throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

This here is one example that has boiled my blood so much whenever I see it. I'm going to cut myself off from going further, because the examples are numerous and I keep coming across variations of the example you just used and if I keep thinking about it, my blood pressure will hit unhealthy levels.

throwawayaccount2037 9 points ago +9 / -0

I literally just got done trying to explain this to some young normies who do not see a problem with DEI content in their programming. They argued that so long as it's "good" they don't care, and "what's wrong with gay people?"

It really is the "consume product" meme come to life.

throwawayaccount2037 17 points ago +17 / -0

Just mind boggling how much money has been lost due to this mindset

They don't care. The next generation is growing up on this stuff and so long as they rope people into accepting it, they literally don't care about how much they lose in the interim.

Sadly, it is working.

I keep coming across more and more normies who will reject the most extreme forms of Leftism in media, but will gladly accept the less extreme forms. All they have to do is keep pushing and pretty soon the pendulum will have swung so far left that in a decade's time the next generation will be defending D&D games with MAPs as main protagonists.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

That really is it. It's funny because games these days have all these buttons to press and use, but they just aren't very fun.

I was just recently thinking about that because back in the day games like Doom, Wolfenstein and Blake Stone only had shoot and use buttons, yet they were a ton of fun to play due to the intricate and very elaborate level designs and enemy placements.

These days most FPS games either have "realistic" levels that are blockaded off and extremely static with no destructibility (something that I really appreciated about Black on the PS2, making shootouts feel dynamic and weighty thanks to the physics), or they are fantasy levels with zero ingenuity, designed around arena play and -- as you mentioned -- repeatable play experiences to sell cosmetics.

I'm still enjoying Prodeus for what it is, but the levels still aren't quite as inspired as classics like Duke Nukem 3D or Shadowrun. They still feel like the devs are trying to be clever with the layouts, rather than focusing on playing up the strengths of the game's mechanical design.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love slow paced, methodical first-person games that feel weighty and impactful. Design wise, Escape From Tarkov is right up my alley, I'm just not into the whole online PvP thing. If they had a proper single-player mode like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., it would be hard to peel me away from it.

TheHunter: Call of the Wild has almost all the guns I love from FPS games and it's definitely slow and methodical, but I'm not too keen on just hunting animals. I almost thought about getting back into it, but I'm reminded of the previous dinosaur hunting game I played like 20 years ago that was just so goofy and broken.

Hunt Showdown also has the kind of FPS mechanics I adore, but Crytek went woke and it's yet another online PvP game.

Sadly they just don't make the kind of FPS games I used to really enjoy. I loved games like Soldier of Fortune and Corridor 7. Most milsim FPS titles keep trying to mimic Call of Duty, which I abhor, and sci-fi FPS games these days all try to be "hip" and "cool" and fast-paced, or extremely samey, uninspired and repetitive like the remake of Prey.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Their insistence on getting good Christian men to forgive the past of whores is evident enough that it's all a subversion tactic.

None of them are contrite or humble or willing to acknowledge the shame of their past. This lets me know that it has nothing to do with getting back to traditional values, and everything to do with subverting the traditional values of good men by trying to get them attached to Satan-worshiping whores LARP'ing as tradcons.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Campaign mode is definitely interesting and different from other boomer shooters, and I actually really like the upgrade system.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

Initially saw the trailer during one of those countless fests YouTube keeps recommending.

I originally thought it looked okay, but then remembered Dust 514 and how that failed. The general concept could have been cool, and like you said, definitely would have been neat if the FPS missions made a difference to the larger game world, but basically it's just more instanced FPS combat that looks extremely samey and uninspired. Plus, nothing really ties into the larger, emergent EVE experience, so the entire hook that they could have used to lure people in makes it all pointless.

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

Off-topic, but is that guy's profile picture Orange Cassidy?

throwawayaccount2037 20 points ago +20 / -0

...not when the snake is writing the story.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not so long as activist financing from Blackrock et al exists.

throwawayaccount2037 13 points ago +14 / -1

Not sure how she comes back from all this, tbh.

She does not come back from this.

One thing people are learning the hard way is that some decisions you make permanently ruin your life... forever.

