I'm a Minarchist Libertarian, maybe an American Revolutionary Liberal. I'm morally required to let you attack from an ambush. It is a moral imperative that I refuse to make the first move against you. I'm required be at a truce with you.
My issue is that I'm obligated to at least use banter, argument, and social pressure against what I perceive to be a future Leftist threat. Particularly the Fascists, National Socialists, and Racialists; whom I see as Leftists wearing a Right-Wing aesthetic. From my perspective, you could walk us into Communism by building the mechanisms for power which they will seize, using all the same arguments.
At the same time, you have the right to slander me as a subversive that is pushing to undermine imposed order that you believe would protect us. And you'd be right (maybe it's not slander).
I don't believe any ideology can protect any of us. Individualism, to me, teaches exposes people to conflict early and often; and they will learn that each and every Leftist must be individually defeated 1 on 1. The longer you protect people from those conflicts, the less they are aware of what the danger looks like, and the less they know how to face it.
Now if you form and build your own community, you get to gatekeep that bitch however you feel. And if you tell me: "fuck off subverter, we don't want your kind here"; well shit nigga that's that hippity hoppity stuff, ain't it? It's your property. Freedom of association.
You may continue to call me a faggot crypto-zionist to your heart's content. But we both know we're both getting the wall if we lose.
I have news for you bro, the OG American Revolutionary Liberals were "racialists". There's credible arguments to be made that the system they laid out for us all the way back then would inevitably get us to this point, but it's still the best damn system the world has ever seen and that counts for a lot. It was only gonna last for as long as the general populace was able to adhere to the ideals we were founded on and the unpleasant truth is that those ideals are most likely to spring from and be perpetuated by the ethnic bloc that originally established them.
That said, we can hash this argument out later because Leftist despotism is here to fuck up shit for everyone right now and that garbage has got to go.
I have news for you bro. The OG American Revolutionary Liberals were not racialists because that wasn't a major factor in their thinking. Political philosophy based entirely around race didn't make sense for anyone at the time. It would have been nonsense for Royalists & Monarchists who formed multi-ethnic dynastic empires, and it wasn't a major part of Liberalism.
Pioneers and Liberals from America settling Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and the rest of the midwest were not racialists, particularly the Revivalist Christian ones who included inter-racial marriages to Blacks, Indians, Germans, French, and Irish. Christianity was a major portion of this line of thinking.
the unpleasant truth is that those ideals are most likely to spring from and be perpetuated by the ethnic bloc that originally established them.
I'll give you this. You're right. This entire concept comes from the creation and discovery of Free Market Economics at a very specific time, among a very specific people. The collapse of Feudalism gave rise to "Capitalism" in two places: France and England. It is only with England that Christian, Protestant, Individualism mixed with Free Market Economics and a distrust of Governmental authority in both Parliament and the Monarchy where such a system as Liberalism could have ever emerged. The tie between individualism and private property, the idea that you own yourself and are therefore you own sovereign, is a uniquely English invention of a very specific time.
Even the French never really understood the concept. Other places like Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and the US gained this culture through Anglicanization.
The rise of free people in human systems, with governments that focus on restraining themselves to protect the rights of the individual to promote peace and growth, is almost entirely a fluke of the strange world that 1600's England just so happened to inhabit, with a very peculiar set of circumstances that really no one else in the world could have had.
Human liberty is a fluke. Had the English been properly subjugated by the French, the Danes, the Germans, or even the Irish; there is no chance that such a system would have ever been replicated at the same time. Liberalism, emerging naturally from technological development, might not even be possible until the 21st or 22nd century.
America, New England specifically, is even more of a fluke of history because it was colonized by English people who were hardened moralists, and didn't trust the imperial government (even parliament) to provide for them since they felt abandoned by both Parliament & the King as veterans of the English Civil War settled in a wild continent that required them to find their own way... and they did.
That culture is not White, it's not even British, it's almost exclusively English. The good news is, you don't have to be English to learn it.
That said, we can hash this argument out later because Leftist despotism is here to fuck up shit for everyone right now and that garbage has got to go.
Okay, well, I didn't get to that until now.
One of those writings that come from the English and their Christendom have something about loving thy neighbor and shit, right?
I don't know who's worse, people like this or the cowards who've allowed their fear of dying to become so all-consuming that they're prepared to condemn themselves, their children, grandchildren and everyone else to live as if they're already dead.
