I don't really look at it as "my country" anymore. The country I live in allows the government to shut down the nation for a year for a virus slightly more deadly than the seasonal flu. The country that my ancestors founded shot British soldiers in the face for much less. So clearly they are not the same.
You could also make the argument that the country fundamentally changed with Wickard v. Filburn in 1942, the Civil Rights Act in 1964, and Hart Cellar in 1965. Which would put us at v5 at least.
I don't even consider myself a Washingtonian because they're all wearing masks when even our jackass governor tells them they don't need to. I identify with my immediate community who through this whole thing has acted sanely. Once I leave my road I'm in foreign territory.
Hah! Same shit in Jersey. A sheriff at the DMV still barked at me to. Mask up and sanitize my hands and keep distance despite allowing everyone to hoard outside the door and around the building.
I was outside for hours in a crowded line but once we got through the doors PUT YOUR MASK ON. SANITIZE TOUR HANDS, STAND 6 FEET APART
I don't really look at it as "my country" anymore.
I know the feeling.
The feeling that country you grandfather fought for, your father lived in, and you grew up in, is dead, and has been for years. It's a horrible feeling.
I guess it’s time to move on then, right? How long do we mourn and lament for something that doesn’t exist anymore? The Roman Empire was impressive at its height; we don’t sit around lamenting it doesn’t exist anymore. It’s a pointless waste of time and energy.
Full disclosure: I’ve done plenty of mourning since the election, and especially since January 6th... I think it’s time to move on.
So I guess the question is, what does moving on look like?
I'm leaning to agree with you but let's see what the audits bring and what happens. We may either have a huge win, or enough grounds to make a big win.
Stack some precious metals, stock up on ammo, and get in shape if you are not.
In the absolute best case the audits show Trump won, and everyone says "huh interesting, but the Electoral College vote is what matters; and that vote was certified for Biden. Too bad we didn't catch this in time wink wink"
I can't imagine the whole country will just accept that. Half the population would be up in arms. And if the evidence was clear enough, even some liberals would be against what happened.
My country, my Britain, is in a similar (if not worse) position in terms of cultural problems and an elite that's been driven mad by globalism. It is disheartening.
But Britain is my country, warts and all. And as a patriot who would see her return to her rightful place in this world, I don't have the luxury of giving up on her.
My government job just affixed a lock screen with the shit on the right (less explicit, but still). There's no way to change it. I know if I ask to change it, they'll shitcan me right away for being "alphabet phobic".
Propaganda isn't meaningless to them, and sadly a lot of idiots buy into their propaganda.
There's a startling amount of low I.Q., fools that think that 10% - 20% of the nation is gay and just "born that way".
You'll find many more who are okay with all of that degeneracy appearing in kids media because "it's normal" (it's not).
And every single year they manage to brainwash more and more people. Most people don't even know how to use simple physiological science to shut down their arguments, much less point out why that lifestyle is dangerous for a stable society, hence why the Rainbow Reich is banned in countries that now how dangerous it is once the floodgates are opened.
Sexual attraction in humans is induced by a hormonal secretion controlled by the hypothalamus called gonadotropin.
It secretes what's called luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones that mature the stimulation of the gonads (i.e., testes in males, ovaries in females). You can get a brief introduction of how it works here:
The basic gist is that the anterior pituitary gland's secretion from these hormonal gonadotroph cells work as neurotransmitters in humans for what we call sexual attraction, as they help humans to perceive what they find sexually stimulating.
It requires a steady maturation of the gonads leading up to puberty before they develop enough for reproduction purposes. Without gonadotropin, or the maturation of the gonads leading up to puberty, it means the individual is left infertile. You can get the short gist of it here:
This is oftentimes why intersex individuals or hermaphrodites can neither inseminate nor gestate eggs.
(I know this is taking a while, but bear with me, I'll get to the juicy bits)
The hypothalamus' secretion of these hormones happens over a maturation period as well, thus it requires environmental stimuli and physiological growth in order to induce the steps necessary for gonadotropin to start the neurotransmission process.
The progenitor cells necessary for the development of the hypothalamus requires consistent and constant environmental stimuli, leading up to its maturation and the process of putting gonadotropin to use for developing the gonads.
