I don't think so. There were actual people who found her before her death. Don't believe everything the media says.
Even this;
“In her memoir she recounts the story she told at the trial using imagery from the classic Southern racist horror movie of the ‘Black Beast’ rapist. But about her testimony that Till had grabbed her around the waist and uttered obscenities, she now told me, ‘That part’s not true.'”
Bryant, who is now in her 80s and the only living key figure from the case, added that she couldn’t remember the details of what happened in the store more than 60 years ago.
One way or another. She knows she lied or she can't remember. Can't be both. And that statement comes from a reporter who scrawled this following note but failed to record any audio of the confession:
That pt wasn’t true…50 yrs ago. I just don’t remember…
I don't think so. There were actual people who found her before her death. Don't believe everything the media says.
Even this;
One way or another. She knows she lied or she can't remember. Can't be both. And that statement comes from a reporter who scrawled this following note but failed to record any audio of the confession:
So it's not a direct quote.
The media is above all, anti-White.