Before September 11 2001 there were media campaigns highlighting "the plight of women in Afghanistan" with the implication that something should be done about it. We know how that turned out. Media ramped up a bit after too, but the terrorism angle was a better sell at that point.
Now apparently the warmongers are back at it again since Ukraine $$$ may be coming to an end. For fucks sake it has been only what, less than 3 years since we got out of that shit hole?
Fuck this gay earth that they want to do it again.
I remember neocon rags saying that the US military was a force for women's rights in these shitholes and that's why we should stay. This was back in the late 00s. The Republicans are almost as feminist as the Democrats. It just manifests itself in different ways. The shit show in the West is proof that the goat fuckers are right to put the boot back on women's necks and keep it there.
I realized proving that “women can do it too” is not important. Yeah, there are some exceptional women that can fairly succeed in professions dominated by men. It doesn’t matter. Women producing and raising children is more important.
Oy vey. But don't you love women and hate misogyny? Don't you want our judified watered down version of freedom that involves white men dying for woke women and every other race to be empowered to go to our universities and run our society?
If not, you must hate women.
Now go to war against more sand people across the world, because they threaten israe-- I mean, threaten FREEDOM!
Dems and Labour get rid of feminism all the time. When women and girls are raped by brown men, those bitches are told to shut up and take it. White women can't object to being attacked by angry brownies either. Can't even object to a man swinging his dick in their daughter's face in a women's locker room.
But whenever it's needed, feminism can always be phoned in, and used with the utmost precision, without worry that the feminists themselves will ever stray from the task at hand. And when they do, like TERFs, they get obliterated. So mainstream feminists are good little yapping poodles, delicately weaving around poor white girls being raped while crying bloody murder at a mid white guy politely asking out a woman.
Feminism is nothing more than a propaganda weapon for establishment left-wing parties, it immediately materializes whenever summoned and just as quickly gets the fuck out like a good whore who knows you're not paying her to stay the night after she's emptied your balls. And it's hilarious how baldly cynical it is, having watched it come and go like a fashion trend. Only the most autistic women actually take that shit seriously, for everyone else it's a pure performance.
Why are CNN reporting these changes as negative? Don't they realize how islamophobic they're being? Don't they realize that islamophobia is heckin invalid and only for transphobic ableist white nationalist nazi chuds??
So triggered. CNN needs to stop with the islamophobia and do better.
Not saying we need to be as extreme but getting rid off feminism is really easy if there's a will for it
If you do not go to the extremes to preserve culture and country, you will always lose it to those willing to go to equal extremes to subvert and destroy it.
Yes but some people here are not ready to hear that. I'm already getting argument from people like u/83671R18 crying about how islam makes women in to "slaves" and "breeding animals" because they dare to put women in their place.
"Crying about"? you're a deceitful one, you muslim worm.
All I did was state the fact that muslims, whereever they seize absolute power anywhere, turn women and girls into expendable slaves for expanding their own so-called 'religion' through mass childbirth and eradicate the culture, history and knowledge of those they conquer.
put women in their place.
That is not what being a 'housewife' is. Of course, I don't expect a muslim to understand the importance of a housewife because to them, women are replaceable slaves.
No im just not a feminist unlike you. And there's nothing wrong with "enslaving women to have more children" (as you put it) everyone should do it. That is the reason why throughout history , ALL civilizations gave women less rights because the goal of everyone is to ensure that their own kind has more babies, and the more feminism exists the less babies people have, just look at how Japan's birthrates collapsed after America forced the gender equality law on Japan after ww2.
Lol you quoted yourself and called yourself an offended woman because I ripped apart every one of your lies. Are you even literate? What's the matter? Why are you muslims getting so offended when people fight back against your lies?
Yes, you are right. Unfortunately there are still some here (and majority in the normie spaces) who have not quite caught on to just how bad things are and how bad things will get unless zero-tolerance policies are enacted. But most people are not ready to go there.
Muslims have always sought to silence all knowledge and keep their chattel slaves in inhumane conditions whenever they establish their vile enclaves - it creates a demand for a constant intake of foreign slaves to replace the ones who rapidly die out under their hegemony.
The fact that muslims constantly seek to breed and add to their fighting forces, even at the cost of the health and livelihood of women and children is not a 'leftist argument'. You're being dishonest when you try to excuse the behavior of muslims tormenting those they take as slaves as 'women must be housewives'.
A housewife completes the husband and vice versa, rather than having to remain a replaceable breeding animal. But I suppose the MIDF subhumans do not understand that.
You're just a liberal of the 1990's if you think that its a bad thing or something "uniquely islam" to stop educating women. In reality most cultures in the past, didn't educate the women, because the best place for a woman in society is to be a housewife and there wasn't really much point in educating them
And you're downplaying the danger that death cult is on every nation in the world.
