I suspect foul play, clearly she was poisoned by a misogynistic queerphobic agent of the patriarchy, what else could explain her sudden demise at such a young age.
She's absolutely monstrous. I think I've only met maybe four or five people that fat in my entire life.
I pity the poor bastards who had lift her 350lb ass out of bed and find a way to carry her out of her house. What a pain in the ass that must have been.
Imagine being in the morgue when they set that mountain on the autopsy table, and you have to go fetch the hamplanet tools.
How do you even breath when you have what amounts to four people's worth of weight squishing you when you lay down to sleep? Industrial strength ventilator?
Many of such deformed people indeed rely on a ventilator to put enough air pressure in so they don't suffocate while sleeping.
Also, sleeping in an inclined bed, or a reclined couch so the weight dosen't rest on their chest.
Of course they will reeee that skinny people can suffer from sleep apnea too. But much like Type 2 Diabetes, the leading cause and always a worsening factor is overeating -> excess fat.
It seems like all positivity-movements (fat, women, blacks) really try to do everything in their power to make the lives of the people they pretend to champion harder and shorter.
Are we sure the people behind the curtain aren't eugenicists that figured out that the best way to get rid of bad genes is to encourage them to indulge in their own lunacy?
Sadly a freak accident. And now fatphobes everywhere will start using this unpredictable tragedy to fatshame all the healthy and normal morbidly obese people out there. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of fatphobia.
Her pronouns were: Hershey's, HoHo's and Diabetes.
Only three pronouns for someone that fat?
There are more but .win only allows 12,000 characters.
You jest but we are not far away from comments being classified as violence in many countries
I suspect foul play, clearly she was poisoned by a misogynistic queerphobic agent of the patriarchy, what else could explain her sudden demise at such a young age.
Obesity + 3 coof shots?
When getting up to take a shit puts as much strain on your body as running a marathon for a normal person, you might not want to get the clot shot.
Life long hamplanet dies at pretty much the exact age you'd expect a life long hamplanet to die at.
Healthy at any size, dead by 45.
She's absolutely monstrous. I think I've only met maybe four or five people that fat in my entire life.
I pity the poor bastards who had lift her 350lb ass out of bed and find a way to carry her out of her house. What a pain in the ass that must have been.
Imagine being in the morgue when they set that mountain on the autopsy table, and you have to go fetch the hamplanet tools.
I pity them more, because I'm guesstimating her weight at closer to 500lbs. Unless she's 4'4", being that wide doesn't come at 350.
I was guessing based on this picture she's a fucking shortass. Note the height of the doors also.
I have female... uh... friend who is 6'0" and 380lbs, and she's built like the leftmost woman. I don't think any of these ladies are over 5'9".
She's wearing a necklace that says "Fat", because otherwise we wouldn't have been able to tell, of course.
I knew a kid in high school who was about 350lbs, maybe 5'6", and he didn't have nearly this... rotundity to him.
Damn time traveling robot enemies from Destiny killing this beautiful picture of health.
Hmmm I wonder how it could have died
Climate change.
Fat stigma. Weight cycling. Toxic Stress response from systemic opression.
You'll read all these unironically on Fat Activists blogs if they adress zhir's death.
a wonderful example for all pachyderms
Pause. Pod. Fatlicious.
These are whales.
Good riddance.
Say hi to Sally Miller Gearhart in hell.
and nothing of value was lost
MASSEY University? This is a simulation.
I feel bad for its family, but if only the rest of the trash took itself out.
HAES strikes again
Oh no! Must be a new Covid strain! Quick, take everyone's rights away and lock down your country!
Most likely choked to death on her own vomit.
This had absolutely nothing to do with the truckton of health problems directly cause by her
overeatingjoyful nourishment. /sJoke aside, she was so fat it could have suffocated her in her sleep. Or her heart gave-up, from cardiomegalia. Or she had a stroke from a clot.
So many possibilities to kill yourself with too much food.
P.S. : A Pronoun Troll, of course. The eulogies read like tumblr parody.
How do you even breath when you have what amounts to four people's worth of weight squishing you when you lay down to sleep? Industrial strength ventilator?
Many of such deformed people indeed rely on a ventilator to put enough air pressure in so they don't suffocate while sleeping.
Also, sleeping in an inclined bed, or a reclined couch so the weight dosen't rest on their chest.
Of course they will reeee that skinny people can suffer from sleep apnea too. But much like Type 2 Diabetes, the leading cause and always a worsening factor is overeating -> excess fat.
It seems like all positivity-movements (fat, women, blacks) really try to do everything in their power to make the lives of the people they pretend to champion harder and shorter.
Are we sure the people behind the curtain aren't eugenicists that figured out that the best way to get rid of bad genes is to encourage them to indulge in their own lunacy?
Sadly a freak accident. And now fatphobes everywhere will start using this unpredictable tragedy to fatshame all the healthy and normal morbidly obese people out there. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of fatphobia.
We need al bundys more than ever.
Why do they always have such stereotypical names?