todiwan 8 points ago +8 / -0

Do you really believe that? They'll just gaslight the populace at a mass scale and 99% of people will not even notice, just like countless times before. We live in an Orwellian dystopia of a world because people don't give a shit.

todiwan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can't impeach him when he isn't holding office for sure. Or pre-impeach, I think.

todiwan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Simple majority to impeach (which they easily do, as you can see). Then:

"Third, the Senate tries the accused. In the case of the impeachment of a president, the Chief Justice of the United States presides over the proceedings. For the impeachment of any other official, the Constitution is silent on who shall preside, suggesting that this role falls to the Senate's usual presiding officer, the President of the Senate, who is also the Vice President of the United States. Conviction in the Senate requires the concurrence of a two-thirds supermajority of those present. The result of conviction is removal from office and/or disqualification from holding any federal office in the future."

todiwan 8 points ago +8 / -0

YEP. THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. Trump was not the populist Caesar, he was the friendly, idealistic, slightly bumbling precursor that just wanted the best for everyone. If a populist figure ever manages to come into power again (unlikely due to the cheating), it will be swift and brutal. It will be the Caesar we're waiting for.

todiwan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I personally hope there will be more violence aimed at the government (disclaimer: I am not planning to commit any, I'm not even American - nor am I encouraging anyone to do it).

As much as I wish Trump WAS strong enough to tell people to storm the building, I can't say that. He obviously didn't. I wish he did but he didn't.

todiwan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ironmouse and Melody are great, but Nyanners is cancer due to her going full gamerghazi (actually she literally posted there). I'll never forget what she did, which sucks because her content isn't bad.

todiwan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can respect someone having a misguided opinion when they don't preach it. Nobody follows vtubers to hear them preach politics.

todiwan 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's no point in asking, they're literally nobodies, and most of them have not even debuted (so they're literally vtuber posers, not actual vtubers). Hero Hei calls them vtweeters.

todiwan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bitch, you DON'T fuck with my vtubers. I'm flying over to the US to fight in your civil war when it starts.

todiwan -3 points ago +4 / -7

Actually the loli ban is what made me stop trusting Gab and stop using it. But right now the situation is so bad that gab is more than good enough anyway.

todiwan 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm pretty hyped about this. The more they do this, the more angry people will become. It is BECAUSE of this that Trump was elected. This can only lead to good things in the future. Either we will finally get out populist Ceasar that will destroy the system, or the people themselves will become so angry that they will take matters into their own hands and we will see social media executives and politicians getting hanged in Minecraft.

todiwan 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm pretty hyped about this. The more they do this, the more angry people will become. It is BECAUSE of this that Trump was elected. This can only lead to good things in the future. Either we will finally get out populist Ceasar that will destroy the system, or the people themselves will become so angry that they will take matters into their own hands and we will see social media executives and politicians getting hanged in Minecraft.

todiwan 10 points ago +10 / -0

What I'm talking about is we will end up seeing Oklahoma bombings outside federal, media and social media buildings and sandy hook style shootings inside social media buildings

I don't know if I can say this, delete it if I can't. But honestly? I fucking hope so. I want every single person working at a social media company, and every single person working for the government, to fear for their lives, and to think about their job is worth losing their life over. I want social media, journalism and government to be seen as extremely high risk positions. I want them to never feel safe again for stealing the west from its people. Anyone complicit in this utterly corrupt system needs to suffer.

todiwan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, I know. All of this could have been avoided if it remained as it used to be. Am I a conservative now? Lol.

todiwan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure about that. I think people could win against the enemy.

todiwan 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's almost as if large nations don't work, and tiny decentralised nations with very local forms of government are by far the best option.

todiwan 7 points ago +8 / -1

Separation? You want to have a China-allied neighbour on your borders? No, you can't have a "separation".

todiwan 17 points ago +17 / -0

Obviously I'm talking about the democratic aspects of the republic, though.

todiwan 31 points ago +31 / -0

My thought is that democracy has just proved itself not to work. It has become obvious that it always was a farce, pure theatre.

The only thing I'm not sure about is what's better, anarchy or well-intentioned authoritarianism. Most likely anarchy, since benevolent authoritarianism hasn't managed to exist in 99% of the world. Only rarely.

todiwan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm very much pro-abortion, and it should definitely be illegal somewhere between the start and the end of the second trimester. Third should never be legal.

You're thinking of progressives.

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