If you wanted to engineer a complete loss of support on the right for institutional law and order, I don't think you could do any better than what politicians and police departments did in 2020.
NBC just called it a "horrible, violent protest." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
I am SCREAMING at their hypocrisy. Are you serious??? Look at how orderly the protestors are. They're gonna sweep up any mess they make, sort the trash from the recycling, and wash and wax every car in the lot on their way out. How much longer is the media going to gaslight us?! Don't get me wrong, mob action almost never ends well, but if there's ever even been a peaceful protest, we're watching it.
it reminds me how a year or two ago the Asians that protested the universities for their racist shit also cleaned up after themselves. Whilst you see greenies and environmental activists protesting against climate change and all that and they left a mess behind and didn't clean up after themselves.
I remember when the tea party did the same thing...protest and leave it cleaner than when they arrived. Yet the tea party people were still called names.
Theres some tranny in discord demanding everyone denounce it and getting fucking memed on because, well, the place is /pol/ lite flying under the radar.
These were unironically largely peaceful, much more peaceful than any of the riots from the left's summer of love.
if the press can say that arsonists are peaceful protestors when convenient then the press will say that peaceful protestors are terroris when convenient.
.... I don't even see a punch being thrown, just pushing and jostling. There's no fires, no thrown projectiles, and they're calling this a devastating riot. This is equivalent to a bunch of people breaking into a oil baron's house and throwing a house party. What BLM did was assault, murder, and arson on a wide scale across the country in over a dozen cities
They were attacking trump supporters in 2015, i think were long past sympathy, and i think that today is when they realized that a lot of people figured that much out.
Seriously leftists, the media, you created what happened today.
The US Capitol is one of the most secure and guarded buildings in the world. And protestors have it completely surrounded and breached. Your government is not as powerful and infallible as our masters want you to believe.
I said repeatedly that if armed conservatives decided to mobilise they'll be a whole hell of a lot more precise than the usual hamfisted city burning that the left gets up to.
There is no telling how violent or over-reactionary the establishment's blowback may be. I would suggest you get non-Reddit, non-Win, and non-standard contact information (like private discords, alternative forums, minecraft servers, or spacial co-ordinates in MMO's) to communicate in the event of aggressive censorship.
You may want to consider doing this with your electors as well if you voted for them, as they may be trusted community members to you.
I just wanted to play video games as usual on 2021, why are they trying to forcefully implement VR for the new CoD?
On a more serious note, I have no idea what will come of this, frankly, for a lot of people this will be a wake up call of sorts. People are hungry and tired, and I would not like to be in the US government at the moment no matter how much money they would give me. It’s time to peacefully reform, as the progressive intelligentsia would like to define it I guess?
Seeing the way this is developing, the protestors really screwed up storming the Capitol as they did. Biden'll be laughing all the way to the bank when he cashes the check they just gave him
If he led them to the Capitol and didn't expect this he's a fool. If he did expect this I don't know what his plan was after he made his "non-violent" plea.
One woman was shot in the neck by a DC police officer. I've seen it on video multiple times, as well as her being wheeled out on a stretcher. No word on whether she survived, but the person who caught her as she fell said there was blood coming from her nose, mouth, and neck.
If you wanted to engineer a complete loss of support on the right for institutional law and order, I don't think you could do any better than what politicians and police departments did in 2020.
Good start, let's keep going
Hopefully they have pitchforks.
And bring back the Revolutionary War classic - tarring and feathering.
NBC just called it a "horrible, violent protest." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
I am SCREAMING at their hypocrisy. Are you serious??? Look at how orderly the protestors are. They're gonna sweep up any mess they make, sort the trash from the recycling, and wash and wax every car in the lot on their way out. How much longer is the media going to gaslight us?! Don't get me wrong, mob action almost never ends well, but if there's ever even been a peaceful protest, we're watching it.
it reminds me how a year or two ago the Asians that protested the universities for their racist shit also cleaned up after themselves. Whilst you see greenies and environmental activists protesting against climate change and all that and they left a mess behind and didn't clean up after themselves.
I remember when the tea party did the same thing...protest and leave it cleaner than when they arrived. Yet the tea party people were still called names.
So far MAGA has burned down how many buildings?
How many stores have they looted?
How many people have they shot?
Only person shot was seemingly by the police.
Theres some tranny in discord demanding everyone denounce it and getting fucking memed on because, well, the place is /pol/ lite flying under the radar.
These were unironically largely peaceful, much more peaceful than any of the riots from the left's summer of love.