In short, immediate postnatal hypothalamus functionality is at less than 20%. Because during the neonatal and prenatal phases, the hypothalamus is only secreting the necessary hormones in a light pulsating manner to develop gender differentiation between males and females:
Dimorphic differentiation between the sexes for the hypothalamus growth occurs rapidly during the formative years, usually as toddlers.
This only occurs due to stimulated growth from environmental stimuli, as the human body needs sensory input to react and evolve based on said stimuli.
TL;DR What we perceive as sexual attraction is based on neurotransmitters that require complex development over the course of years. The actual neurotransmission process only occurs as a postnatal development (i.e., after someone is born).
TL;DR Part II The only time that human beings will encounter sexual maturation during formative/prepubescent years is due to early environmental stimulation that causes gonadotropin to secrete before puberty. This usually only occurs with aggressive promiscuity, abuse, or molestation, which is found to be quite common in gay men and lesbian women:
TL;DR Part III It's more difficult to reorient a male's sexual attraction after puberty, which is why Leftist work so hard to influence male sexual behavior during formative years. Trauma, abuse, and molestation contribute greatly to reorienting someone's sexual behavior/attraction, and said stimuli is necessary to change someone's orientation before it becomes stabilized during pubescent years:
Said trauma/abuse can have long lasting effects on someone's psychological and physiological development, including their orientation:
Most studies thereafter continue to promote the myth that there's biogenetic factors, but all studies only include homosexual adults who have already been altered by epigenetic influence, as opposed studies including neonatal development juxtaposed with adults in a longitudinal study:
Basically, PMC7082777 is the equivalent of rounding up a bunch of MMA fighters and doing a study on their reaction times and durability compared to non-MMA fighters and concluding there is a genetic difference between the reaction times and durability between MMA fighters and non-MMA fighters. Of course, there would be differences since the epigenetic influence has already been impacted and the gene expression is taking place AFTER the change has occurred.
It's also the equivalent of finding heroin addicts and concluding that there are genetic differences between them and non-heroin addicts, even though the measurement is taking place AFTER the stimulation has already impacted their physiology:
TL;DR for the TL;DR: You can't be born gay because the neurotransmitters required to perceive sexuality don't develop/secrete until puberty. The only time they secrete early is due to molestation/rape/trauma. This is why there is no gay gene, and why it's physiologically impossible to be born gay since the organ development to express sexual behavior hasn't matured enough during neonatal years to allow said expression, which requires sensory stimuli, which only occurs as a postnatal development.
I'm gay, and I've never been abused, molested, experienced trauma, or been promiscuous. If you can't be born gay because neurotransmitters don't develop until puberty, how do you explain straight boys and girls who have crushes before puberty? Also, scientists came to the conclusion that sexuality is caused by both genetics and epigenetics.
I'm gay, and I've never been abused, molested, experienced trauma, or been promiscuous.
I said most, not all.
It all depends on a number of stimuli you experience growing up. In Milo's case, he wasn't raped or traumatized either, but chose to engage in consensual sex with a priest at the age of 13, so promiscuity was a factor.
George Michaels had some sexual experiences before the age of 18 that eventually led him to choosing to live strictly as a gay man.
Different strokes for different folks based entirely on a number of factors.
Without knowing what your childhood was like, what you were exposed to, what your first sexual experiences were, etc., it's impossible to simply conclude why your preferences are the way they are.
If you can't be born gay because neurotransmitters don't develop until puberty, how do you explain straight boys and girls who have crushes before puberty?
Crushes don't have to be sexual. Where did you get that from?
Men can have a crush on other men for being successful, it doesn't mean they want to have sex with them. They can be fascinated by the lifestyle, the prestige, the fame, etc.
Women can have crushes on other women for a number of reasons, from beauty to style to career, to home life, etc., it doesn't mean they want to have sex with that woman.
Men and women can have crushes on each other because they like something about that other person, it doesn't always mean it has to be sexual.
Also, in my previous comment I mentioned that the pituitary secretions happen in an intermittent manner, even during formative years. So it's structuring your neurological senses and physical genitalia for the growth spurt during puberty, which is why there may be some initial sparks of attraction during prepubescent years, depending on the stimuli.
Additionally, attraction is based on qualitative elements people perceive as being enticing, engaging, enlightening, or entertaining. There is a layer of complex neurophysiological processes that can affect and/or be reactive to psychological stimulation and/or experiences related to attraction, but it doesn't always have to be derived from or relate solely to sexual stimulation.
