESG. Cyberpunk was the last game of theirs ill ever play until they publically renounce woke as a mistake.
CDPR will burn to the ground before they admit they were wrong.
Then they will BURN.
It’s all so predictable.
These slash and fetch games never did it for me anyway.
ZOMG!!! That "black dude" is a strong and brave woman (with a penis) you incredible transphobe!!!