You call it "being a housewife", I call it for what it is - keeping women in miserable conditions so that they die early - just so that it provides an impetus into seizing the women and children of other nations. The pedo pajeet didn't understand why this was an unsustainable model either.
By the way, the abuse, pimping and murder of women and girls under their control is a uniquely islamic cultural behavior that has, for hundreds of years, provided their impetus for constant raiding and expansionism.
Of course, you muslims would try and cover that up.
You're either a muslim, or an idiot. Their whole purpose in enslaving women and girls is procreation on a mass scale so they can overrun your countries too, for the express purpose of enslaving women and children in your countries and adding them to the apparatus of the unending production line of more rapefugees.
They have, and are obsessed with replacing entire nations and ethnicities for the 'crime' of not worshipping their knockoff old testament sky daddy.
No im just not a feminist unlike you. And there's nothing wrong with "enslaving women to have more children" (as you put it) everyone should do it. That is the reason why throughout history , ALL civilizations gave women less rights because the goal of everyone is to ensure that their own kind has more babies, and the more feminism exists the less babies people have, just look at how Japan's birthrates collapsed after America forced the gender equality law on Japan after ww2.
We must establish new indoctrination centers to teach them the glory of feminism. They too can ruin themselves and their society by never growing up and accepting responsibility because the men around them are good feminists too!
Ha, nice try but those muslims don't have 'families'. They don't bother to build a better future for their children, rather - they'd just waste all their money on weapons and draft their own children into a pointless conflict in the name of their false god.
Maybe try putting two and two together instead and think about who, how and why your people are being replaced instead of cucking to muslims who want to replace you anyway?
A desperate deflection, muslim. But I'll break your lies anyway.
In America, the draft age is 18~26; well into adulthood due to a bill passed by warmongering 'rulers' who have no problem sending Americans to die in pointless conflicts - it is not Americans who are sending their own children to die.
Muslims brainwash their children early on to ensure compliance - the child has little to no chance to escape from the islamic propaganda machine where they are born, and die a pointless death.
After all, much like the slaves they take, those children are considered "replaceable" to the islamic war machine.
Oh so Americans get TRICKED in to fighting and dying for israel instead unlike muslims who force their children in to wars(for their own god and not for another country mind you). That makes is so much better.
Press-ganged, but at the age of 18~26, it is easier to escape when there is no unified propaganda machine forcing obedience to the draft on penalty of death. Why are you so determined to not discuss that?
im not here to defend islam im here to say that some of their policies regarding women are based and you are getting so offended. Are you a woman or something?
I would say "she should have seen it coming based on the culture she surrounded herself with", but I look at the culture I'm surrounded with, almost as hostile to men as hers was to women prior to the tipping point.
Imagine thinking that an American occupied Afghanistan (before the Taliban took over) wasn't full of feminism. They were already having woman's rights classes in their universities
i said that's how YOU put it because you're an offended female overdramatizing things, and you still haven't answered the question "where do you think a woman's place should be ideally then if you don't think they should be housewives?"
Nah, you quoted yourself and then assumed that I think they should not all be housewives because I dared to point out the fact muslims eradicate knowledge and keep their slaves in conditions unfit for human life to accelerate demand for foreign slaves.
So yeah, shut your trap about 'housewives' - you want slaves because you're a subhuman mudslime/pedo pajeet. Your kind do not deserve the glory of loving and being loved by a faithful wife because you mudslime-worshipping subhumans are a contagion, a disease, a threat to my people that will be eradicated.
Before September 11 2001 there were media campaigns highlighting "the plight of women in Afghanistan" with the implication that something should be done about it. We know how that turned out. Media ramped up a bit after too, but the terrorism angle was a better sell at that point.
Now apparently the warmongers are back at it again since Ukraine $$$ may be coming to an end. For fucks sake it has been only what, less than 3 years since we got out of that shit hole?
Fuck this gay earth that they want to do it again.
I remember neocon rags saying that the US military was a force for women's rights in these shitholes and that's why we should stay. This was back in the late 00s. The Republicans are almost as feminist as the Democrats. It just manifests itself in different ways. The shit show in the West is proof that the goat fuckers are right to put the boot back on women's necks and keep it there.
I realized proving that “women can do it too” is not important. Yeah, there are some exceptional women that can fairly succeed in professions dominated by men. It doesn’t matter. Women producing and raising children is more important.
Either we solve the feminism problem or we get overrun by a civilization that doesn't play these games.
Oy vey. But don't you love women and hate misogyny? Don't you want our judified watered down version of freedom that involves white men dying for woke women and every other race to be empowered to go to our universities and run our society?
