woxter 6 points ago +7 / -1

In Sweden they already have thousands of foreigners with a Swedish passport that can´t be deported. In Hungary they are trying to avoid that from happening by promoting natives birth-rates and stopping immigration from hostile countries.

woxter -6 points ago +1 / -7

Water is a subsidised resource that is becoming more and more scarce, it should be used only for human consumption, including cleaning, industry, etc, and agriculture, golf courses need to reinvent themselves and golf on sand or concrete or foam, something that will not take away water during droughts.

woxter 17 points ago +17 / -0

If she is decolonization does it mean she supports deporting African settlers living in the UK back to their countries? I suspect not. She would have to deport herself too.

woxter -7 points ago +2 / -9

Sorry but the title of this post does not reflect reality, The Guardian is a well known Islamist newspaper with anti-Israel views. The cartoonist probably overdid The Guardian anti-Israel views and that is why they fired him but anybody who has ever read that newspaper knows that they are woke Islamist pro-Palestinian.

woxter 8 points ago +8 / -0

And Europe isn´t even at war with any Muslim country, if there is ever a direct war in between Europe and a Muslim country a huge part of that diversity is going to side with the enemy.

woxter 15 points ago +15 / -0

The only reason why racism might be different in China is because black people in China are tourists, if they were there working and living along Chinese people they would be telling them to go back to Africa in no time.

woxter 24 points ago +25 / -1

If you are a player you are representing the team while playing, I don´t think you should get the "individual choice" of displaying whatever political views you hold during the game, they should be neutral, they can display the homosexual flag in their own car bump sticker or whatever but not while playing, otherwise every other player is going to want to display the views they hold too, it pollutes sport. Imagine a team, some of them with the Palestinian flag other players in the same team with the Israeli flag, that is not sport, do it in your own house.

woxter 1 point ago +1 / -0

And that is why the EU condemns the blockade in Gaza.

"The EU’s top diplomat said Israel’s actions in Gaza already may have breached international law"


woxter 4 points ago +4 / -0

And the best part is that there is nothing to stop you from being a man one year, becoming a "lesbian" woman the next year, and reverting to being a man the following year, you can do this as many times as you like or as many times as it is convenient for you.

woxter 1 point ago +1 / -0

The tranny part is bad but the kids part I don´t think it is an issue, most of the gyms where I have been to had separate locker rooms for kids where normally parents or a mentor can also enter. So, an adult tranny would have to go to the adults locker rooms, there could be exceptions in other countries, I don´t know how it is in Australia. And small gyms work different, usually everybody knows everybody in small gyms.

woxter 5 points ago +5 / -0

But people recruiting them aren´t telling that they will probably die, they tell them they will work behind the frontlines in supply lines or doing something that is not very risky.

woxter 4 points ago +4 / -0

So according to Euronews Wagner fighters standing for Russia are "mercenaries" but the Spanish getting paid €3,400 a month for going to Ukraine are "volunteers".

woxter 8 points ago +9 / -1

That is all bullshit, if Bill Gates goes to live to Somalia he will increase the average GDP and average salary of Somalia but the country will still have the same number of people in low salaries.

woxter 8 points ago +8 / -0

If they housed third world immigrants in the neighbourhoods of those supporting it we would quickly see their support diminish.

woxter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Anybody defining himself as "non binary" should be disqualified from teaching instantly for spreading fake science.

woxter 6 points ago +6 / -0

If trading minerals from Africa in exchange for Euros is "imperialism" and "racism" how is trying to impose the foreign LGTB ideology in Africa not racist and imperialist? The CNN is a racist network.

woxter 58 points ago +58 / -0

It is only a matter of time before James Bond reveals he is homo or transsexual. Enjoy the old James Bond films with cute babes while you can.

woxter 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nice way to promote alternative networks, he should have joined Scored.

woxter 3 points ago +4 / -1

The same rhetoric Russia had before invading Ukraine, and they share a huge land border, reality turned out to be different.

woxter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt very much that the families of those who die in the power plant strikes you suggested earlier, are going to surrender and forget all about it.

woxter 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is why Taiwan is developing drones, if their power plants are destroyed in a military strike that is a declaration of war and they can use their drones to destroy power plants in mainland China in return. Drones are offensive weapons, this is a message to China that they can strike them too, they won´t be stupid enough to start the war though.

woxter 2 points ago +2 / -0

The article mentions that the drones can´t sink ships but they can target parts of the ship, like their radar, making them vulnerable to other weapons, and you are quite right that Taiwan doesn´t need to win the war if there is a conflict with China, only make them pay a heavy price so that they think about it twice before embarking on any imperialist adventure, another given is that the US and Europe at least would impose sanctions on China and decouple their economies like they have done with Russia.

woxter 4 points ago +4 / -0

All advanced countries in the World have publicly funded media, in the US I guess that would be PBS and NPR.

It is a good idea because private media won´t produce cultural or history documentaries that spread useful knowledge, they don´t produce anything that does not turn a profit, the problem is that nearly always the publicly funded media ends up being a mouth piece for whoever is ruling the government, they are not necessarily woke, in Russia for example public media are pro-Putin, the problem is the person in government and not necessarily the media being publicly funded.

woxter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except that the country is economically in bad shape, but maybe in the long term.

woxter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Let´s see what I can come up with in under a minute, mmm, seize properties and money from any business hiring illegal immigrants and use that money to pay for deportation flights, place sanctions, carrot and stick, on any country bordering the EU that allows illegal immigrants to sneak in., seize any money illegals make in the future and use it to deport them, cancel bank accounts for illegals, mine the border with Turkey, constitution amendment guaranteeing that an illegal will never get a passport in his life.

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