Also, scientists came to the conclusion that sexuality is caused by both genetics and epigenetics.
Left-wing scientists keep repeating this lie. If I asked you what allele strand these mysterious gay genes are located in during the neonatal process you couldn't find me one study that says.
That's literally why I addressed that point in my comment. The only genetic factors they have found have been in those who already identified as gay.
That's why I used the MMA/heroin examples; they're measuring genetic factors AFTER gene expression has already been made apparent through epigenetics.
The whole born gay myth was originated back in the 1980s, specifically by Marshall Kirk and Dr. Hunter Madsen. Try to look up the article in Christopher Street titled "The Gay Agenda", where they basically outlined how using the "born gay" talking point helps redirect the argument against the lifestyle to an argument about civil rights. It also managed to get the Religious Right off the backs of the Rainbow Reich because if you can argue that being gay is genetic then obviously gays were just "made that way".
Sadly, the propaganda worked for the most part, and any neuroscience that should dispel the propaganda is either buried or the research never gets off the ground. You'll also notice that the "born gay" maxim only works in one direction.
According to the Left, if you're straight you can very well be converted to being gay, as evident with all the hetero-conversion media out there. The CW Network and other stations have no shortage of shows where a character (usually female) is converted from heterosexuality to homosexuality, from Black Canary in Arrow to Supergirl's sister, to the one character in Wyonna Earp, etc., etc., etc.
You'll almost never find any lesbians or gays in recent media being converted into heterosexuals, with the rare exception of the recent James Franco movie based on a real-life gay man who turned straight.
You'll also find plenty of Left-wing media encouraging straight men to have gay sex:
The Left is partially right about one thing: sexuality is definitely on a spectrum. It can be influenced greatly by experiences, desires, infatuations, and traumas. But it's not a switch you can flip, and it's not something that's strictly defined at birth due to the stimuli factors involved.
As mentioned, most men have their orientation fairly set in place by puberty, but it can be altered by certain experiences, such as heavy drug use, or in the case of prison, being raped:
Now to directly address why being born gay is so absurd from a neurophysiological perspective it's because attraction needs stimulation.
Your senses have to be developed enough for you to be able to ascertain the fundamental elements of attraction. Just as I mentioned above: You need to be able to see, touch, smell, taste, or hear something that makes you attracted to something.
The basic concept of how cognition works is outlined here so you have a brief understanding of the neural process: from stimuli, to conceptualization of the stimuli, to forming a synaptic response to the stimulus:
Those senses aren't fully developed at birth, and there are no neurotransmitters to somatically develop those sensations during prenatal development because the hypothalamus isn't secreting those kind of hormones yet, because your gonads aren't developed enough to need them, because you're still in the womb.
So if you can't see, touch, smell, or touch something to incite the stimuli for sexual attraction, how can you be perceptive that you are attracted to it when you can't even cognitively construct the identification of what you're supposed to be attracted to? Your limbic system is still in its infancy and so you're not even capable of higher cognitive functions such as delineating attraction at that point.
The actual process of cognitive development that leads us to recognition, cognizance, and the structure of thought processing is outlined in this report here, which clearly breaks down when those processes develop during the stages of human maturation:
Do you understand now? This is why I said physiologically it's impossible to be born gay because neurophysiologically the human brain literally does not have the capacity or tools to PERCEIVE attraction, because at that stage you can't even perceive yourself. The literal physiological matter necessary to develop the neurotransmitters for that stage of development doesn't even exist at that point.
This is why there are no peer reviewed studies that examine the actual neuroscience related to the development of sexual attraction during neonatal years, because it completely debunks the myth that you're born gay. If the physical matter that stimulates the impetus for that function doesn't exist at that stage, how can you be born gay?
As a cognitive exercise for you, specifically, just so you can better understand my point: try to describe something you find attractive that doesn't require any of your five senses.
I can only give doomer advice. Maybe you still have a chance to turn things around in the US if you mobilize.
If you wait for too long like we did in Germany there's not much you can do.
Put family and yourself first and realize that you're in a cold civil war against your neighbors.
If you have to deal with government employees remember that they are all loyal party soldiers, from city hall, to police, to the courts.
