randomuser88385 8 points ago +8 / -0

I happen to know a thing or two about "non toxic gas". There are gases called "simple asphyxiant" which can be safely breathed with 20% oxygen. You are doing this now by breathing a blend of 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen.

Noble gases are simple asphyxiat, He, Ne, Ar, Kr Although there likely wouldn't be a need to use Kr as it would be more expensive. Sulfur hexafluoride is another very heavy gas. Of course N as mentioned above.

So there are plenty of truly non toxic gases that can be easily detected by a mass spectrometer, but impossible to notice otherwise. Depending on the molecular weight and boiling point of the compound(s) will affect distribution. Something like propylene glycol is nearly odorless and non toxic and would be high boiling liquid.

As skeptical as I normally am, I'm inclined to believe that this is possible and there is precedence of subway attacks (Tokyo 1995). They could be testing drug dispersal, but most drugs are too high boiling to spread via atmosphere, while there are toxic gases that are light.

Fun fact. Any gas that is not colorless is toxic. There are colorless and odorless gases that are toxic (CO for example) but colored gas is always. Cl and NO for example

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah it's another anarcho tyranny play. But they COULD raise 7 trillion if they applied evenly, that's how they can sell the whole thing as budget neutral.

randomuser88385 5 points ago +5 / -0

It won't RAISE taxes, but it will make them easier to collect. Fuckers are trying to stop any underground economy that might spring up to get around vax mandates.

They expect this will raise 7 trillion over 10 years, 1.6 trillion from "the rich". Where do they think the other 5.4 trillion will come from? On the other hand, it will crack down on illegals, but fuck these elite fucks.

The "working class" needs to be millionaires to have a chance to actually retire, boomer pensions are worth millions. They need to crush the working class any way they can.

randomuser88385 14 points ago +14 / -0

Now you stop taking vaccines that you previously would have gotten. Easiest one for me is for flu. I've gotten it past several years, not getting it this year, and none of my family will either.

randomuser88385 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm sure the Chinese are being totally cooperative and honest about figuring out the origins of the virus. Biden's crack team is going to "get to the bottom" of it any day now.

Although I suppose at this point I have to believe China state media over US state media. The problem is it conflicts with my long held belief that Fauci's gain of function research leaked out of the Wuhan lab.

No worries, lefties hold conflicting views in their heads all the time, so why not both?

by HypJii
randomuser88385 52 points ago +52 / -0

I haven't encountered that level of idiocy, but plenty of people in their 30s and 40s who think most people who get it end up in the hospital. Bitches that isn't even true for 80 year olds.

randomuser88385 7 points ago +7 / -0

Good news! Yes! You can have 50 of them, but you'll need 35 to buy a loaf of bread in 5 years.

randomuser88385 14 points ago +14 / -0

The peer pressure is working then. Here is Matt Christiansen highlighting 175 workers being fired (I know its WaPo but still) and that is out of 35,000 workers (375 suspended) according to the employer Novant. It's similar to the numbers from United Airlines quoted above, about 0.5%.


It's not enough, no where near enough...

randomuser88385 28 points ago +28 / -0

I hope you are right, but people are so fucking weak. A coworker of mine who is generally based got it a few weeks ago so he could "travel easier".

randomuser88385 25 points ago +25 / -0

It use to be that leaders would take responsibility for everything that happened under their command, even if any reasonable person would call the failure unforeseeable. "A captain goes down with his ship" is a part of that thinking.

Now there is no accountability at all at the top. The only people with their asses on the line are the poor saps on the ground. And once those suckers on the ground figure it out then they will stop trying, and the military will cease to be an effective fighting force.

Why fight if your CO doesn't have your back? That has to start at the top...

randomuser88385 13 points ago +13 / -0

Aside from faith in the GOP and watching Fox news, is there anything else that separates boomers from younger people who are black pilled? What is wrong/incorrect about the above?

randomuser88385 6 points ago +6 / -0

Was in Target today, the number of land whales of color (LWCs) covering the walls is vomit inducing. My wife had a pack of underwear in the cart and when I came back I noticed and said "looks like you got the wrong size", because of the elephant seal on the package, turns out that's just there to sell the underwear.

randomuser88385 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, agree completely, I've seen them lie before as well, it is unconscionable and why I am black pilled.

randomuser88385 7 points ago +7 / -0

Tim Pool's video today discussed this and the need for people on the right to use non violent tactics, because the media (and in this case the union) just uses any actions against them.

