Mostly because they REALLY don't understand the public who aren't NPCs, they can't understand why people want to live in a safe, prosperous place even if that means (because of) no 'diversity'
Fucking insane to me how brazen they are and ZERO consequences. We all have to admit one thing, there is a strong element of cuckery somewhere in white culture that has allowed it to get this bad.
That's why I'm sympathetic to the "Christcucks" argument. I see Christianity, as practiced, making strong people into immigration proponents and race mixers.
Letting women outvote us was along those lines too. Maybe hindsight is 20/20, but I don't see how that ever was supposed to go well. Both temperance and suffrage were pushed with Christian appeal.
Also from the interwar period there's Maurice Samuel and his Khazar supremacist creed You Gentiles (1924), where he boasts that the Jew cannot ever integrate into Gentile society and will forever work to undermine & warp the latter to serve Jewish ends, and that's a good thing! But I prefer to think of it as a 200+ page treatise as to why Hadrian and the Catholic Monarchs were right about his kind.
Wise was born in Nashville, Tennessee, to Michael Julius Wise and LuCinda Anne (née McLean) Wise. His paternal grandfather was Jewish (of Russian origin).
Yeah.. i will feel no sympathy or empathy towards these individuals when shit hits the fan. If some person decides to do a repeat of some bad things in history, id say.. we turn a blind eye. We save their asses in ww2 and they just subvert and cuck us. I can see why history was not too kind to them. Always subverting and cucking.
Can't we both be? As far as the ones who think they're better than me: I don't like you. You don't like me. You're one race. I'm another. We can both be racist. Let's fight.
Just look at the numbers. Whites are on the way to extinction. And minority status might as well be extinction because we all can see how when browns with any power treat Whites.
Now look at the history of the last 100 or so years. What happens to any group of Whites who get together and act in the interests of their ethnicity. At every scale from WW2 Germany to Ruby Ridge.
Extinction would mean there are no white people at all any more. Any population trend down, if that's what's happening, could be interpreted as heading toward zero, but real population curves tend to have local maxima and minima. They don't just endlessly explode or go to 0.
In all due seriousness the orthodox MAGA-Jews who cuck for Israel are probably the only ones who would be willing to face this retard head on to shut him up.
Pretty sure this limp dicked faggot is pro Palestine too.
treat them like the enemy they are
Every time. Also works with anyone complaining about Christmas. They're always jews.
Jews are hated by pretty much everyone throughout history. They are the most reviled race. And then they tell us everyone was wrong. It's insane.
(Some) Jews will fully admit that they've never had tolerance like they experience in the US today -- not even or especially not even in Israel.
Man, at least he admits the relentless attack from the media (aka propaganda) has not been enough to destroy the man of the orange
Mostly because they REALLY don't understand the public who aren't NPCs, they can't understand why people want to live in a safe, prosperous place even if that means (because of) no 'diversity'
Fucking insane to me how brazen they are and ZERO consequences. We all have to admit one thing, there is a strong element of cuckery somewhere in white culture that has allowed it to get this bad.
That's why I'm sympathetic to the "Christcucks" argument. I see Christianity, as practiced, making strong people into immigration proponents and race mixers.
Letting women outvote us was along those lines too. Maybe hindsight is 20/20, but I don't see how that ever was supposed to go well. Both temperance and suffrage were pushed with Christian appeal.
They were writing this before WWII. Who was the woman who wrote something about killing all aryans? I tried googling but that didn't help at all.
I'm not sure who you are talking about, but I know about Theodore Kaufman and his book calling for the sterilization of all Germans.
Also from the interwar period there's Maurice Samuel and his Khazar supremacist creed You Gentiles (1924), where he boasts that the Jew cannot ever integrate into Gentile society and will forever work to undermine & warp the latter to serve Jewish ends, and that's a good thing! But I prefer to think of it as a 200+ page treatise as to why Hadrian and the Catholic Monarchs were right about his kind.
I think that's what I'm thinking of.
What do these sorts of people mean when they say 'reject whiteness'?
Could you imagine doing that to any other race?
'Reject blackness'
'Reject Asianness'
They mean give up individuality and join the hive mind. Also decency and the golden rule.
What they mean is "give me control."
That's all. Whatever mechanisms of control and order exist will be called "white" and they will attack them.
These people are nihilists. They believe in nothing, Donny.
Quite literally, fuck this guy with a White hot poker.
This makes it even funnier. Any time old Timmy comes up I have to repost this song
Imagine how funny it will be when it turns out jews will go extinct instead
Yeah.. i will feel no sympathy or empathy towards these individuals when shit hits the fan. If some person decides to do a repeat of some bad things in history, id say.. we turn a blind eye. We save their asses in ww2 and they just subvert and cuck us. I can see why history was not too kind to them. Always subverting and cucking.
i’m sure daily wire and ben shapiro will get right on it to denounce his statements and aggressively defend us
Are... Are they the real racists??
No, I am
While I chuckled I doubt you’re worse than a Bolshevik
Can't we both be? As far as the ones who think they're better than me: I don't like you. You don't like me. You're one race. I'm another. We can both be racist. Let's fight.
I was making fun of the boomers saying "imagine the roles are reversed, democrats are the real racists"
Then he gets your bank account removed.
Best marketing ever for offshore operations.
Tim Wise is the one fucker that makes me think maybe you ethnonats have a point.
He's just so fucking BLATANT about it, and nobody punishes him.
Just look at the numbers. Whites are on the way to extinction. And minority status might as well be extinction because we all can see how when browns with any power treat Whites.
Now look at the history of the last 100 or so years. What happens to any group of Whites who get together and act in the interests of their ethnicity. At every scale from WW2 Germany to Ruby Ridge.
Its why they are brainwashing your kids to be leftists or make mongo babies.
Extinction would mean there are no white people at all any more. Any population trend down, if that's what's happening, could be interpreted as heading toward zero, but real population curves tend to have local maxima and minima. They don't just endlessly explode or go to 0.
Hah, good one.
In all due seriousness the orthodox MAGA-Jews who cuck for Israel are probably the only ones who would be willing to face this retard head on to shut him up.
Pretty sure this limp dicked faggot is pro Palestine too.
No. Why do you think jews were kicked out of European countries so many times over the last 2000 years?
You are being baited by our resident Brigand.