It currently sits at an 84 on metacritic. The mainstream review sites have predictably sold out, and the ranks of the “professional reviewers” have been wildly inflated with a large number of extremely small and niche progressive websites giving insanely over-the-top praise.
But the real tell is how many fairly big YouTube reviewers didn’t receive review keys at all. Fextralife and ACG were both denied. And some of the ones who did get keys, like SkillUp and Matty, have absolutely shit all over the game. It’s not even close.
Watching SU’s painstakingly well-sourced video review after glancing through metacritic really shows the insane gaslighting that is still possible in the written media space. Also, the number of recognized pro reviewers who obsess over leftist politics on gaming has only grown.
Edit: the IGN reviewer who gave it a 9/10 is a tranny.
Edit again: I paged through a few more critic reviews, and I can honestly say I’ve never even heard of at least half these websites. I think big publishers are directly funding overly positive fly-by-night game review websites in order to manipulate metacritic. These are tiny ass websites with next to no readership, and yet they’ve received review codes ahead of massive YouTubers with millions of subs? It’s obvious bullshit.
Queer of the dragon age.
It won't matter because sales are in the toilet. I read that preorders for it were a fraction of Assassin's Creed Shadows.
Within a week, sales will be dead either way. They can buy reviews but the gamers still control the reception, which is bound to be disastrous.
I saw this scathing review which basically highlights how bad the character models look, the awful writing, and the monotonous gameplay. The only praise they have is that the environments visually look good (but even then the level design sucks).
Some easily influenced normies might pick up the game because it's Dragon Age and it 'seems' like it's getting good early reviews, but I don't expect anybody to tell their friends or say on social media positive word of mouth compared to something like Baldurs Gate 3.
Bioware is dead. We knew that for a long time, but soon it's going to be official.
Good video. I like how he's picking out the weird design decisions on the art style and facial models. It hit me earlier that once one of these DEI consultancy companies get involved, you can now spot it instantly. It's becoming its own cliche art style where it's not realistic; a kind of immature, forced, canny valley kind of universally bad character design.
Edit: "Every character interaction sounds like HR is in the room." OUCH
'Now i really wanted to like it' 'blalba I'm totally not a hater you guys' 'blabla I don't claim to be right it's just my opinion you guys'
What a fucking faggot. But i guesss it makes it more remarkable that such a reddit-preemptive-apologizer dares say its garbage.
He isn't called Shillup in some circles for no reason.
I just clicked on it hoping to get a decent review, as it's linked here. Then he literally starts of with a disclaimer, rambels a little about the game, straight back to an preemptive apology. I just closed the tab again, sry.
Dude, stick it out. He annihilates the game with a ton of receipts.
Yeah yeah, thats all fine. You don't have to watch him
But this is still a useful example for discussion here, precisely because its coming from an apologetic faggot, its a normy channel. Even people like this are saying effectively 'yeah nah, this sucks and is ugly'
They aren't saying 'why', not directly, but they're skirting on it, while discussing the ugly 'what'.
Is anyone surprised?
Woke shit gets positive reviews from "critics" because they're all in that same ideological sphere.
The honest people shit on it because it's actually shit.
This is the first time I’ve seen a bunch of major YouTubers not getting review codes. It reeks of a deliberate attempt to sway initial review scores.
In any other landscape this is considered fraud, but just because a few faggots benefitted then everything is ok
Some of the reviews are paid as well. You can count the ones that say it's a "return to form"
... Even though your team is not controllable, and are boiled down to doing A B or C because they get three abilities. And if you're ever confused about which one to use and when, it lights up and tells you when to, in case you need more hand holding.
Team is not controllable? What?
I didnt really follow this "game", but if thats true then its extremely stupid.
Bioware died long ago, the last time they came to good writing was ironically the last DLC for ME3, since then it's just been leaning more into pandering to cover for their lack of talent.
I think DAO was BioWare's last good game. That's how I'll remember the company anyhow. Whatever exists today is nothing like what released NWN and KOTOR.
Mass effect writing, good?
Not even the first one. Aggressively overrated generic schlock, people only liked 2 so much because of the waifu bait shit and smoothened combat.
I love the overall positive tone in your post!
I love the idea of bioware being erased from existence and their endless flood of gay abortions never inflicting their rot on the wider gaming sphere again.
Story wise was hit and miss as everyone can say ME3 went bad storywise which is why everyone either wanted the indoctrination theory to be true or wanted the Dark Matter storyline to be the true story when alluded to in ME2.
But they actually had very good character story in the trilogy. There's a reason everyone considers Garrus their bro for life and Tali has a dedicated fan club. Despite not being human they had so much character you couldn't help get invested with them.
Now take that appreciation for the character and tell me if anyone cares for the ones in Andromeda or DA inquisition?
They can, but they're all wrong on when and why.
Everyone whinges about the ending but says it was otherwise good till then. As though it was just the final 5% which ruined it all.
They are wrong.
ME3 was shit from the start, you're introduced to a weird new mcguffin which requires a quest across the galaxy to... It's star wars 9. It's utter shit with no set-up from the very get go, but with a few good smaller character moments and the wrap up of stories, like mordin. Thats what carries it, but the broader story was crap from the very start of 3.
The Ending did really grind people up but yeah there was signs it was bad just from that reoccurring kid in the beginning (which is what began the indoctrination theory)
The character stories carried it hard as every character at least got the respectful development they deserved.
The characters look like dreamworks shrek had a bastard love child with andromedas character creator.
I mean, I wouldn't expect a company to give review keys to someone they know is hostile to their brand. The pathetic part is the pro game journo shills. Does anyone remember the Kane and Lynch Gamespot fiasco? Is there anyone left like that in the industry who calls a turd a turd?
They're clearly shilling this because it's a tranny coded game and they don't want to "let the chuds win." They couldn't care less if the game is actually a good value or not.
If you only give keys to people who are positive to your brand, then that is literally buying good reviews with extra steps.
Its one thing to deny someone who breaks NDAs or has other legitimate grievances (like Kotaku showing how to pirate Nintendo games), but to not give them out because they might be negative defeats the entire purpose of reviews and is a sign of a complete failure of both the game and the system.
These aren’t even particularly hostile reviewers who are not getting keys. They’re just not members of the anointed mainstream video game press or part of an upstart progressive website. Publishers have run the numbers and realised exactly which categories of reviewer are problematic to the bottom line, and it’s anyone with the independence necessary to give truthful evaluations + uses video to back it up.
Apparently some random Twitch nobody said she was trans and non binary and got a key, lol.
Yeah, because that’s a public pledge of allegiance to the ideology behind the game.
Yeah, fextralife uploaded this vid explaining how they were promised a review code until almost the last moment to then be blacklisted. as were other youtubers who didn't praise da:failguard in their preview
Ah so like Rotten Tomatoes.
Drag-on Age
Nah, drag-on dragoon / drakengard was at least deliberately built as a suffering engine to torment players.
Don't worry, the rest of the userbase will downvote bomb it.
Tranny Age: Failguard