whats wrong with that face
then leave, you obvious foreigner.
crypto is gay controlled nonsense one pair of pliers away from being a noose around all our necks.
bitcoin is not.
"youths" at it again
the templars were killed because the broke-ass king wanted their money. for centuries they were protecting people making journeys and acting as bankers.
isn't the snake supposed to be a bad guy?
demons ban the language that can reveal them
should have used a truck of peace, bigot!
bring back the inquisition
i hesitate to even give them the status of human.
man is a thinking animal, and their entire ideology discourages thinking.
foreigners OUT
no such thing as a peaceful or sane tranny.
kill them, deport the families, charge afghanistan with the bill for both.
it's just the author's barely disguised fetish
when communists whined about some of their candidates, instead of telling them to go kill themselves as would be proper, they dropped the candidates.
that is cucking to communists.
this the chick that made herself look like a tranny?
mexico has ONE problem it needs to solve. literally nothing else matters. certainly not this faggot noise.
get your dementia treated.
if you notice it and dislike it, it's a bigoted conspiracy theory
if you notice it and like it, it's a good thing and needs to happen and anyone who says otherwise is a bigoted conspiracy theorist
looks like that junji ito model with the huge head
china is a han ethnostate and proud of it.
i liked star wars just fine until kathleen kennedy was mistakenly put in charge.
i didn't change.
dolljoint robot mommy i hope her accent is hot
they're hiding it so it's not a white man.