subbookkeeper 5 points ago +6 / -1

That's the winning strategy here. I mean, if you really wanted to you could do mandatory interbreeding and assimilation programs to create an ethnogenesis with the conquered country, but I don't really think that's being seriously asked by anyone.

That's actually what's happening though. Except we are the conquered country and it's happening here.

subbookkeeper 8 points ago +8 / -0

it seems like this Custodes issue was used to silence the activists and tourists and show where the money is, and now that's been done, they're deleting it.

It seems like it but I wouldn't ascribe that level of competence or strategic vision to GW.

subbookkeeper 6 points ago +6 / -0

A Nation is more than lines on a map. It's a political demarcation of the territory of a people that are partially restricted from leaving by geography of some kind, of which who share a degree of genetic and cultural relatedness. It's time to start talking about Countries as having a people again. If Elon wants an economic zone to try and rack the score up on he should come to Australia.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

While it's not great, I understand the decision making. If your placing 201 in a class of 3,000 for your villages computer class and only the top 10 will get to go to the capital for a chance to compete for a HB-1 you realistically have 0 chance. It's not that your dumb, it's just that your in the opposite of the dunning kruger effect. Your good enough enough to be able to survey the landscape and see how far you've gotten and correctly assess that it's all for 0. But the moral (or lack theoreof) fibre of the cultures matter, your right. And that doesn't happen overnight.

subbookkeeper 6 points ago +10 / -4

I actually read his post and he's not wrong in what he says. American's aren't hungry in the way someone who's starving is.

What he overlooks is that a country with a crazy work culture (Like India) doesn't solve is the actual inherent competence. I can work as hard as I want but I'll never play in the NBA. You just can't outwork an 80 IQ, but you can cheat and buy fake credentials.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reminder cultural marxists aren't interested in another agent being a new character, their aim is to destroy the character of 007 and Bond. This is why they wont make a new original character.

subbookkeeper 8 points ago +8 / -0

Didn't a lot of the car thing stem from the fact that America is just so spread out and there's no real reason to be compact when there's space available for all.

The problem is big cities instead of more, smaller centres.

I'd say a big thing they are right about, on a macro scale is the need for change. True conservatism or reliance on tradition is a death sentence for cultures. No-one is more traditional and conservative than australian aborigines, 40k years plus of the same culture and lifestyle. You do need to change to stay ahead of the curve or someone else will invent gunpowder and you really really need to have some links with them to get some of that sweet sweet black powder. Pure xenophobia doesn't work in the long run.

subbookkeeper 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only upside of this is that Elon is getting school on X about it.

I logged onto X this morning and saw someone replying to him with the maths that the best "0.1%" of all engineers is only 15,000 and would result in a 98% cut to H1B.

subbookkeeper 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wasn't the appeal of the comics the moral fights Superman had as the physical fights were irrelevant?

subbookkeeper 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you believe in a human species in a galaxy of other planets and potentially other species, than yes, countries are like sports teams. In the same way sports teams provide an echo of city states fighting other city states. Something which has been left behind and social and political power structures increase in size and complexity from city states to countries.

Elon is just ahead of his time. And while it's a "globalist" position, its a rare positive depiction of globalism.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has there been any intelligent responses to this yet?

I'm assuming it was just a normal landing, and the plane wasn't doing anything hostile. So what are the normal processes to identify friendlies and what went wrong?

subbookkeeper 14 points ago +14 / -0

This is the stuff that the supranational institutions. The UN, WEF, BIS, IMF etc all want because it allows for control. And these are the organisations that control the purse strings. So this will come to you soon.

subbookkeeper 7 points ago +7 / -0

People are acting like the US and Canada haven't fought multiple wars in the past.

subbookkeeper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Despite what the other guy said, AFL is terrible compared to 20 years ago. Everyone is too fit and there's no restrictions on where players can be on the field. So it means that the entire team just follows the ball all game. Oh and the rules may as well be made up for how often they're changed and just flat out not called.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the searching for nuclear or something else material is the most convincing and logical explanation so far.

subbookkeeper 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a guest from a CIA whistleblower type on Tucker a while back where she said it was an open secret that it was a north korean "special forces" team (obviously china backed) to test out an attack on infrastructure, apparently the bullet holes were at specific non random locations and the security pictures showed them as being asian.

Imo an EMP/infrastructure attack is the Russian/China response to strategic nuclear exchange. A handful of nukes air detonated above the US plus a few key sabotage targets are far more likely to succeed than a soviet style strategic nuclear barrage.

subbookkeeper 4 points ago +4 / -0

If that's the case, that's incredibly rare to begin with, 10-15 years ago there was very few genuine pua's. I remember being younger and joining my local city lair and it was basically a dozen guys trying to work up the courage for a few hours each weekend with a couple of guys that just did it seamlessly. Cold approach is actually really hard. I think that's overlooked.

subbookkeeper 4 points ago +4 / -0

You two have been going back and forward when you could both just walk outside and look at the first 100 guys you see and judge for yourself.

subbookkeeper 6 points ago +6 / -0


Most guys weren't cold approaching even 10-15 years ago, because lets be real, it's hard. People did it because there was no other option, and the type of PUA approach dozens of Women in a session is limited to a fraction of a fraction of 1%.

Unless you have a pua mentor behind you physically pushing you, I'd wager no-one here has every approached more than 100 Girls in total. Most dudes would see a cute girl and talk to her specifically, nor shotgun approaching everyone.

I'm not sure if this was what OP was referring too. But as an example of that I know a dude from my pua days maybe 10-15 years ago, i saw him in a mall the other day randomly, doing what he was doing years ago. Walking around looking for chicks to cold approach. The guy has probably approached an appreciable percentage of the Women in my city over the years. There might be 10,000 Women that would have had the experience of being cold approached in my city, but only 1 Guy who has had the corresponding experience of cold approaching.

I suspect the original tweet refers to the more "normal" interaction of asking a Girl your into out in person though. And I think that's just a skill or lack of perceived skill about talking to chicks. There's no scenario thats realistic where asking a girl out and her saying no would lead to any life altering consequences if it was that in itself.

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