Spaceshipman better stop this heckin racist noticing!
Of course that degenerate reprobate Weiner is involved.
Every single chick I was friends with in high school, who had issues, went on to be some form of therapist.
I wonder if incidents like this are increasing or if we're now just hyper aware of these sick fuck long house monsters
"The Age of women is over. The Time of the
MenWomen+ has come."
The above comment got me permanently banned from Reddit. kek.
Last off ramp they have before the universe respawns The Forbidden One.
Of course this demon is upset. This faggot literally cannot stop pushing his degeneracy.
CA needs to unequivocally stand with these kids.
Okay, groomer.
Everything is pozzed woke faggotry until proven otherwise. If it's not you'll hear about it
I like how "muh pronouns" aren't "a big deal, chuds", but then they flip their shit when you make a personal choice to avoid their faggotry in a piece of media that you ostensibly own.
Seems like we're kinda getting devoured by sheep and pigs now tho...
exposed zippertits
Ignoring everything else, it is extremely unlikely for a woman to be "best actor" because wahmen are not allowed to be interestingly written characters (you know, flawed / real) in CURRENT YEAR.
The problems in this country could be solved by really hard kicks to the ass.
As far as I know
No one is "non-binary". It's a retarded concept for boring faggots to pretend like they have something that makes them interesting
Who knew that enabling mental illness would lead to more unchecked mental illness.
Terminal coom brain.
Many such cases.
Nigga stole my horse!
He wants the world to have the same milkers that he does.
I wonder who the writers were.
You're right. There I go thinking like a sane person again.
Are you high? I said I pictured a scene from a science fiction movie called "Aliens". That's not "advocating mass murder". There was no threat or call to action.
Is saying "god send a meteor" considered "advocating genocide"?
And why is the parent comment, which contextualizes mine, fine?