If not, you must hate women.
Now go to war against more sand people across the world, because they threaten israe-- I mean, threaten FREEDOM!
Allow in reporters who take pictures of participants.
Added bonus: archived article!
and they all wear identifiable clothing.
terrible opsec all around.
Dems and Labour get rid of feminism all the time. When women and girls are raped by brown men, those bitches are told to shut up and take it. White women can't object to being attacked by angry brownies either. Can't even object to a man swinging his dick in their daughter's face in a women's locker room.
But whenever it's needed, feminism can always be phoned in, and used with the utmost precision, without worry that the feminists themselves will ever stray from the task at hand. And when they do, like TERFs, they get obliterated. So mainstream feminists are good little yapping poodles, delicately weaving around poor white girls being raped while crying bloody murder at a mid white guy politely asking out a woman.
Feminism is nothing more than a propaganda weapon for establishment left-wing parties, it immediately materializes whenever summoned and just as quickly gets the fuck out like a good whore who knows you're not paying her to stay the night after she's emptied your balls. And it's hilarious how baldly cynical it is, having watched it come and go like a fashion trend. Only the most autistic women actually take that shit seriously, for everyone else it's a pure performance.
Why are CNN reporting these changes as negative? Don't they realize how islamophobic they're being? Don't they realize that islamophobia is heckin invalid and only for transphobic ableist white nationalist nazi chuds??
So triggered. CNN needs to stop with the islamophobia and do better.
Based goat fuckers.
If you do not go to the extremes to preserve culture and country, you will always lose it to those willing to go to equal extremes to subvert and destroy it.
Yes but some people here are not ready to hear that. I'm already getting argument from people like u/83671R18 crying about how islam makes women in to "slaves" and "breeding animals" because they dare to put women in their place.
"Crying about"? you're a deceitful one, you muslim worm.
All I did was state the fact that muslims, whereever they seize absolute power anywhere, turn women and girls into expendable slaves for expanding their own so-called 'religion' through mass childbirth and eradicate the culture, history and knowledge of those they conquer.
That is not what being a 'housewife' is. Of course, I don't expect a muslim to understand the importance of a housewife because to them, women are replaceable slaves.
You're so obviously an offended woman .
Struck dead center, didn't I?
Lol you quoted yourself and called yourself an offended woman because I ripped apart every one of your lies. Are you even literate? What's the matter? Why are you muslims getting so offended when people fight back against your lies?
Seethe female
Gotcha good, didn't I? Cry harder, mudslime parasite.
Yes, you are right. Unfortunately there are still some here (and majority in the normie spaces) who have not quite caught on to just how bad things are and how bad things will get unless zero-tolerance policies are enacted. But most people are not ready to go there.
Muslims have always sought to silence all knowledge and keep their chattel slaves in inhumane conditions whenever they establish their vile enclaves - it creates a demand for a constant intake of foreign slaves to replace the ones who rapidly die out under their hegemony.
You are using the leftist argument that expecting women to be housewives makes them slaves
The fact that muslims constantly seek to breed and add to their fighting forces, even at the cost of the health and livelihood of women and children is not a 'leftist argument'. You're being dishonest when you try to excuse the behavior of muslims tormenting those they take as slaves as 'women must be housewives'.
A housewife completes the husband and vice versa, rather than having to remain a replaceable breeding animal. But I suppose the MIDF subhumans do not understand that.
You're just a liberal of the 1990's if you think that its a bad thing or something "uniquely islam" to stop educating women. In reality most cultures in the past, didn't educate the women, because the best place for a woman in society is to be a housewife and there wasn't really much point in educating them
And you're downplaying the danger that death cult is on every nation in the world.
You call it "being a housewife", I call it for what it is - keeping women in miserable conditions so that they die early - just so that it provides an impetus into seizing the women and children of other nations. The pedo pajeet didn't understand why this was an unsustainable model either.
By the way, the abuse, pimping and murder of women and girls under their control is a uniquely islamic cultural behavior that has, for hundreds of years, provided their impetus for constant raiding and expansionism.
Of course, you muslims would try and cover that up.
You're either a muslim, or an idiot. Their whole purpose in enslaving women and girls is procreation on a mass scale so they can overrun your countries too, for the express purpose of enslaving women and children in your countries and adding them to the apparatus of the unending production line of more rapefugees.
They have, and are obsessed with replacing entire nations and ethnicities for the 'crime' of not worshipping their knockoff old testament sky daddy.