If you're lucky you'll find a few like-minded people in real life but for the most part everyone is a brainwashed ignorant sheep who mindlessly repeats the state-run media's talking points.
The "upside" is you now know how it felt to live in Soviet Germany and how people "could let the Nazis happen".
Beautiful country, Germany. I spent 7 years there. I think people there will wake up. Just might take time. Kinda thought Brexit would be a wakeup call that they were voting the bill for Europe.
I don't use the word Gleichschaltung lightly when I talk about the current situation in Germany. Everything is in lockstep with far-left ideology: schools, private and state-run media, sports groups, professional organizations, unions, corporations, churches, police, courts, countless NGOs who get billions from the government and control society, everything.
The few people who dare to speak up get drowned in accusations of -isms until they shut up or are ostracized from society. That is if violent Antifa thugs (who enjoy the protection of politicians and the justice system) don't get them first.
There's a federal election in a few months and polls show we're drifting even further to the left, a lot further. Germany is done for.
Es tut mir Leid, Freund. Vielleicht kommst du zu Amerika, und wir ein letztes Party haben? Es seit 12 Jahren als ich eine Deutsche klasse hatte, ist es offensichtlich?
It's good enough to easily understand it. I've met plenty of people in Germany who speak German way worse than that.
German language proficiency is actually becoming quite an issue in schools and interpreting broken German is pretty much part of daily life if you live in a big city these days.
You have my condolences. Reading through posts from black twitter can be like deciphering a made-up language half the time. It's hard for me to imagine what linguistic incompetence would look or sound like in other languages, would you mind explaining what sort of failures pop up in German?
Oh we had fairly independent states, too, before Merkel.
Over the years that independence got eroded de facto. She even undid an election for state governor because she didn't like that he got elected with the votes from the wrong party; not even because he was in a party she didn't like but because that party merely voted for him.
Recently that independence also got scrapped de jure, so Merkel could force states to adopt her draconian Wu Flu lockdowns and curfews.
When the whole country is gleichgeschaltet everything just falls into place. Even Germany has some political outliers but as a party friend of Merkel recently said: the people not already on our side are lost, who cares, we will go after their future generations as early as possible and fix that.
Yea, the US isn't quite there yet but unless something drastic happens, you're well on your way .
Most of these "holidays and months" are just made up by somebody on the spot. Then people agree and agree until it gets big enough to get acknowledged. By that point random corporations send out meaningless emails talking about it and then its sealed as a "thing."
I'd wager Gay Month was probably some big gay organization just said it, and then all the homos ran with it. Then the government tripped over themselves to acknowledge it.
Fuck the month. This man is holding the helmet of a fallen soldier, presumably someone he knew.
Waging a war that was not as clear cut as WWII.
He was in a place none of us want to be. Did he blame himself? Did he break? What is the story? Second part of the picture looks like the equivalent of self punishment or someone who snapped.
Edit: sorry I looked at the nose and thought it was the same guy.
Yes. Find friends, make preparations for the eventual NKVD/Red guard and have a plan to survive. NO running to another country isn't a viable long term option since once the US goes full commie, the rest of the world will follow suit by force or willingly.
I don't really look at it as "my country" anymore. The country I live in allows the government to shut down the nation for a year for a virus slightly more deadly than the seasonal flu. The country that my ancestors founded shot British soldiers in the face for much less. So clearly they are not the same.
You could also make the argument that the country fundamentally changed with Wickard v. Filburn in 1942, the Civil Rights Act in 1964, and Hart Cellar in 1965. Which would put us at v5 at least.
I don't even consider myself a Washingtonian because they're all wearing masks when even our jackass governor tells them they don't need to. I identify with my immediate community who through this whole thing has acted sanely. Once I leave my road I'm in foreign territory.
Hah! Same shit in Jersey. A sheriff at the DMV still barked at me to. Mask up and sanitize my hands and keep distance despite allowing everyone to hoard outside the door and around the building.
I was outside for hours in a crowded line but once we got through the doors PUT YOUR MASK ON. SANITIZE TOUR HANDS, STAND 6 FEET APART
I know the feeling.
The feeling that country you grandfather fought for, your father lived in, and you grew up in, is dead, and has been for years. It's a horrible feeling.
