Sweet Baby Inc. Style Consultancy Firm GaymerX Consulted With Niantic Before Radical Gender & Avatar Changes Made In 'Pokémon GO...
Consultancy firm GaymerX, which operates similar to Sweet Baby Inc., consulted with Pokémon GO developer Niantic ahead of the company's radical gender and avatar changes to the game.
Always has been.
The gay-run fashion industry commonly promotes effeminate men and androgynous women. A typical high-fashion model has no curves, rail-thin, and short hair; compared to traditionally attractive pinups/maxim girls/(old) Victoria's secret girls, etc.
The queers running the fashion show aren't looking at the women. Clothing of all types looks better on thinner people, and since the goal is to make the clothes look good, they choose the thinnest people they can find to model them.
Maybe? According to the GaymerX website, the Executive Director is Katie Kaitchuck(apologies as it is not archived, but I did not want to wait the better part of an hour to do so). Edit:archived version
Seems at least "female presenting" and is also a former Feminist Frequency employee, so history rhymes once again!
I believe that's the plan. Completely take over all escapism and possibly destroy it from within. If the destroyers continue to let escapism exist then they will feel like no one is paying attention to them. No imagination means no creativity. No creativity means no escapism. All we'll be left with is the real world and a digital version of the real world.
That's one reason - I'm sure they rub their hands together and chuckle while forcing the changes on players - though with this kind of artwork I think it's more to promote androgyny and normalize trannies and uggos. Driven by jealously or perversion.
Seriously. Their claim was "Trainers, your avatar can now look even more like YOU!".
After seeing how the new avatars look all I can think is damn, Niantic. Why you gotta call me ugly like that?
Which is actually weird since that's the opposite of the stereotype.
Maybe it relates only to fashion or you have to be gay but not have it be important to your identity.
The gays never had taste. You were being bombarded with the idea they did to push a narrative and present a "value" they could provide to your life and culture.
Did you see how the Queer Eye guys dressed? It was nothing but flair and flamboyance masquerading as "style" to act as a polar opposite to a normal man's outfit.
A gay dude designed Nazi uniforms. You telling me those are ugly?
It's a shame, I prefer the gays that updated guy's suit style so we never have to get dragged into the fashion trends to the biological weapons factories currently around with their 'community'
This has apparently pissed off EVERYONE since people spent money on their avatars and this update ruined them and the add insult to injury the 'representative of our players' line they said.
Makes player avatars hideously ugly
What did Niantic mean by this?
I'd be pissed too if I finally got my character looking the way I want, especially if I spent money on the appearance, and now it looks ... like that.
Its because they didn't just ugly up everyone (though that would have pissed off the huge female playerbase anyway). Its that they did it in the Patended Niantic Method of being hugely incompetent while doing it and rushing it out completely broken.
Cosmetics broken, genders changing based on arbitrary sliders, wildly out of scale body parts. So even those who might begrudgingly accept it are also pissed.
I don't understand why anyone is still playing this game. I remember back in 2018 or so everyone was complaining about the broken updates and lack of support from Niantic. I quit playing around that time.
The handful of people I know who still do fall broadly into two camps.
The casual skinner box type who just reflexively do it. My buddy who works for Fedex is one, and he just on habit opens it at every stop, does his business and moves on. Its the same as MMO players, just habitual play without any deeper thought.
The others are purely in it for socializing. They have their little local groups that get together and hang and use it mostly as an excuse to have the group get together. This is where most of the girl players are.
So, the game itself is mostly irrelevant, its just an excuse for people to indulge in either socializing or minor dopamine hits while working. And this update has fucked up the social ones bad.
GaymerX has been around for a while. I wonder how many of these "consultancies" there are.
The answer is "a lot". There's a lot of money and power in ruining IPs, after all.
I get the feeling that fighting them could turn into a game of whack-a-mole.
Someone posted an article here a little while ago that covered something like a half dozen or so, and there are a lot of others too.
And this is why you can't count on normies to ever wake up to this shit. They're perfectly content to sit in the pot as it boils so long as it doesn't get too hot.
The regressive left knows this, and it's why they've played the long game in their infiltration of institutions. It's also why they deny what they're doing until it's too late to stop it, at which point it becomes a standard industry practice and actually a good thing.
If these same normies had been shown the same thing 20 years ago they wouldn't have been "absolutely fine with it." But here we are, because all that matters to them is the here and now.
I enjoyed reading this article.