And, more importantly, I want my enemies to show their teeth and their intent to the people who are not at present my allies, but could be my allies down the road. I want my enemies to twirl their mustaches. I want my enemies wearing skulls, menacing helmets, have nasty theme music, the whole nine yards.
The cowards. The cowards are always worse. You can fight people who are honest about their hostilities toward you, but the cowards hide it until the last minute and then stick the knife in.
Yeah man. I still can't get over Australia. Now going into year 3 of fucking up kids' school lives. High school and college kids' have only 4 years to learn, enjoy, and the memories from these critical times are all screwed up for literally NOTHING that would affect them. That is so evil. Of course the kids these days are all pussies, when I was in high school it was normal to oppose authoritarianism.
That's odd. I feel more emboldened and sure than I've ever been. As these useful idiots make one misstep after another toward the cliff my positions are confirmed over and over that I'm right, and as the pressure grows I'm more likely to stand firm, not less.
Doesn't work that way, fucker. You obviously intend so keep pushing anyway, and nothing I can say will convince you otherwise so, yeah, keep pushing. He's so dumb he probably doesn't realize the people they're pushing around are the least likely to lay down and take it. Almost all the people who were on the fence already got bullied. "Hesitant" doesn't begin to describe most of the stubborn, ornery bastards who are left.
Canada has declared that if someone believes forcibly inserting unwanted objects into others' bodies is viewed by you personally to be a good thing, you should be encouraged to do it and encouraging them to do so, too.
This seems like a dangerous precedent to set, to me. Seems a little off, really.
when someone declares themselves to be your enemy, believe them
and act accordingly
Leftism is a philosophy of War, and as such is the enemy of everyone and all things.
I don't agree with MargarineMongoose on pretty much anything, but we both have a right to defend ourselves and our communities from Leftists.
We can agree on this if nothing else. I'm willing to call a truce in order to deal with the threat we're all facing.
I'm a Minarchist Libertarian, maybe an American Revolutionary Liberal. I'm morally required to let you attack from an ambush. It is a moral imperative that I refuse to make the first move against you. I'm required be at a truce with you.
My issue is that I'm obligated to at least use banter, argument, and social pressure against what I perceive to be a future Leftist threat. Particularly the Fascists, National Socialists, and Racialists; whom I see as Leftists wearing a Right-Wing aesthetic. From my perspective, you could walk us into Communism by building the mechanisms for power which they will seize, using all the same arguments.
At the same time, you have the right to slander me as a subversive that is pushing to undermine imposed order that you believe would protect us. And you'd be right (maybe it's not slander).
I don't believe any ideology can protect any of us. Individualism, to me, teaches exposes people to conflict early and often; and they will learn that each and every Leftist must be individually defeated 1 on 1. The longer you protect people from those conflicts, the less they are aware of what the danger looks like, and the less they know how to face it.
Now if you form and build your own community, you get to gatekeep that bitch however you feel. And if you tell me: "fuck off subverter, we don't want your kind here"; well shit nigga that's that hippity hoppity stuff, ain't it? It's your property. Freedom of association.
You may continue to call me a faggot crypto-zionist to your heart's content. But we both know we're both getting the wall if we lose.
I have news for you bro, the OG American Revolutionary Liberals were "racialists". There's credible arguments to be made that the system they laid out for us all the way back then would inevitably get us to this point, but it's still the best damn system the world has ever seen and that counts for a lot. It was only gonna last for as long as the general populace was able to adhere to the ideals we were founded on and the unpleasant truth is that those ideals are most likely to spring from and be perpetuated by the ethnic bloc that originally established them.
That said, we can hash this argument out later because Leftist despotism is here to fuck up shit for everyone right now and that garbage has got to go.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." — John Adams
I have news for you bro. The OG American Revolutionary Liberals were not racialists because that wasn't a major factor in their thinking. Political philosophy based entirely around race didn't make sense for anyone at the time. It would have been nonsense for Royalists & Monarchists who formed multi-ethnic dynastic empires, and it wasn't a major part of Liberalism.
Pioneers and Liberals from America settling Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and the rest of the midwest were not racialists, particularly the Revivalist Christian ones who included inter-racial marriages to Blacks, Indians, Germans, French, and Irish. Christianity was a major portion of this line of thinking.
I'll give you this. You're right. This entire concept comes from the creation and discovery of Free Market Economics at a very specific time, among a very specific people. The collapse of Feudalism gave rise to "Capitalism" in two places: France and England. It is only with England that Christian, Protestant, Individualism mixed with Free Market Economics and a distrust of Governmental authority in both Parliament and the Monarchy where such a system as Liberalism could have ever emerged. The tie between individualism and private property, the idea that you own yourself and are therefore you own sovereign, is a uniquely English invention of a very specific time.