I guess it’s time to move on then, right? How long do we mourn and lament for something that doesn’t exist anymore? The Roman Empire was impressive at its height; we don’t sit around lamenting it doesn’t exist anymore. It’s a pointless waste of time and energy.
Full disclosure: I’ve done plenty of mourning since the election, and especially since January 6th... I think it’s time to move on.
So I guess the question is, what does moving on look like?
Bad news: European scholars spent about 800 years lamenting the fall of rome before the continent got back on track.
I'm leaning to agree with you but let's see what the audits bring and what happens. We may either have a huge win, or enough grounds to make a big win.
Stack some precious metals, stock up on ammo, and get in shape if you are not.
In the absolute best case the audits show Trump won, and everyone says "huh interesting, but the Electoral College vote is what matters; and that vote was certified for Biden. Too bad we didn't catch this in time wink wink"
I can't imagine the whole country will just accept that. Half the population would be up in arms. And if the evidence was clear enough, even some liberals would be against what happened.
My country, my Britain, is in a similar (if not worse) position in terms of cultural problems and an elite that's been driven mad by globalism. It is disheartening.
But Britain is my country, warts and all. And as a patriot who would see her return to her rightful place in this world, I don't have the luxury of giving up on her.
My government job just affixed a lock screen with the shit on the right (less explicit, but still). There's no way to change it. I know if I ask to change it, they'll shitcan me right away for being "alphabet phobic".
Alphabet phobic sounds like a PC description for the illiterate.
I feel like making it a whole month just makes it meaningless.
Propaganda isn't meaningless to them, and sadly a lot of idiots buy into their propaganda.
There's a startling amount of low I.Q., fools that think that 10% - 20% of the nation is gay and just "born that way".
You'll find many more who are okay with all of that degeneracy appearing in kids media because "it's normal" (it's not).
And every single year they manage to brainwash more and more people. Most people don't even know how to use simple physiological science to shut down their arguments, much less point out why that lifestyle is dangerous for a stable society, hence why the Rainbow Reich is banned in countries that now how dangerous it is once the floodgates are opened.
What are the main physiological science points you reference so I can make a note of them?
Sexual attraction in humans is induced by a hormonal secretion controlled by the hypothalamus called gonadotropin.
It secretes what's called luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones that mature the stimulation of the gonads (i.e., testes in males, ovaries in females). You can get a brief introduction of how it works here: https://www.britannica.com/science/gonadotropin
The basic gist is that the anterior pituitary gland's secretion from these hormonal gonadotroph cells work as neurotransmitters in humans for what we call sexual attraction, as they help humans to perceive what they find sexually stimulating.
It requires a steady maturation of the gonads leading up to puberty before they develop enough for reproduction purposes. Without gonadotropin, or the maturation of the gonads leading up to puberty, it means the individual is left infertile. You can get the short gist of it here: https://www.news-medical.net/health/Gonadotrophin-Hormones.aspx
This is oftentimes why intersex individuals or hermaphrodites can neither inseminate nor gestate eggs.
(I know this is taking a while, but bear with me, I'll get to the juicy bits)
The hypothalamus' secretion of these hormones happens over a maturation period as well, thus it requires environmental stimuli and physiological growth in order to induce the steps necessary for gonadotropin to start the neurotransmission process.
And here is where things get fascinating, the hypothalamus hormonal secretion during prenatal phases only initially helps to define the sexes (i.e., ovaries and testes), but becomes nearly latent for sexual development until puberty. It's explained here: https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php/Endocrine_-_Hypothalamus_Development
The progenitor cells necessary for the development of the hypothalamus requires consistent and constant environmental stimuli, leading up to its maturation and the process of putting gonadotropin to use for developing the gonads.
In short, immediate postnatal hypothalamus functionality is at less than 20%. Because during the neonatal and prenatal phases, the hypothalamus is only secreting the necessary hormones in a light pulsating manner to develop gender differentiation between males and females: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7643957/
Dimorphic differentiation between the sexes for the hypothalamus growth occurs rapidly during the formative years, usually as toddlers.
It's not until the pubescent years where the hypothalamus begins to rapidly and aggressive release gonadotropins based on sensory stimulation (e.g., touch, sound, smell, sight, and taste). It's further explained here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/immunology-and-microbiology/gonadotropin-release
This only occurs due to stimulated growth from environmental stimuli, as the human body needs sensory input to react and evolve based on said stimuli.
