again, kill yourself.
you're a tourist or an agent and your life has no worth in either case
they promised an uncensored release and then immediately censored it with a day 1 patch
kill yourself
joos disrespected
we must move all the levers of power to correct this IMMEDIATELY
why is trump's most important advisor not a man
the time for fedposting is past for the australians.
being for everyone means it's for no one because there's nothing unique or exciting about it.
no irishman voted to have a gay indian rule over them.
the irish went to war to leave the united kingdom and have their own nation.
moneychangers need to know their place.
giving him citizenship was a mistake and a crime.
no amount of trolls will make me care about ukraine.
you love to see it
they go to therapy, and they never get better.
they want everyone else to be as broken as they are.
offer your best employees better and they'll stay.
hard drive was never good.
they are not people.
outlaw this dick while you suck it
step up yourself fed
someone spike his coke with fent
some pedophile thinks its opinion matters.
the system in question just declared this guy innocent
no, they correctly changed what he was guilty of to "not rape". he's still guilty of anything else he's beeen charged with.
baby ghosts, weird ghosts
your compliance isn't a factor.
your buzzword isn't an argument.
bukele is right about ms13