Like I said before, if they would’ve actually adapted the John Byrne run of She Hulk or invite him to look at the script the show could’ve worked. Most of my comic books with her are F4 or Avengers and I enjoyed the character. All they have done is perpetuate the idea that women ruin comics or female writers ruin shows. Which isn’t true but it doesn’t help when you prop up female showrunners who despise the source material
Most of my comic books with her are F4 or Avengers and I enjoyed the character
Hopefully not the recent Aaron run seeing as how that not only shit all over the character turning her into yet another roided Hulk but also shit all over the Marvel universe as a while considering the Thor retcons about Freja/Phoenix and Phoenix in general.
If you look at how the entertainment industry put out an unrelenting wave of corona-related social engineering attempts in their entertainment output on television (and then bragged about it in the MSM), then it stands to reason that this episode wasn't just a stand-alone incident of clumsy baby boomer propaganda.
K.O.B.S is some GamerGate deep lore, especially as an acronym.
Must admit that I had no idea.
Probably because I was a real latecomer... December 2014. Pls no bully.
It took me a minute to figure it out
Did you dig up the Law & Order Episode? It was...something.
Those were the days.
Oh no! 🎻
They leveled up.
Go home, gamma girl!
Wha? You don't want to sink a few hundred more million into pwning the trolls?
There is no place for females.
Like I said before, if they would’ve actually adapted the John Byrne run of She Hulk or invite him to look at the script the show could’ve worked. Most of my comic books with her are F4 or Avengers and I enjoyed the character. All they have done is perpetuate the idea that women ruin comics or female writers ruin shows. Which isn’t true but it doesn’t help when you prop up female showrunners who despise the source material
There’s no way they were going to adapt anything by John Byrne. He’s been persona non grata since before being cancelled was a thing.
What did he say?
Just from recollection, he’s gotten into it with a lot of big names in comics, and he’s very opinionated with mostly “wrong” opinions.
I still like his work and think he’s the second most influential person in comics, behind Jack “King” Kirby.
Hopefully not the recent Aaron run seeing as how that not only shit all over the character turning her into yet another roided Hulk but also shit all over the Marvel universe as a while considering the Thor retcons about Freja/Phoenix and Phoenix in general.
Not at all. All the Marvel/DC I read is from 2014 or prior. Those issues I mentioned were from the 80s
At last, our long international nightmare is over.
You think this is a win? This is nothing...
On Nov 5 our boy Acid Rain is going to end Roman Reigns' 800 day reign and become the new WWE undisputed champion!
Man, if only I hadn't been playing the brave new world expansion pack for civilization!
Not even women watched it?
I think their entire audience was like The Drinker, Mauler, Healvsvsbabyface and ItsAGundam.
I stopped watching their reviews of it after the first episode. I don’t need to be told over and over again that something sucks.
I think the only people that watched it were those reviewing it. Anna That Star Wars Girl is a life-long She-Hulk fan and HATED it.
God, I missed that "ah rid on Kotaku di is bidda din Civ fahf wid da Beif Niw Wol Espisha" line.
Man I was around for when that SVU ep dropped and even I had no idea wtf kobs was.
If you look at how the entertainment industry put out an unrelenting wave of corona-related social engineering attempts in their entertainment output on television (and then bragged about it in the MSM), then it stands to reason that this episode wasn't just a stand-alone incident of clumsy baby boomer propaganda.
Someone who's leveled up
Old KORN K.O.B., he was a bad dude at the swimming pool.
But I threw down with him in the parking lot and beat his darkie ass with a chain.
Now uh...where am I?