Apparently they only broke 1 window.
Where's all the burning stores, cop cars and apartments.
There's a kia2 discord?
Why wasn't I invited :((((
Oh wait nevermind Discord is a Chinese intelligence operation fuck that
No, a lot less politically correct.
I mean, maybe theres one, but this one hates plebbit with a passion.
if the press can say that arsonists are peaceful protestors when convenient then the press will say that peaceful protestors are terroris when convenient.
.... I don't even see a punch being thrown, just pushing and jostling. There's no fires, no thrown projectiles, and they're calling this a devastating riot. This is equivalent to a bunch of people breaking into a oil baron's house and throwing a house party. What BLM did was assault, murder, and arson on a wide scale across the country in over a dozen cities
Good. I'm interested to see the government's overreach in reaction, and the inevitable backlash as a result. Looks like civil war is on the way.
About time too. My body is ready.
China and Russia are licking their lips at the thought of a Civil War
China? Maybe.
Russia? Doubt it. Though i did stock up on popcorn.
Boog has begun
And there was much rejoicing.
On a good day Congress doesn't break 20% approval. No one left or right would shed a tear.
Media has said Trump was planning a undemocratic fascist coup for months.
You will get no sympathy from the left.
Were we ever in danger of getting that at any point in the last several years?
They were attacking trump supporters in 2015, i think were long past sympathy, and i think that today is when they realized that a lot of people figured that much out.
Seriously leftists, the media, you created what happened today.
Imagine the media and police response against these peaceful protesors.
A woman already got shot inside in the neck.
They are currently on the House floor.
The switch has definitely been flipped on the right. And the very first time they mobilize they succeed in breeching the Congressional building.
Which is exactly why there's such a complex web of people and institutions trying to prevent the right from mobilizing.
I said repeatedly that if armed conservatives decided to mobilise they'll be a whole hell of a lot more precise than the usual hamfisted city burning that the left gets up to.
How many hours until they're lynching the politicians?
I think we're still at least a few weeks out from that.
Damn right they are https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/1346912575917682689
I think you meant to say, "Fraud protesters jog to historically racist institution to peacefully protest."
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I haven't had a smile on my face this wide in a very, very long time.
Good stuff, I hope this idea spreads to my island...Johnson has turned on us like a viper.
Good luck freedom...I'm praying for you all.
You guys. Biden just spoke. He said democracy has been hijacked. PROJECTION MUCH YOU CROTCHETY FUCK
In the event that internet crack-down takes place against any and all non-Leftists. Please bookmark our alternatives at
There is no telling how violent or over-reactionary the establishment's blowback may be. I would suggest you get non-Reddit, non-Win, and non-standard contact information (like private discords, alternative forums, minecraft servers, or spacial co-ordinates in MMO's) to communicate in the event of aggressive censorship.
You may want to consider doing this with your electors as well if you voted for them, as they may be trusted community members to you.
It is wild out there!
Trump kept his promise!
I just wanted to play video games as usual on 2021, why are they trying to forcefully implement VR for the new CoD?
On a more serious note, I have no idea what will come of this, frankly, for a lot of people this will be a wake up call of sorts. People are hungry and tired, and I would not like to be in the US government at the moment no matter how much money they would give me. It’s time to peacefully reform, as the progressive intelligentsia would like to define it I guess?
not even flames. so is very very peaceful protesting still.
They're already leaving peacefully it seems.
Buzzfeed's calling it a coup lmao.
the shama guy is an actor his profile has been found and there is a video where police remove barricades to let the people enter in
supporters or staged? and if staged why?
Seeing the way this is developing, the protestors really screwed up storming the Capitol as they did. Biden'll be laughing all the way to the bank when he cashes the check they just gave him
If he led them to the Capitol and didn't expect this he's a fool. If he did expect this I don't know what his plan was after he made his "non-violent" plea.
One woman was shot in the neck by a DC police officer. I've seen it on video multiple times, as well as her being wheeled out on a stretcher. No word on whether she survived, but the person who caught her as she fell said there was blood coming from her nose, mouth, and neck.
Infowars' live stream just reported that she passed away.
This is when the hawaiian shirts come out.
If this were a leftist protest there would be cities on fire.
There better be some fucking repercussions here, regardless of what happened, this was murder in broad daylight.
Watching the infowars stream, looks like capital police shot a woman, and there's footage of her being wheeled away on a stretcher.
Everything's happening really fast, hard to find sources and verify info