I’m providing a view from outside
lmao you act as if we have never heard leftists talking points before as if we weren't bombarded with them all the time.. And in case you forgot .win exists because reddit had to enforce their own echo chamber through censorship and banning of any subreddit that isnt part of the woke NPC cult.
fucking shit. honestly id give up anime and manga and just keep it all in Japan if it could save them . And apple and google wanting to destroy entertainment competition of course. Globalism is so shit , why is everyone even using google and apple for communication? literally a global monopoly.
Notice how these things work btw? Oh these Black players are as British as any other actual British (also you can race swap historical people in films ) but they don't have to take on British guilt for being "colonizers" . Oh no that's when they are NOT British and are actually the victims of British.
Sorry for the late reply https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tnK2FK2298 This same channel who posted this video is extremely woke. Seen him like a comment suggesting that "gamers hate women"
Well that's not what i've seen from Japanese.i see them more often claim Jomon, but regardless their religion was based on Jomon beliefs and they have Jomon ancestry and to push that they are not indigenous but mixed ainu is, just used to push multiculturalism on them. and like i said did you read the link?
Very good question to ponder. They cry about the land owner but never go after the banks.