What is it with bitches doing this last minute admitting they lied about rape? Didn't the other famous one, what was the guy's name Emmitt or something some black guy, didn't she admit she lied decades after his murder?
Right or left, women have lied about rape and it's extremely telling that they tried to claim punishing the liars was harmful to rape victims coming forward than admitting allowing so many fake ones get through diminished the claim of rape significantly.
Nihilist philosophy. This life doesn't matter because we get a second life later on?
Why care about anything then? People should get what they deserve in a very immediate sense. Lightning bolts smited effigies of Fentanyl Floyd, I demand more lightning smiting.
The reports in the mod queue don't say who reported a comment or post. It just shows the offending comment or post, to which you can remove the comment or post, and punish the user of said comment or post, if you so wish.
You mean the faggots who hate Imp and report everything he says (and as this story demonstrates, he has a point) until he gets banned, even though they say similar shit about different groups all the time and get away with it?
I don't think so. There were actual people who found her before her death. Don't believe everything the media says.
Even this;
“In her memoir she recounts the story she told at the trial using imagery from the classic Southern racist horror movie of the ‘Black Beast’ rapist. But about her testimony that Till had grabbed her around the waist and uttered obscenities, she now told me, ‘That part’s not true.'”
Bryant, who is now in her 80s and the only living key figure from the case, added that she couldn’t remember the details of what happened in the store more than 60 years ago.
One way or another. She knows she lied or she can't remember. Can't be both. And that statement comes from a reporter who scrawled this following note but failed to record any audio of the confession:
That pt wasn’t true…50 yrs ago. I just don’t remember…
What is it with bitches doing this last minute admitting they lied about rape? Didn't the other famous one, what was the guy's name Emmitt or something some black guy, didn't she admit she lied decades after his murder?
Don't forget the Roe v Wade case was predicated on the woman lying about being raped.
Right or left, women have lied about rape and it's extremely telling that they tried to claim punishing the liars was harmful to rape victims coming forward than admitting allowing so many fake ones get through diminished the claim of rape significantly.
“You must not testify falsely against your neighbor."
Because at the end of this life, you get what you fucking deserve in the next one.
Maybe. But I'd much rather we create a society that makes people get what they deserve in this life, rather than the next.
Nihilist philosophy. This life doesn't matter because we get a second life later on?
Why care about anything then? People should get what they deserve in a very immediate sense. Lightning bolts smited effigies of Fentanyl Floyd, I demand more lightning smiting.
Yeah, it's the same bullshit excuse Dom uses here as to why he won't name and shame the faggots who keep abusing the reporting system.
Because he doesn't know, this has been brought up before as recently as the most recent meta thread.
You mean the faggots who hate Imp and report everything he says (and as this story demonstrates, he has a point) until he gets banned, even though they say similar shit about different groups all the time and get away with it?
Probably why islam requires there to be like 3 witnesses lawl.
I don't think so. There were actual people who found her before her death. Don't believe everything the media says.
Even this;
One way or another. She knows she lied or she can't remember. Can't be both. And that statement comes from a reporter who scrawled this following note but failed to record any audio of the confession:
So it's not a direct quote.
The media is above all, anti-White.
No. Someone else claimed she did, but she did not do such thing.
Emmet Till.
Till case was worse--rape wasn't even in the conversation. It was flirting with or whistling or something along those lines.
That's the one.