Even the French never really understood the concept. Other places like Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and the US gained this culture through Anglicanization.
The rise of free people in human systems, with governments that focus on restraining themselves to protect the rights of the individual to promote peace and growth, is almost entirely a fluke of the strange world that 1600's England just so happened to inhabit, with a very peculiar set of circumstances that really no one else in the world could have had.
Human liberty is a fluke. Had the English been properly subjugated by the French, the Danes, the Germans, or even the Irish; there is no chance that such a system would have ever been replicated at the same time. Liberalism, emerging naturally from technological development, might not even be possible until the 21st or 22nd century.
America, New England specifically, is even more of a fluke of history because it was colonized by English people who were hardened moralists, and didn't trust the imperial government (even parliament) to provide for them since they felt abandoned by both Parliament & the King as veterans of the English Civil War settled in a wild continent that required them to find their own way... and they did.
That culture is not White, it's not even British, it's almost exclusively English. The good news is, you don't have to be English to learn it.
Okay, well, I didn't get to that until now.
One of those writings that come from the English and their Christendom have something about loving thy neighbor and shit, right?
He was smart enough to delete this, but not before it was archived.
link - archive.org - archive.today
Me: Leftists are Hitler
Leftists: I must prove w-duranty6489 right.
Get to the choppa, pinko.
At least he's honest.
I don't know who's worse, people like this or the cowards who've allowed their fear of dying to become so all-consuming that they're prepared to condemn themselves, their children, grandchildren and everyone else to live as if they're already dead.
I'd rather have my enemies be honest and show me their teeth; rather than pretend to be my friend and insert a blade between my ribs.
And, more importantly, I want my enemies to show their teeth and their intent to the people who are not at present my allies, but could be my allies down the road. I want my enemies to twirl their mustaches. I want my enemies wearing skulls, menacing helmets, have nasty theme music, the whole nine yards.
Yes. This is the best part of what Free Speech is for.
Know thine enemy when he's sill enough to explain himself.
Well put.
The cowards. The cowards are always worse. You can fight people who are honest about their hostilities toward you, but the cowards hide it until the last minute and then stick the knife in.
Yeah man. I still can't get over Australia. Now going into year 3 of fucking up kids' school lives. High school and college kids' have only 4 years to learn, enjoy, and the memories from these critical times are all screwed up for literally NOTHING that would affect them. That is so evil. Of course the kids these days are all pussies, when I was in high school it was normal to oppose authoritarianism.
He's not honest. If he was being honest, replace "unvaccinated" with "Americans" and that is the full truth.
So you can still get Covid whether or not you are vaccinated but they are so up in arm over this
Residential school bullshit maybe?
The reserves I passed recently had tons of orange T-shirts hanging off road signs.
Wow going against the grain did two massive flips within mere years.
Duck the police/the man, to rebellious conforming/tradlife and now it's looking like we're going to have to go straight back.
I'm guessing tradlife/rebellious conforming looked too dangerous like self thought and independence.
That's odd. I feel more emboldened and sure than I've ever been. As these useful idiots make one misstep after another toward the cliff my positions are confirmed over and over that I'm right, and as the pressure grows I'm more likely to stand firm, not less.
Yeah he deleted the tweet, took forever to look tho the guy tweets at least a dozen times a day
day of the rake
Doesn't work that way, fucker. You obviously intend so keep pushing anyway, and nothing I can say will convince you otherwise so, yeah, keep pushing. He's so dumb he probably doesn't realize the people they're pushing around are the least likely to lay down and take it. Almost all the people who were on the fence already got bullied. "Hesitant" doesn't begin to describe most of the stubborn, ornery bastards who are left.
Stonetoss is currently arguing with him on twitter lmao xD
This guy sounds like a fuckin' nazi. I wonder how many closeted librals are really like this.
or how to say you're a faggot without saying you're a faggot.
Tangerine emoji? I'm calling it, it's satire.
I don’t think so.
Yeah I had it too near the beginning. I had a couple days of fever and that was it. No lasting effects and I haven't been sick since
Comment Reported for: Glowie
Comment Removed: Rule 2, again
Canada has declared that if someone believes forcibly inserting unwanted objects into others' bodies is viewed by you personally to be a good thing, you should be encouraged to do it and encouraging them to do so, too.
This seems like a dangerous precedent to set, to me. Seems a little off, really.