Yes it's important to point out that the population angle is only pushed because it's working. Solving that with robots or positive birth rate won't remove the subversion. They'll shift to a new tactic. "We need immigrants to do the jobs that Japanese won't." "Without foreign workers we'll have $10 a head lettuce." "We must do our part to help the refugees." "Delicious kebabs on every street corner!" "We have no culture." "Japan has always been a nation of immigrants."
When people say stuff made here in Canada was too expensive, I point at the corduroy jacket I bought in 1992 and is still in perfect shape that cost me all of a $20 bill. It's kind of a shame the Made in Canada tag faded away years ago.
I know some japanese manufacturers and they've had huge issues with their Vietnamese workers. I think they would honestly hire locals except most young locals don't want to work that kind of job
Their wages arent bad. Mcdonalds used to pay 13 to 14 per hr a decade ago. Haven't kept up since then
Its just people dont want to be blue collar workers. If a white collar job was available for those wages, they rather take that so its not so much the wage issue but how its perceived.
i mean yeah but at the same time if the wages were good people would do it. You have Japanese women actually doing manual work and pulling people on rickshaws just because rickshaw pullers have high pay in Japan.
i also think making university the end all be all is also bad.
There are people doing it. There are japanese women working manufacturing.By that logic, the wages must be good.
The problem is when people start making unrealistic demands of blue collar salaries. It's like how california thinks 20 dollars min wage is a good idea
The problem with the rickshaw pulling comparison is that there is only a limited demand for rickshaws. It's a niche product. They maybe have to fill 2-3 spots for every 100 manufacturing jobs in japan so yeah, it's easier to fill up the demand for rickshaw pullers. And it still sounds better than saying you're a blue collar factory worker because it's so niche.
YES. the jew nitpicked that one part of the video to push his propaganda and all the twitter faggots just ate it up. Though even if it were the majority of people in Japan supporting immigrants it still doesnt mean the rest of us need to support a country getting brainwashed in to committing national suicide.
I'll be honest, that was just a word salad I see both on screen and in the post title.
From what I've heard and seen on a national level, there's pressure from international organisations like the UN and pressure from the Biden administration to accept mass immigration and accept LGBT policies.
At a regional level however, there is a growing resentment of foreigners to the point they are being banned from areas from national monuments, restaurants, clubs and the area of Gion in Kyoto. Combined with the overwhelming majority of voting power the elderly have, there are apparently massive gains happening with the anti immigration political parties so the current government might lose a majority next election and/or more anti foreigner parties get in regionally and start introducing their own bans of foreigners in certain areas.
We must not forget that not just Japan, but Asia in general are HEAVILY xenophobic. This isn't to say we shouldn't worry, if anything it should be more of an incentive to shut down the Biden administration and international organisations so they can stop fucking with the few non-indoctrinated countries to their ideology.
the (((faggots))) find one retarded brainwashed Japanese woman supporting national suicide and share it around as some proof that they are welcome to screw up Japan and that Japan totally wants national suicide (or DIEversity as they call it). And that everyone else should support Japan's national suicide as well,
Also the rest of the video had people opposing immigrants, so (((this guy))) just nitpicked that one part of the video as well. But what disgusts me is the 118k likes on that tweet
On the other hand, it's that weird psychological thing normies have where left/liberal ideology is seen as the norm and apolitical, while only anything uncomfortably right-wing is ever called politics. The same people in my family who claim to hate politics and "wish Elon Musk would just keep his mouth shut" will see a post like this as simply calling for peace and love and "We're all the human race!" and slap that heart mark on it.
They do that with EVERYONE, like finding the few pedo parents who 'happen' to live in the bluest of areas to promote why they should be allowed to sexually groom your kids.
Fortunately, that's why the Muslims appear to pissed off at them causing a war between the illegals and the degenerates.
They use this one woman as justification ignoring the anti immigration march that happened recently in Japan that even had a few imperial flags being flown, they aren't the majority, not even close.
Its always the women who support this crap. It's because social acceptance is their oxygen. Whatever the group consensus is they are on board. Truth doesn't even enter the equation.
Yeah, an "actual Japanese person" who hasn't seen #diversity upclose yet.
She even says "so long as it doesn't affect me" which it will. So she is infact not in favour of it.
Women are retarded...
Next they'll start telling each other that an all-Japanese society is "so boring" and how "lazy and entitled" Japanese workers are ....
Yes it's important to point out that the population angle is only pushed because it's working. Solving that with robots or positive birth rate won't remove the subversion. They'll shift to a new tactic. "We need immigrants to do the jobs that Japanese won't." "Without foreign workers we'll have $10 a head lettuce." "We must do our part to help the refugees." "Delicious kebabs on every street corner!" "We have no culture." "Japan has always been a nation of immigrants."
Japan already has a fair amount of delicious kebab shops in my experience. Run by immigrants as it is though so already lost that one...