TL;DR What we perceive as sexual attraction is based on neurotransmitters that require complex development over the course of years. The actual neurotransmission process only occurs as a postnatal development (i.e., after someone is born).
TL;DR Part II The only time that human beings will encounter sexual maturation during formative/prepubescent years is due to early environmental stimulation that causes gonadotropin to secrete before puberty. This usually only occurs with aggressive promiscuity, abuse, or molestation, which is found to be quite common in gay men and lesbian women: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11501300/
TL;DR Part III It's more difficult to reorient a male's sexual attraction after puberty, which is why Leftist work so hard to influence male sexual behavior during formative years. Trauma, abuse, and molestation contribute greatly to reorienting someone's sexual behavior/attraction, and said stimuli is necessary to change someone's orientation before it becomes stabilized during pubescent years: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-012-0021-9
Said trauma/abuse can have long lasting effects on someone's psychological and physiological development, including their orientation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ClnMR3IgYI
TL;DR Part IV Even Left-wing media had to concede there is no gay gene: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31481774/
This is because sexual attraction is based on environmental stimuli, and it can change over time based on epigenetic influence: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41574-020-0370-8
Most studies thereafter continue to promote the myth that there's biogenetic factors, but all studies only include homosexual adults who have already been altered by epigenetic influence, as opposed studies including neonatal development juxtaposed with adults in a longitudinal study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31467194/
Basically, PMC7082777 is the equivalent of rounding up a bunch of MMA fighters and doing a study on their reaction times and durability compared to non-MMA fighters and concluding there is a genetic difference between the reaction times and durability between MMA fighters and non-MMA fighters. Of course, there would be differences since the epigenetic influence has already been impacted and the gene expression is taking place AFTER the change has occurred.
It's also the equivalent of finding heroin addicts and concluding that there are genetic differences between them and non-heroin addicts, even though the measurement is taking place AFTER the stimulation has already impacted their physiology: https://www.dana.org/article/heroin-addiction-linked-to-long-term-brain-changes/
TL;DR for the TL;DR: You can't be born gay because the neurotransmitters required to perceive sexuality don't develop/secrete until puberty. The only time they secrete early is due to molestation/rape/trauma. This is why there is no gay gene, and why it's physiologically impossible to be born gay since the organ development to express sexual behavior hasn't matured enough during neonatal years to allow said expression, which requires sensory stimuli, which only occurs as a postnatal development.
Fuck'n saved, thank you for this write-up. That last paragraph seems like the real clincher, I don't know how it would be disputed.
I'm gay, and I've never been abused, molested, experienced trauma, or been promiscuous. If you can't be born gay because neurotransmitters don't develop until puberty, how do you explain straight boys and girls who have crushes before puberty? Also, scientists came to the conclusion that sexuality is caused by both genetics and epigenetics.
I said most, not all.
It all depends on a number of stimuli you experience growing up. In Milo's case, he wasn't raped or traumatized either, but chose to engage in consensual sex with a priest at the age of 13, so promiscuity was a factor.
George Michaels had some sexual experiences before the age of 18 that eventually led him to choosing to live strictly as a gay man.
Different strokes for different folks based entirely on a number of factors.
Without knowing what your childhood was like, what you were exposed to, what your first sexual experiences were, etc., it's impossible to simply conclude why your preferences are the way they are.
Crushes don't have to be sexual. Where did you get that from?
Men can have a crush on other men for being successful, it doesn't mean they want to have sex with them. They can be fascinated by the lifestyle, the prestige, the fame, etc.
Women can have crushes on other women for a number of reasons, from beauty to style to career, to home life, etc., it doesn't mean they want to have sex with that woman.
Men and women can have crushes on each other because they like something about that other person, it doesn't always mean it has to be sexual.
Also, in my previous comment I mentioned that the pituitary secretions happen in an intermittent manner, even during formative years. So it's structuring your neurological senses and physical genitalia for the growth spurt during puberty, which is why there may be some initial sparks of attraction during prepubescent years, depending on the stimuli.
Additionally, attraction is based on qualitative elements people perceive as being enticing, engaging, enlightening, or entertaining. There is a layer of complex neurophysiological processes that can affect and/or be reactive to psychological stimulation and/or experiences related to attraction, but it doesn't always have to be derived from or relate solely to sexual stimulation.
