you idiots are bigots. i found a secret leak, so i know exactly what theyre going to be called. theyre gonna take the term back! get ready.... for the X-JANNIES
Should we change women to wopersons? Cause this is the equivalent here.
I hate how this extreme ideologs are everywhere, how did we reach this point. It feels like they just flipped a switch back in 2014 and let all the crazy out.
I think someone actually proposed something like that if my memory serves me right. They wanted to change the name and call them “X-People”, real catchy don’t ya think ?🤡🌎
Hahahaha very catchy, but still bigoted! If one doesn't add an x on every word, including the X then one is not being inclusive enough! Which I failed miserably! Xx-Peoplxkind
Marvel Comics is already far gone. MCU is on similar track.
If I recall right, one writer wanted Daken and my homeboy Gambit to have gay panels together, but an editor shut that shit down as it is out of Gambit's character. That was like 2008?
Anyway, I just know they're going to make Gambit bisexual and Rogue some Mary Sue "who doesn't need men" in the MCU to spite deep south X-Men fans. I just know it. Even the TITLE "X-Men" offends them.
F Disney+MCU.
This anti-semite is appropriating the work of two Jewish men, one of whom I think even fought in WWII. Trying to erase part of their heritage. Shoah like stuff. Push it that way. Jews aren't outdated. How dare she.
you idiots are bigots. i found a secret leak, so i know exactly what theyre going to be called. theyre gonna take the term back! get ready.... for the X-JANNIES
"EX-MEN" it is, then.
Should we change women to wopersons? Cause this is the equivalent here. I hate how this extreme ideologs are everywhere, how did we reach this point. It feels like they just flipped a switch back in 2014 and let all the crazy out.
Person has a son it it, so it won't do at all. We should just call them Woe.
Wait until they take a close look at the word "human".
Son is still masculine. Gotta go to woperchild.
They have a new word called womxn. Wish I was making it up...
I think someone actually proposed something like that if my memory serves me right. They wanted to change the name and call them “X-People”, real catchy don’t ya think ?🤡🌎
Hahahaha very catchy, but still bigoted! If one doesn't add an x on every word, including the X then one is not being inclusive enough! Which I failed miserably! Xx-Peoplxkind :P
Thxs ix xn examplx
Wouldn't the letter X also be considered problematic, since men have XY chromosomes and Adolf Hitler was a man as well? I mean come on, its 2021!
You got it, sandnigger.
Oh, okay!
(goes back to anime)
It’s coming to that too.
If you want watch it in your own time , but do not contribute a cent to their ideologies.
I thought X was their favorite letter? Let me guess, they'd rather it be something ridiculous like X-Womxn or X-Pxxplx
There were a couple lines from X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga that Raven says to Professor X. The paraphrase is:
more like X-purebloods
Women in power never ever. Learn this lesson you god damn beta cucks.
Best description I’ve heard for a Marvel movie was Chris Gore called Shang-Chi the Taco Bell’s of martial arts movies
Marvel Comics is already far gone. MCU is on similar track.
If I recall right, one writer wanted Daken and my homeboy Gambit to have gay panels together, but an editor shut that shit down as it is out of Gambit's character. That was like 2008?
Anyway, I just know they're going to make Gambit bisexual and Rogue some Mary Sue "who doesn't need men" in the MCU to spite deep south X-Men fans. I just know it. Even the TITLE "X-Men" offends them. F Disney+MCU.
Dam... I think the created for diversity xmen isn't woke enough
Plot Twist:
Hugh Jackman's Wolverine is actually a trans-woman, played by Scarlett Johansson.
I think they are taking bets on how deep they can drive a franchise in to the ground.
So X Man will end up being about a former man?
In other news, water is wet
X-Customer. I ain't buying that bullshit.
What I love the most about this is that X-men was already diverse and inclusive (before the meanings of those words changed).
Like, what, we're going to update x-men to include racial minorities? Women? Yeah, they did that, about 10 years before this bitch was even born.
I mean, these people cheered when Iceman was literally mindraped into being gay.
That's what they want. Not just more, but literal warping of every existing character until everyone is a gay tranny.
Obese cunt
I guess there is a point where one can decide, “I have enough money.”
We're X-Force!
Oh go ahead. Too bad for you that it won't be diverse, inclusive, and profitable.
This anti-semite is appropriating the work of two Jewish men, one of whom I think even fought in WWII. Trying to erase part of their heritage. Shoah like stuff. Push it that way. Jews aren't outdated. How dare she.