The problem is that it doesn't matter what the right does, peaceful protests get the boot and get called lawless anyway. The left narrative spinners jump into action regardless, and most (or enough) normies just believe it.

We know they are evil, shameless, corrupt, and will do anything for power, They are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys... as Morpheus said.

I don't know what the answer is, every move boxes us in more, including doing nothing.

randomuser88385 7 points ago +7 / -0

To echo the other comments here. University isn't for everyone, and unless you have a strong desire to study an in demand field and follow through then it is a waste. The effort and money is better spent elsewhere.

Take up running or some sort of physical exercise. That gets you in shape and you might find a reasonable woman that cares about being in shape as well. As a side benefit it will help reduce depression.

I don't know where you live, but around here young men can get into trades pretty easily, and if you're willing to work hard then advance pretty quickly and make good money.

You can devote your life to Jesus and find a good church. Many people find hope and meaning there, because the world offers none, especially not in the current western countries. Just try a few, and make sure to find one that isn't totally cuckold.

All of the above will require effort on your part. Blame the curse of Adam if you want Genesis 3:17 - 3:19, but it doesn't matter, that is the way it is.

randomuser88385 23 points ago +23 / -0

The police and those commenters supporting them are no better than the elite tyrants at the top. This is a beautiful sight.

randomuser88385 10 points ago +10 / -0

I don't even give a fuck if congress passes a law saying I have to take the vax. They can vax my dead body. I wish people would stop saying that shit, congress doesn't have that power either.

by Daucus9
randomuser88385 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is a fucking advertisement.

Trying to think back if anything was so blatant while I was in school. The only thing I can think of are the army recruiters, but no one fell for that.

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes it is abundantly clear that the vax does little to prevent infection. I'm mostly convinced that it does help mitigate serious illness. However it is clear that there are significant risks that are being covered up, and I believe that the vax does more harm than good in young healthy people.

Regarding ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, "they" have done such a good job of using the media to obfuscate (amped up noise to drown out any signal) that I remain unconvinced of their effectiveness. I want to believe, but just not there for me yet (I've seen the Africa data, etc.).

I'm black pilled as fuck, but I'll be damned if me or my family gets the vax. We all had COVID and I'm done with it, I'm more immune than any vaxxed douche nozzle. I'd gladly go through it again than take the vax, it wasn't that bad.

randomuser88385 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks! Hopefully people who want to can figure it out.

The r^2 value on the COVID data was 0.999. I could hardly believe it was such a good fit. Although exponential functions are easy to fit well, it pretty much perfectly matches the data in the age range from ~20-50s

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is much more detailed than my assessment and allows for tracking of a lot more variables than just age. Given what I said above and after playing around with it a bit, this does not disagree with what I said above. HOWEVER this appears to have risk of catching COVID in a 90 day period built in, wheras the above risk of death is once you have caught it.

Thank you very interesting.

randomuser88385 6 points ago +6 / -0

This isn't an assessment on the safety or effectiveness of the vax itself, your argument could be construed as in favor of getting it.

Instead, your risk of dying from the coof at 65 (assume unvaxxed) is 3% if you get it. There is no acceptance of that risk, it just is. The only potential modifier of that risk is getting the vax (maybe?) or more effective treatment than what has been given.

randomuser88385 13 points ago +13 / -0

For some I know it stems from a deep distrust of media and federal institutions. The Ivermectin is easy to acquire (sometimes with zinc), and seems anti-establishment, so they get that.

I'm uncertain how effective it is, as I distrust the same institutions trying to discredit it, so it might very well be, but at the same time am skeptical. But I don't think it is harmful either. So whatever. I beat COVID without it just fine, and Joe Rogan likely would have as well, 99%+ survival rate right?

randomuser88385 40 points ago +40 / -0

This is clearly a lynching and a hate crime, and better be prosecuted as such. Although we all know that there is no justice in Chicago.

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