Hispanic can mean almost anything. And no one can identify a Hispanic by sight.
Half those guys don't speak any better Spanish than I do which is to say shit but if you want me "como estas" and "por favor" you I can put on an accent.
If Best Buy is anything like what I've heard about other retail, if you're senior enough management to be salaried you're probably not going to risk that.
If we haven't had a tradition of anti white discrimination running rampant even into our military academies I would look to the courts for support. But it's clear that court rulings won't save us from power.
I will list myself as Hispanic, and watch as they try to understand the complexities of Argentine culture. Then they will call me a Nazi, and I will respond my dad's neighbors were.
While the point you are making is still solid and worth pointing out, I'll note that as someone that was once a retail management stooge that these "courses" are basically just suckup programs that rarely factor into actually getting promoted and are run so rarely that 99% of management won't ever see them.
Its closer to the company paying for you to get an Associate's Degree in Business for everyone to laugh at than a "requirement" to get into management. Unless Best Buy's version is an exception of course.
If I was at bestbuy and wanted to get into management I'd probably call in my Colombian ancestry.
I'm technically a third-gen immigrant via one side of the family but you know how much of a connection I have to Colombia? 0. But hey, not as if facts actually matter here.
The McKinsey Management Accelerator program focuses on professional career development by customizing its curriculum and discussions to the unique situations, experiences and opportunities of BIPOC professionals. The program is set up in a mini-MBA-style that covers topics like strategy development, critical thinking, networking and problem solving.
“The McKinsey Accelerator Program has been a great challenge for my leadership skillset,” said Joslyn Knight, Best Buy Distribution Operations Support Senior Analyst in Ontario, California. “Having other people of color in the program took away the façade I’ve always had to bear as a minority and allowed me to participate as a true student without having to worry about how I appear as a person of color in a space.”
Oh, look, you just have to "IDENTIFY AS".
Nice little loophole. They can't demand DNA tests. Yet.
South Africa is the future in bidens wiemarica
Sheeeeeiiiiiit man, I identify as 11/32nd jogger.
They aren't hiring oppressed native americans either. Even pocohantas can't get a job there.
Hispanic can mean almost anything. And no one can identify a Hispanic by sight.
Half those guys don't speak any better Spanish than I do which is to say shit but if you want me "como estas" and "por favor" you I can put on an accent.
If Best Buy is anything like what I've heard about other retail, if you're senior enough management to be salaried you're probably not going to risk that.
McKinsey... as in, the firm that got hired by governments wordwide to craft their esoteric "Covid response"?
That corrupt, evil den of lies?
Via OKeefMediaGroup on twitter, er, I mean X https://archive.is/Yy1rx
Identify as one of those races or this seems like an easy lawsuit
You still think the courts will save you haha.
I know a few courts have ruled correctly in cases like this but overall I agree with you
If we haven't had a tradition of anti white discrimination running rampant even into our military academies I would look to the courts for support. But it's clear that court rulings won't save us from power.
I will list myself as Hispanic, and watch as they try to understand the complexities of Argentine culture. Then they will call me a Nazi, and I will respond my dad's neighbors were.
I'm just gonna steal from them until they go out of business. I identify as black.
Best Buy's corporate website apparently has a blog post or press release about this from last year: https://archive.ph/7Vc4G
Seems pretty illegal but muh "identify as" loophole probably negates it.
Damn, imagine being a native american employee and seeing this.
Have to love how they try to whitewash the term Human Resources.
The term used to be "Personnel"
While the point you are making is still solid and worth pointing out, I'll note that as someone that was once a retail management stooge that these "courses" are basically just suckup programs that rarely factor into actually getting promoted and are run so rarely that 99% of management won't ever see them.
Its closer to the company paying for you to get an Associate's Degree in Business for everyone to laugh at than a "requirement" to get into management. Unless Best Buy's version is an exception of course.
If I was at bestbuy and wanted to get into management I'd probably call in my Colombian ancestry.
I'm technically a third-gen immigrant via one side of the family but you know how much of a connection I have to Colombia? 0. But hey, not as if facts actually matter here.
Segregation 2.0
Can't people sue over this?
Its active admittance of discrimination.
If you're trying to meet diversity requirements, you do that while going through applications, not outright denying non-PoC from applying.
If they have diversity requirements, as some states have mandated, then the only crime Best Buy has committed here is honesty.
And I'd be "honestly'" identifying as a pale Hispanic-Dutch love child.
If I wanted to work for Best Buy, I mean. Lmao.