No amount of finding Jesus, repentance, or becoming "born again" will change the ruination some of these people choose to indulge.

She will simply have to live with the consequences of her poor decisions.

(Un)lucky for her she will have an army of simps who will continually feed her a false sense of validation, while she rots away inside from the shame and guilt for her ruinous decision(s). She will have to waste the rest of her life seeking this validation to compensate for the permanent presence of inadequacy she will feel until she hits the grave.

throwawayaccount2037 13 points ago +13 / -0

If you say "Sure", "Thanks", "you're right", or "I welcome it" when people call you those names on YouTube, they automatically remove your response. Hilariously, people can call you those things but they won't let you accept them with positive feedback.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, it almost seemed interesting but it was just another multiplayer arena wave-shooter with barely any content.

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly. I wish they could have taken the graphics, characters, character design, and weapons, and put them in a more linear story-focused game like the older PS2 Evil Dead games.

Heck, even if they kept the maps open and made it where you progressed through finding items, activating switches, or killing enemies like in Resident Evil, it could have been awesome. But yeah, the overall design just left a lot to be lacking. But I did enjoy the gunplay and the melee was serviceable enough, it just needed to be baked into a better overall presentation of the content.

Heck, if they could make something akin to the story mode in that World War Z game, I would be a super happy camper.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup, it was always Digg 2.0 after Digg 2.0 died. And Digg was already extremely Left and very Liberal on most social issues even when it was in its infancy.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +2 / -1

. I think it's honestly childish drama to assume that because slop exists that we have to make a huge deal out of it

It's not about the slop existing, it's about the slop being used for predictive programming and cultural influence.

Normalising degenerative behaviours and encouraging people to accept ideologies themed around enabling societal decay.

For instance, you can say that BLM is "childish drama", but it encouraged countless people across places like America and parts of the U.K., Germany and France to riot, loot and cause destruction. That was not childish drama, it was physical, purposeful chaos where a lot of people lost a lot of their livelihood, and some lost their lives.

BLM was not something that happened in a vacuum -- it was a coordinated effort by politicians and the media alike, utlising almost every avenue of cultural interaction to rile people up to destroy aspects of civil society.

In isolation you can definitely say things like propaganda-filled indie/AA/AAA games are pointless to get angry about, but when you look at it from the collective point of view, the broader message that is being reinforced across other mediums, you begin to see how damaging its effects can be.

For instance, when you have ideologues using music, movies, shows, news, and video games to push degenerative messages, eventually it influences how those people think and behave. It's Cultivation Theory in practice, and -- as the BLM example shows -- it works.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gamers took Indie games and refused to acknowledge the opening is not real.

This. I hazard to venture into normie spaces every so often just to see how people are responding/reacting to certain events, political, media, or otherwise, and it's really, really bad. There is a lot of coping and people accepting woke messaging out there just because it's not as bad as the most extreme forms of woke propaganda.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

You nailed it.

Worse yet is that way too many people keep saying the "pendulum is swinging the other way", but in reality, it's not. It's just swinging further left.

A lot of games that gamers now consider to be "good" are still Leftist propaganda, it's just not as bad as the more prominent Leftist propaganda.

For instance, all the people complaining about The Acolyte being "woke" will then go and watch The Boys, or Gen V, or Arcane and praise those shows as being "good". They're all Leftist, just some are more extreme than the other.

I see the same thing in gaming A LOT. People complaining that Suicide Squad was "woke" but then in the next sentence praise Baldur's Gate 3 as being "amazing!". Even though Baldur's Gate 3 is actually way more woke than Suicide Squad.

Sadly, the Left's plan is working; they're playing the long game and Gen Z and Gen Alpha are eating up a lot of their slop.

They have the two pots -- the hard boil pot featuring ultra-woke nonsense, and the soft-simmer kettle featuring moderate-woke nonsense. When the frog hops into the hard boil pot and recoils, it then hops into the soft-simmer kettle and claim that it's fine.

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +5 / -1
  • Evil Dead: The Game (apparently it's dead, but I always loved the Evil Dead franchise (the ones starring Bruce Campbell) and the game has some really awesome mechanics, but it's one of those terrible asymmetric multiplayer horror games. But it has some offline single-player content and it's super hard and kind of fun. It has all the weapons and gameplay mechanics I always wanted out of a good TPS horror game, but I just wish it had a proper story mode and proper progression in the offline mode.)