Left-wing scientists keep repeating this lie. If I asked you what allele strand these mysterious gay genes are located in during the neonatal process you couldn't find me one study that says.
That's literally why I addressed that point in my comment. The only genetic factors they have found have been in those who already identified as gay.
That's why I used the MMA/heroin examples; they're measuring genetic factors AFTER gene expression has already been made apparent through epigenetics.
The whole born gay myth was originated back in the 1980s, specifically by Marshall Kirk and Dr. Hunter Madsen. Try to look up the article in Christopher Street titled "The Gay Agenda", where they basically outlined how using the "born gay" talking point helps redirect the argument against the lifestyle to an argument about civil rights. It also managed to get the Religious Right off the backs of the Rainbow Reich because if you can argue that being gay is genetic then obviously gays were just "made that way".
If you have time, all of the agitprop used in media and faux science to trick people into believing such nonsense is outlined in the book you can read here: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen/08a/born_gay_hoax/TheBornGayHoax.pdf
Sadly, the propaganda worked for the most part, and any neuroscience that should dispel the propaganda is either buried or the research never gets off the ground. You'll also notice that the "born gay" maxim only works in one direction.
According to the Left, if you're straight you can very well be converted to being gay, as evident with all the hetero-conversion media out there. The CW Network and other stations have no shortage of shows where a character (usually female) is converted from heterosexuality to homosexuality, from Black Canary in Arrow to Supergirl's sister, to the one character in Wyonna Earp, etc., etc., etc.
You'll almost never find any lesbians or gays in recent media being converted into heterosexuals, with the rare exception of the recent James Franco movie based on a real-life gay man who turned straight.
You'll also find plenty of Left-wing media encouraging straight men to have gay sex: https://archive.is/wip/XPTah
Or plenty of media praising straight women for trying lesbian sex: https://archive.is/ZgBBI
The Left is partially right about one thing: sexuality is definitely on a spectrum. It can be influenced greatly by experiences, desires, infatuations, and traumas. But it's not a switch you can flip, and it's not something that's strictly defined at birth due to the stimuli factors involved.
As mentioned, most men have their orientation fairly set in place by puberty, but it can be altered by certain experiences, such as heavy drug use, or in the case of prison, being raped: https://archive.is/wip/UeVM7
Now to directly address why being born gay is so absurd from a neurophysiological perspective it's because attraction needs stimulation.
Your senses have to be developed enough for you to be able to ascertain the fundamental elements of attraction. Just as I mentioned above: You need to be able to see, touch, smell, taste, or hear something that makes you attracted to something.
The basic concept of how cognition works is outlined here so you have a brief understanding of the neural process: from stimuli, to conceptualization of the stimuli, to forming a synaptic response to the stimulus: https://science.jrank.org/pages/1577/Cognition-How-cognition-works.html
Those senses aren't fully developed at birth, and there are no neurotransmitters to somatically develop those sensations during prenatal development because the hypothalamus isn't secreting those kind of hormones yet, because your gonads aren't developed enough to need them, because you're still in the womb.
So if you can't see, touch, smell, or touch something to incite the stimuli for sexual attraction, how can you be perceptive that you are attracted to it when you can't even cognitively construct the identification of what you're supposed to be attracted to? Your limbic system is still in its infancy and so you're not even capable of higher cognitive functions such as delineating attraction at that point.
The actual process of cognitive development that leads us to recognition, cognizance, and the structure of thought processing is outlined in this report here, which clearly breaks down when those processes develop during the stages of human maturation: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/296669291_Executive_Function#pf5
Do you understand now? This is why I said physiologically it's impossible to be born gay because neurophysiologically the human brain literally does not have the capacity or tools to PERCEIVE attraction, because at that stage you can't even perceive yourself. The literal physiological matter necessary to develop the neurotransmitters for that stage of development doesn't even exist at that point.
This is why there are no peer reviewed studies that examine the actual neuroscience related to the development of sexual attraction during neonatal years, because it completely debunks the myth that you're born gay. If the physical matter that stimulates the impetus for that function doesn't exist at that stage, how can you be born gay?
As a cognitive exercise for you, specifically, just so you can better understand my point: try to describe something you find attractive that doesn't require any of your five senses.
