Reddit is a ghost town
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Well, they've banned anyone who had the wrong opinions. When everyone that's left thinks the same way and says the same things there's no point in posting anything anymore.
Plus, leftist censorship and ideology have made everything so formulaic all you need is a title and you know exactly what the post and comments will be like. That's true for mainstream "news", too.
Yup, even the commies who are there to tell each other what they want to hear are eventually going to get sick of posting the exact same comment as every other retard on the site. They'll just spend more time indulging in their tranny porn addiction instead.
Counterpoint: You can always count on a commie to try and out-commie the other commies
True, but then they have to repeat the ban/censorship cycle above because now the "moderate" leftists are the new "right-wingers".
You say that like the commies will get tired of excoriating the wrong-thinkers! :D lol.
If only we could somehow harness that endless energy to power the grid!
They won't get tired but then the discourse gets even narrow and there's even less that can be posted.
Especially for the kill count.
Trying to force everyone to use their shitty new desktop i terface or the absolutely atrocious app probably didn't help either. I used to use RIF to check on r/shitpoliticssays once in a while but when they killed 3rd party app access I just had to stop because holy shit.
I've posted here about theoryofreddit (screenshotted in this twitter post) banning those who participated in covid skeptic subreddits. So, that guy postulating about reddit activity is going to get a constrained response. And, r/redditalternatives got overtaken by the eststablishment leftist culture after the subreddit boycott last year. Ironically, it's futile to have a insightful conversation, on how and why Reddit is shitting the fan, anywhere on Reddit.
r/againsthatesubreddits is dead. It's just posts restating instructions. No more targets
You simply can't keep normal people on websites run by transgender communist jannie activists, there's not a single one that avoided collapsing once those people subverted it.
At this point it's just an automaton factory. Nothing living contributes anything that can ping on a sensor but it continues doing its thing all the same.
I suspect Reddit has been doing this for almost ten years and is way more advanced than a lot of people here would expect.
Story time. I used to post often on a small subreddit about a niche, controversial theory. One day, I received an unsolicited private message from an account I had never seen post in that subreddit. This account would send me unsolicited rambling messages that just happened to include mundane details about my real life, like my pet's name, a place I used to live, etc. It truly felt like some glowie took my real life information, my internet history, fed it all into a prototype AI training program, and sent the AI after me on either a phishing expedition or as a distraction. I know Reddit has a lot of weirdos, but this just didn't feel human. When I started ignoring it, the account started sending me suicidal messages to bait me into chatting with it.
It all got very unsettling, so I stopped using that Reddit account entirely. Just never logged in again. Unfortunately, I was dumbass and had previously tied that account to an email address. This led to all sorts of automatic account email notifications that I'd delete without reading. A few years after abandoning the account, I received an email on my birthday that my Reddit account was permanently banned. I do not believe the timing was coincidental.
You're probably on a government watch list and they're trying to bait you into doing something. But you're not important enough to warrant an actual fbi person yet.
Is it normal for weirdos who hang outside of seemingly legitimate pizza joints to randomly ask for your political opinions and try to get you to smoke marijuana with them? If not, then I may have encountered the local domestic surveillance.
maybe your just crazy
I certainly seem to attract it.
Here's the kicker: Reddit is still doing this to me on a banned account that I haven't logged into in many years. How am I still receiving comment reply notifications on an account that Reddit told me they permanently banned? I genuinely don't know, and don't care enough to take their obvious bait to figure it out. Those emails get deleted as soon as they show up in my inbox; I refuse to even read them.
Oh, and here's another anecdote that might be of interest. I strongly suspect that they are testing out AI image production. I lurk my local subreddit for news, and, every few days, some random account posts a blurry, potato-quality picture of a common plant or animal and asks for help identifying it. All of these pictures look "off," and are poor quality even by really low budget cell phone standards. I'm not convinced they are real.
Sounds like a fed
Reddit admitted that back when they were getting started, and digg was king of the internet, they had employees talking to themselves with multiple accounts to make the place not feel like a ghost town. They absolutely are using bots.
The amount of 'word' 'word' 'number' usernames I see is ridiculous.
Automatically assume a username like that is a bot..
its the old default xbox naming scheme yeah, InnocuousSasquatch72895, TremblingQuokka6209. Adjective+Animal(or myth creature)+5 or so digits
That sorta name right?
Makes me think microsoft involvement too.
I made an account there to post a specific ad and this is the default account creation name. I imagine most people are just recycling these accounts and don't really care about the longevity of the account.
Yea, I made a throwaway account many years ago and that's the naming scheme for default names that reddit suggests.
I use default usernames because I burn accounts often enough it's not worth coming up with usernames.
what makes you say that...
They've been cooking the books with their engagement stats as well. I've seen posts with thousands of upvotes but with comment numbers in the single digits. The posts in question are always in line with Spez's agenda of course.
Oh yeah what they're doing is criminal fraud of their advertisers. On one hand, fuck advertising, but on the other hand, fuck reddit. I really hope that they get sued into the ground before the site collapses organically.
Anyone who advertises in that cesspit deserves what they get, but Spez getting financially raped would be a pay per view worthy moment. It would be particularly fitting considering he nuked r/MGTOW.
Advertisers and shareholders. Remember, reddit is publicly traded now.
Reddit was my first dive into dead internet theory.
Yeah it’s for sure a thing. Specific hobby places are down a bit but the major places are just completely dead.
And now I can’t even log in because they won’t allow it if you block google trackers (I block all google domains with a dns filter) and they even block many vpn servers so occasionally I’ll have to switch vpn servers to even view the content.
But like you said there’s still decent content for niche topics… for now
Even the niche topics are kind of garbage, though. Low interaction rate.
I've honestly gone back to 4chan for most things, or here.
Reddit isn't nearly as valuable in shaping the public conversation and narratives as it used to be.
So the person in charge of bots and shills who kept the dozens of posts on all those bigs subs being pumped up daily, which then gave people something to engage with, has moved on and nobody was ever in a place to replace it.
Its the same way that if someone like B-Volleyball stopped posting on KIA1, the place would quickly be a literal ghosttown instead of having its decently high engagement.
I think it dying quickly and thoroughly is wishful thinking. But it's certainly encouraging to hear about a noticeable downtick even with all the botting.
Most of the activity is fake. The real question is if the number of normies being tricked by the bots and trannies is going down significantly.
It's the end of the American election cycle, which means /r/politics is still going strong pumping out pro-Biden and anti-Trump propaganda. The number of trender-related social engineering incidents with regards to bannings is probably also still going as strong as ever.
Big Tech has taken it upon itself to do a number of things, and one of them is to get Biden re-elected and the other is to keep pushing for trenders, no matter how horrifying that movement is.
Yeah like how reddit replaced digg...and the cycle can begin anew
Didn't reddit have to purge most of the bots when they became a publicly traded company?