I like this part,
It is posited that the trend may have a partially biological cause, stemming from dysgenic fertility and, to a lesser extent, replacement migration.
Replacement migration, they admitted it. Part of the population they're IQ testing are not French - they're africans living in France and they know it.
Genetics matter in all living things, humans are not an exception.
I'm not opposed to dangerous, violent, out-of-control people being kept under lock and key, but ...
I lived in Mendocino County in the 1970's when all of the California state mental hospitals were shut down including the rural Mendocino State Hospital. They just opened all the doors and the front gate and told everyone to leave. That was what they did.
People just went out and wandered around. People who had been locked up for years and decades began to inhabit the local landscape with no place to go, no idea what to do, and no way to support themselves.
I knew some of those people because I worked for public transit at the time and I talked to them. My favorite customer was a former state hospital detainee who had been committed in the 1950's and had no idea why. There's no telling what had happened to him while committed for decades but he became my friend and was a sweet and gentle man I saw every day.
There was never public accounting for what these 'hospitals' did to/for their inmates. After MSH emptied it was left abandoned and unlocked, I used to ride my bike out there and peek into the buildings ... grim does not begin to describe the interior chamber of some of those buildings :/
Mendocino State Hospital has also been implicated in the MKUltra program and was staffed by many members of Jim Jones' Peoples Temple. It is not possible to get into those state hospital records as they were sealed for 75 years at the time of closure.
We have to be very careful about not repeating the same mistakes we made in the past under the banner of Lock Em Up because they're crazy.
Aflatoxin poisoning?
Aflatoxin, a chemical produced by infectious mold, could be coming to the Corn Belt - https://grist.org/agriculture/corn-belt-midwest-aflatoxin-climate-change/
There are some real oddities in the video - thousands of dead cattle inside a bare enclosure - feed lot? If they were crowded together in a feed lot they could have overheated ... plenty of cattle feed lots in Kansas.
If they were in a feed lot they were all eating the same thing, usually corn. That would be the first thing I looked at in a huge die-off like that, contaminated feed.
Authored by Jordan Peterson, archive - https://archive.ph/GoVxK
Since we're on the topic, here is a luminous performance of Beethoven's entire 9th symphony with full chorus at the Moscow Conservatory with Pavel Kogan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY2IdMOAiTU
Beethoven was the godfather of modern music.
I present to you, Deundrea Holloway, 22 - https://www.kmov.com/2022/06/10/police-investigate-possible-homicide-alton/
Authorities tell News 4 that Holloway beheaded Dodd and put her head in a dumpster.
Sounds just like the covid vax 'research' they didn't do,
Experts say the most rigorous research — studies comparing treated kids with outcomes in untreated kids — would be unethical and psychologically harmful to the untreated group.
Studies are now unethical because Experts. Cut up [and vax] the kids at the behest of experts who can't be bothered with long term studies.
paedophilia (a "chronophilia") was merely "a love affair between an age-discrepant couple"
Age Discrepant Couple
We have reached peak English language dismemberment. Cover-up the child sex crime with language discombobulation.
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seriously? That's his daughter Kendall Jenner. She was 21-22 at the time.