When people say stuff made here in Canada was too expensive, I point at the corduroy jacket I bought in 1992 and is still in perfect shape that cost me all of a $20 bill. It's kind of a shame the Made in Canada tag faded away years ago.
I know some japanese manufacturers and they've had huge issues with their Vietnamese workers. I think they would honestly hire locals except most young locals don't want to work that kind of job
…for those wages.
Always finish your sentences.
Their wages arent bad. Mcdonalds used to pay 13 to 14 per hr a decade ago. Haven't kept up since then
Its just people dont want to be blue collar workers. If a white collar job was available for those wages, they rather take that so its not so much the wage issue but how its perceived.
i mean yeah but at the same time if the wages were good people would do it. You have Japanese women actually doing manual work and pulling people on rickshaws just because rickshaw pullers have high pay in Japan.
i also think making university the end all be all is also bad.
There are people doing it. There are japanese women working manufacturing.By that logic, the wages must be good.
The problem is when people start making unrealistic demands of blue collar salaries. It's like how california thinks 20 dollars min wage is a good idea
The problem with the rickshaw pulling comparison is that there is only a limited demand for rickshaws. It's a niche product. They maybe have to fill 2-3 spots for every 100 manufacturing jobs in japan so yeah, it's easier to fill up the demand for rickshaw pullers. And it still sounds better than saying you're a blue collar factory worker because it's so niche.
Working at fucking McDonald's isn't blue collar
You must be some fuckin desk jockey shitbag if you think blue collar ain't worth any money
You're talking about unskilled labor, not blue collar labor.
Apparently it was just one woman and the majority of the others interviewed felt that japanese should obviously be the majority in Tokyo
YES. the jew nitpicked that one part of the video to push his propaganda and all the twitter faggots just ate it up. Though even if it were the majority of people in Japan supporting immigrants it still doesnt mean the rest of us need to support a country getting brainwashed in to committing national suicide.
I'll be honest, that was just a word salad I see both on screen and in the post title.
From what I've heard and seen on a national level, there's pressure from international organisations like the UN and pressure from the Biden administration to accept mass immigration and accept LGBT policies.
At a regional level however, there is a growing resentment of foreigners to the point they are being banned from areas from national monuments, restaurants, clubs and the area of Gion in Kyoto. Combined with the overwhelming majority of voting power the elderly have, there are apparently massive gains happening with the anti immigration political parties so the current government might lose a majority next election and/or more anti foreigner parties get in regionally and start introducing their own bans of foreigners in certain areas.
We must not forget that not just Japan, but Asia in general are HEAVILY xenophobic. This isn't to say we shouldn't worry, if anything it should be more of an incentive to shut down the Biden administration and international organisations so they can stop fucking with the few non-indoctrinated countries to their ideology.
the (((faggots))) find one retarded brainwashed Japanese woman supporting national suicide and share it around as some proof that they are welcome to screw up Japan and that Japan totally wants national suicide (or DIEversity as they call it). And that everyone else should support Japan's national suicide as well,
Also the rest of the video had people opposing immigrants, so (((this guy))) just nitpicked that one part of the video as well. But what disgusts me is the 118k likes on that tweet
To be fair twitter is still heavily botted, maybe more than ever. It's transparently obvious on popular posts. I'm sure those bot farms are voting.
On the other hand, it's that weird psychological thing normies have where left/liberal ideology is seen as the norm and apolitical, while only anything uncomfortably right-wing is ever called politics. The same people in my family who claim to hate politics and "wish Elon Musk would just keep his mouth shut" will see a post like this as simply calling for peace and love and "We're all the human race!" and slap that heart mark on it.
They do that with EVERYONE, like finding the few pedo parents who 'happen' to live in the bluest of areas to promote why they should be allowed to sexually groom your kids.
Fortunately, that's why the Muslims appear to pissed off at them causing a war between the illegals and the degenerates.
They use this one woman as justification ignoring the anti immigration march that happened recently in Japan that even had a few imperial flags being flown, they aren't the majority, not even close.
evan sounds like he lives in a 99% upper middle-class white neighborhood
What's with the "death to America" showing up on Trending? I figured that was constantly being posted on twxtter.
Because a Palestinian protest in America was chanting death to America.
why are any of these people in my country? i wasn't asked.
Because the inbreds are now free to post on public sites thanks to the closet anti semite Elon.
Its always the women who support this crap. It's because social acceptance is their oxygen. Whatever the group consensus is they are on board. Truth doesn't even enter the equation.
118k likes Fuck twitter
Not wanting every place on earth to turn into generic globo-homo slop has nothing to do with Japan, you idiot.
So they support euthanasia?
I thought we were talking about Japan? You must mean Youth in Asia!
First pinned tweet says “protect trans kids”
What an absolutely disgusting excuse for a human being.