As someone from Germany (which is way ahead of the US with all this leftist bullshit), you have no idea how bad it's going to get.
Any advice on how to prepare?
I can only give doomer advice. Maybe you still have a chance to turn things around in the US if you mobilize.
If you wait for too long like we did in Germany there's not much you can do.
Put family and yourself first and realize that you're in a cold civil war against your neighbors.
If you have to deal with government employees remember that they are all loyal party soldiers, from city hall, to police, to the courts.
If you're lucky you'll find a few like-minded people in real life but for the most part everyone is a brainwashed ignorant sheep who mindlessly repeats the state-run media's talking points.
The "upside" is you now know how it felt to live in Soviet Germany and how people "could let the Nazis happen".
Beautiful country, Germany. I spent 7 years there. I think people there will wake up. Just might take time. Kinda thought Brexit would be a wakeup call that they were voting the bill for Europe.
Not a chance in hell.
I don't use the word Gleichschaltung lightly when I talk about the current situation in Germany. Everything is in lockstep with far-left ideology: schools, private and state-run media, sports groups, professional organizations, unions, corporations, churches, police, courts, countless NGOs who get billions from the government and control society, everything.
The few people who dare to speak up get drowned in accusations of -isms until they shut up or are ostracized from society. That is if violent Antifa thugs (who enjoy the protection of politicians and the justice system) don't get them first.
There's a federal election in a few months and polls show we're drifting even further to the left, a lot further. Germany is done for.
Es tut mir Leid, Freund. Vielleicht kommst du zu Amerika, und wir ein letztes Party haben? Es seit 12 Jahren als ich eine Deutsche klasse hatte, ist es offensichtlich?
It's good enough to easily understand it. I've met plenty of people in Germany who speak German way worse than that.
German language proficiency is actually becoming quite an issue in schools and interpreting broken German is pretty much part of daily life if you live in a big city these days.
You have my condolences. Reading through posts from black twitter can be like deciphering a made-up language half the time. It's hard for me to imagine what linguistic incompetence would look or sound like in other languages, would you mind explaining what sort of failures pop up in German?
Fuck man. I feel like I'm reading a dark future for America.
Oh we had fairly independent states, too, before Merkel.
Over the years that independence got eroded de facto. She even undid an election for state governor because she didn't like that he got elected with the votes from the wrong party; not even because he was in a party she didn't like but because that party merely voted for him.
Recently that independence also got scrapped de jure, so Merkel could force states to adopt her draconian Wu Flu lockdowns and curfews.
When the whole country is gleichgeschaltet everything just falls into place. Even Germany has some political outliers but as a party friend of Merkel recently said: the people not already on our side are lost, who cares, we will go after their future generations as early as possible and fix that.
Yea, the US isn't quite there yet but unless something drastic happens, you're well on your way .
i still want to know who forced it to be a month by fiat.
i never voted for a month.
Most of these "holidays and months" are just made up by somebody on the spot. Then people agree and agree until it gets big enough to get acknowledged. By that point random corporations send out meaningless emails talking about it and then its sealed as a "thing."
I'd wager Gay Month was probably some big gay organization just said it, and then all the homos ran with it. Then the government tripped over themselves to acknowledge it.
They think you're going to spend one twelfth of your life thinking about how awesome gays and trannies are lol
Fiat as in currency?
Ive been stacking silver, got a couple gold coins, and have been buying gold jewelry at close to spot so I can wear my stack.
Do not compromise with evil
Seems to me.. there has been some kinda lgbt related day, week or month every month.
I want to believe that things can get better but I don’t see any indication
Real legitimate audits are underway. At worst they get dismissed by a judge and by then we at least have a target.
Fuck the month. This man is holding the helmet of a fallen soldier, presumably someone he knew.
Waging a war that was not as clear cut as WWII.
He was in a place none of us want to be. Did he blame himself? Did he break? What is the story? Second part of the picture looks like the equivalent of self punishment or someone who snapped.
Edit: sorry I looked at the nose and thought it was the same guy.
just honk now.
Yes. Find friends, make preparations for the eventual NKVD/Red guard and have a plan to survive. NO running to another country isn't a viable long term option since once the US goes full commie, the rest of the world will follow suit by force or willingly.
The democrats have totally fucked up this country!
Is everything alright?