No im just not a feminist unlike you. And there's nothing wrong with "enslaving women to have more children" (as you put it) everyone should do it. That is the reason why throughout history , ALL civilizations gave women less rights because the goal of everyone is to ensure that their own kind has more babies, and the more feminism exists the less babies people have, just look at how Japan's birthrates collapsed after America forced the gender equality law on Japan after ww2.
Those poor women. How dare they have families.
We must establish new indoctrination centers to teach them the glory of feminism. They too can ruin themselves and their society by never growing up and accepting responsibility because the men around them are good feminists too!
Ha, nice try but those muslims don't have 'families'. They don't bother to build a better future for their children, rather - they'd just waste all their money on weapons and draft their own children into a pointless conflict in the name of their false god.
PS: Feminism isn't knowledge.
Sounds like the last 100 years in the west to me. The difference is they actually have children and we have a contracting and replaced population.
Maybe try putting two and two together instead and think about who, how and why your people are being replaced instead of cucking to muslims who want to replace you anyway?
Islam is (mostly) right about women.
Not really. Their societies wouldn't be dependent on slave labor otherwise - but they are, for as long as they have existed.
You mean like how Americans constantly send their children to die in zionist wars for their false god called "israel"?
A desperate deflection, muslim. But I'll break your lies anyway.
In America, the draft age is 18~26; well into adulthood due to a bill passed by warmongering 'rulers' who have no problem sending Americans to die in pointless conflicts - it is not Americans who are sending their own children to die.
Muslims brainwash their children early on to ensure compliance - the child has little to no chance to escape from the islamic propaganda machine where they are born, and die a pointless death.
After all, much like the slaves they take, those children are considered "replaceable" to the islamic war machine.
Oh so Americans get TRICKED in to fighting and dying for israel instead unlike muslims who force their children in to wars(for their own god and not for another country mind you). That makes is so much better.
Press-ganged, but at the age of 18~26, it is easier to escape when there is no unified propaganda machine forcing obedience to the draft on penalty of death. Why are you so determined to not discuss that?
im not here to defend islam im here to say that some of their policies regarding women are based and you are getting so offended. Are you a woman or something?
I would say "she should have seen it coming based on the culture she surrounded herself with", but I look at the culture I'm surrounded with, almost as hostile to men as hers was to women prior to the tipping point.
Imagine thinking that an American occupied Afghanistan (before the Taliban took over) wasn't full of feminism. They were already having woman's rights classes in their universities
Ya that's the issue. It's not education, it's indoctrination into society destroying Marxist feminist grievance studies.
Funny thing is, I never once heard any liberal talk about trying to free women in the Middle East. They are too busy calling the U.S. misogynistic…
we did it joe!
Any idiot that uses the Taliban as their role model for anything.... should make like their foreskin and disappear.
Tell me where you think a woman's place should be ideally then if you don't think they should be housewives?
You try to claim that they should be housewives - but when questioned, you just reveal that you want expendable slaves.
i said that's how YOU put it because you're an offended female overdramatizing things, and you still haven't answered the question "where do you think a woman's place should be ideally then if you don't think they should be housewives?"
Nah, you quoted yourself and then assumed that I think they should not all be housewives because I dared to point out the fact muslims eradicate knowledge and keep their slaves in conditions unfit for human life to accelerate demand for foreign slaves.
So yeah, shut your trap about 'housewives' - you want slaves because you're a subhuman mudslime/pedo pajeet. Your kind do not deserve the glory of loving and being loved by a faithful wife because you mudslime-worshipping subhumans are a contagion, a disease, a threat to my people that will be eradicated.
It was overnight without a peep of genuine protest or resistance.
Men are bigger, stronger, tougher, smarter, and are the only ones who know how to run the world. Feminism ends in a day when we just say no to it.
All the taliban has to do is point to the tranny degeneracy in the west to make their case.
Honestly we can suppress feminism by just having strong, good, men in most of these women's lives.
They turn "far right" just as soon as they have a high-value husband and kids.
cue you stormfags support the talibans killing and raping white people as long as they kill the jews!
you are jewish
I was parodying gizornik
well you did a good job
That was more of a gopower parody. Gizortnik would need another 100 words to say basically the same thing.
Why should I care about the taliban doing mountain sand people things in Afghanistan? How does that affect me or my family whatsoever?
No taliban ever called me a problem in my own nation. I'll reserve my energy for the real threat.
Nigga I was parodying gizornik
How about giving women the choice to do what they like?
If they want to be a doctor that's great.
If they want to be a house wife, that's great.
Edit - I'm getting downvoted for this comment... Really? This place is a cesspool for incel cunts man
That's fine with me. The issue is medical schools are just radical feminist propaganda factories that seek to destroy young minds.
Pedo pajeets and their race-traitor cohorts, looks like. Since the retarded redditor janny is chasing off everyone else.