  • Hot Wheels Unleashed (pretty cool game, and it's extremely basic when it comes to the mechanics, but if you have sons I would highly recommend this game to get to play with them. Has local split-screen races and a ton of cars to unlock. Be warned that it also has a ton of DLC, I'm not even sure how much of the DLC I have versus what's available because I bought it a while back but didn't play it for the longest. It has a track creator and a livery editor, so there's a ton of replayability. Also, it has zero woke content, which is good)

  • Prodeus (modern boomer shooter like Doom. It's fun and serviceable that I've been slowly playing off and on)

  • BlazBlue: Entropy Effect (we don't get many side-scrolling platform beat-'em-up games like this, so I hopped on this when I saw it on sale, and definitely not disappointed. It's an awesome game that's considered a roguelike, and the combat is on-point. The graphics are fantastic and it controls really well. It's a night and day difference whenever you play a quality Eastern-made game versus the Western slop out there).

  • Star Citizen (mostly just been doing a lot of hunting across the prairies of MicroTech after the fauna was added. It feels like a retirement game now -- I like hopping into the Syulen, grabbing a bunch of food, supplies and a sniper rifle, and doing the poaching missions across the plains and the forested mountain regions. It's very relaxing sniping the animals from a 1 kilometre out.)

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wishmaster 2 was okay. The first movie was better, but they're well worth watching for Andrew Divoff, he was the best part of those films. He was also pretty cool in the few episodes where he was in the show Lost.

Though, ironically, the second Wishmaster movie -- about halfway through -- actually promoted abandoning promiscuous and self-destructive behaviour and heavily focused on becoming born again and on being a productive member of society, which comes about after the main character goes through some... stuff.

throwawayaccount2037 8 points ago +8 / -0

They don't care about money, as their insistence on pushing this stuff for a decade while losing money at every turn shows how little money means anything to them while being financed by Blackrock/etc. They blame 'racists" and "bigots" and just keep pushing, because it's all about the message for them.

Voting only means something when we see actual on-the-ground changes take place in the culture itself, just as RoulerBleu said. Otherwise it's all performative.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

These days if I see 'gud graphics' on a game it's usually another red flag for me especially if the normies are gushing over how good it looks.

What's funny is that Bodycam was made by two guys under 25 (one is only 17) and it looks better than any AAA game released in the last decade using few filters, Unreal Blueprints and some asset store packs.

EDIT: Vid for reference: https://youtu.be/SzHfZYClTwo?t=634

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

It requires you receive a code on your smartphone to authorize your order, and I don't have one.

Sometimes the Skype phone number works for this. You can buy a number for a year and use it for things like that, without needing a smartphone. Just use your PC to login and check for messages and other stuff like that. Of course, the downside is that you have to give money to Microsoft for the number.

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

but I choose to believe you are being needlessly pessimistic.


The video above shows that Bandage is correct. I'm not trying to be confrontational, just highlighting that women are emotionally malleable and Bandage Bandolier is correct, it could be some inconvenience at some point in the future that causes her to divorce her husband after recalling the impetus set by Reddit users.

80% of divorces are initiated by women, and sometimes it's for seemingly asinine things, such as "I was bored", or "I needed to find myself", even when the husband did absolutely everything right.

SSM has covered over 3,000 stories across his multiple channels, and stories like the one in the OP are a dime a dozen, where a woman is told that her husband is bad for X,Y,Z reasons and she decides, on a whim, to divorce him. In this case, she defended him in the thread, but nearly everywhere else on social media she's receiving the same message about how she can "do better" (even though realistically she can't).

Sure, she's defending him now in that thread, but all it takes is a moment for her to give in to her "feelz" and she will be visiting a divorce lawyer in no time flat. Again, these stories are a dime a dozen, and a bunch of guys write in to channels like SSM where they recount how they did everything right but then the wife up and decides to divorce him.

Remember, 50% of women who claim to be happily married already have a backup replacement for their husband: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15BVtWbsweo


It's not pessimism, it's just facts.

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