I like podcast of the lotus eaters, but as a result, I find that I've become far more informed of the goings on in the UK and the US than in Canada.
I used to watch SFO, but he's become an insufferable lefty and doesn't cover current events anymore anyway.
Closest I've got right now is following the PPC and Maxime Bernier on social media, but that's not really the same as a dedicated YouTuber or podcaster doing it.
Basically, I'm looking for Canadian News/Politics from Right/Libertarian perspective, so that I can keep better track of how the Canadian government is screwing the pooch this week.
I know that might be a tall order is such a ridiculous clown country.
Not really because they all fled Canada.
I mean you have Rebel News but they are CONSTANTLY harassed by authorities there, Viva Fri used from a more legal analytical perspective but he moved his family to Florida (which I can't begrudge him for doing, first thing you do is ensure your family are safe) so I'm not really aware of any others in Canada.
I think one of the factors why Lotus Eaters still exists and is successful despite being in the UK is that while they share the same authoritarian streak as Canada, the UK has authority weak to direct confrontation and Sargon is too established with too many connections to remove quietly so they have to let him be.
Rebel News was good on COVID but they are nauseatingly pro-Israel and run by a Jew Ezra Levant.
Their constant open grifting in every news story is also very off-putting.
As I said, one of the few I know STILL in Canada.
Just an impression, but feels like if push came to shove the UK public could take on the police and win as they're currently losing to fireworks while Canada there doesn't seem to be the same impression so those that could, got the fuck out.
States 51 and 52 here we come. Eastern and Western Canada, so neither of our political parties gains senators. Quebec can finally be alone.
The Pleb Reporter, Unacceptable Fringe, Moose On The Loose, Northern Perspective, Clyde Do Something. Don’t bother with Mr. sunshine baby, he’s too annoying and I had to unsubscribe.
The Pleb and Clyde Do Something are more centrist Pierre Poilievre/Conservative party supporters who want Trudeau gone but aren't willing to support anything based, edgy or nationalist.
It was a shame when Ezra Levant bent the knee. He was my major source on the trucking protests.
is that even legal in canuckistan?
Also used to watch SFO, he has convinced me that we can never trust Canadians. Have known a few in the before times, they all seem to have that energy of 'I'm the normal one Mr. American' right up until you try to say the state is inherently corrupting.
I'm subscribed to AvE, who mostly does tool reviews, but sometimes he sprinkles in political content... for instance he has done a trucker video.
If you like Uncle Bumblefuck, watch AgentJayZ (builds jet engines) and QuickDickMcDick (farmer).
The farmer one has moxie.
Also, if you haven't seen it, QuickDick took this scene from Yellowstone and expounded on it. "I'll give ya a hint: it burns, and it's not the tears of a Swedish environmentalist!"
Eew, he grows canola?
One of his farm bosses does. Most of his videos are done on the farms he works on, because his own is a very small acreage.
Oh, yes. And he does a standup comedy skit. JayZ has his moments, though. "Oh, there's still guns in Canada, eh? What the Mounties don't know... well, I was gonna say was 'it won't hurt them,' but... slasher smiles at camera"
Stick your dick in a vice.
Short fat otaku, a communist homosexual who coattailed in with the Gamergate crowd and is at constant war with himself and his breadtubing last years liberalism points.
The guy who went on a "waaaah, they're toxic misogeenees!" tirade about Vee and Sargon? That's who you're suggesting as a Sargon replacement?
I assumed he was asking for clarification on the initials, not endorsing him.
Yeah, looks like he might have accidentally got dogpilled asking a question lol.
What they said below. Who the hell or what the hell is SFO?
Weirdest thing is SFO keeps turning up in the chat of itsagundam's streams lately, who is the most openly unfiltered red-pilled guy I regularly watch on YouTube.
Gundam does not hold back on women's behavior at all, so I dunno why SFO's there if he hates 'soggynists so much. I assume it's some weird gay clout chasing thing.
He turns up in chats a lot, he's addicted to starting drama unfortunately.
You combine that with TDS and put it this way, we all better pray to God he doesn't have a sonichu medallion...
Jeremy MacKenzie - Leader of Diagolon streams twice a week on Rumble. @JeremyMacKenzi on X, Rumble
Jeremy mostly rants by himself for hours without guests and doesn't really cover any news format. But he's one of the few Leafs to openly acknowledge the JQ and is willing to call out pretty much anyone. The flip side is that he tends to act like a maverick, picking fights with others in the movement who could be allies like Max Bernier and the PPC bros.
The other two members of Diagolon are Alex Vriend/ Ferryman's Toll & Derek Harrison/Derek Rants
Ferryman mostly is racist on Twitter calling out pajeets. Derek Rants is building his own homestead in northern Ontario, streaming and smoking from his abode on Sundays.
An up&comer is Harrison Faulkner at True North. I doubt he is long for their outlet as they like Rebel News, are normie Conservative-leaning and terrified about being labeled as racist or bigoted. Harrison has done a lot of coverage of the Indian mass immigration problem. He's also done some on-the-ground reporting re: how John A. MacDonald's Kingston museum home was decolonialized and pozzed.
Jonathan Kay, formerly the Editor-in-Chief of the National Post, has a very good Twitter covering all things genderwang happening in the Canadian government and schools. Unfortunately he's still a centrist leftist and a vaxtard.
Pagliacci the hated runs an interesting Twitter as well from a Canadian TERF perspective and contributes to Reduxx. She's all over all things troon and pedo.
Endeavor is a dirty Canadian. I think John Carpenter(barsoom substack) may also be a Canuck.
Non-Canadians/new intellectuals: Highly recommend Jolly Heretic(Dutton) and itishoemath has been knocking it out of the park lately.
I'm not too familiar with them personally, but some people have shared a few with me. The Pleb was already mentioned. The other Canadian I know of is Clinton Jaws. Only seen one or two of his things, and it seems to be mostly reaction videos to political stuff, but I like his no-fucks attitude.
And, I am completely unfamiliar with these people, but just saw Reddit seething a little when I searched for Canadian YouTubers. Now, this could be completely meaningless, considering it's coming from someone who thinks everyone is "extremely right wing," and YT is dominated by the far right...so "unreliable narrator" doesn't begin to cover it.
But, anyway, random Redditor thinks MyNameIsJosephine, and JJ McCollough are both extreme right wing. I only looked a bit, but JJ doesn't seem that based, but I could be wrong. His chat seems based though, so maybe there's something there.
Viva Frei fled Canada.
Maybe Rebel News just generally?
Probably Gavin, but why would you even care about a lukewarm civnat
I wish twitter would unban @gnarlytaters, my go-to source all faggotry occurring in the "first post-nation state." Defund the rez!
Lauren Chen is sort of a leaf. Although she seems to have been yeeted off the internet after the Russia funding thing.
He couldn't even bother to cover the trucker protests at the time. Has he ever put out a video on that topic or is he still distracted by sucking tranny dick?
No, like I said, he stopped commenting on current events, last I checked he was too busy sucking the Biden administration's dick to bother with the trannys.
He was mostly focused on insisting that he's not a trump supporter and carrying water for the Democrats.
I gave up a couple months ago when he repeated insisted that Trump tried to steal the election and the Democrats didn't, and therefore the Democrats were better. Other than that he does worthless tiktok react videos.
It's a shame, his trouble with Trudeau videos years ago were great.
You will probably have to find some independent on YouTube. You might able to start with Rebel Media to prime your algorithm. Viva Frei might also help