m0r1arty 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd expect those who have had the highest levels of education available to know that they are purposefully being ambiguous for personal gain.

If nothing else that's dishonesty, which both books are ardently against.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

And there we have it!

The word of God as interpreted by two different people at least a thousand years later has two different meanings.

I'm not saying you are wrong - not in the slightest, I'm just saying that a lot of people are being killed while people are trying to figure out what this omniscient being is saying as directly as they can.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

To be fair both of these texts are in their original form from when they were written and the preservation of that is sacrosanct to each core religion.

Translating it into contemporary English obfuscates much of the meaning and nuance, and how they were interpreted over the ages and cultures, leaving the reader to ponder such statements as "Leave them in the fire" or "Leave them by the fire" as they see fit.

But they both clearly state that removing someone from life is wrong.

m0r1arty 0 points ago +1 / -1

Great! Is your next trick fixing the wiring in my brain?

m0r1arty 7 points ago +7 / -0

They should just use this link and share their experiences with the wider world.

m0r1arty 5 points ago +7 / -2

Dude did a nice message to people for Passover this year. I thought it odd as he was suppose to hate the Jews according to media at the time.

Whatever his faith beliefs are he's pointing out giant inconsistencies within the British establishment which is leading to harm of law abiding citizens.

He's done nothing illegal and pointing out whether he is Jewish or not has nothing to do with that.

m0r1arty 18 points ago +18 / -0

Google stopped being a utility when it dropped it's motto of "Don't be evil".

It tried to dispense this as an update to it's guiding principles being more adult or modern but whoever it was that made it happen wanted the world to know that it had been infected beyond repair and what was once the ideals of perfect search and information management had been killed.

It's just a matter of waiting for that vacuum to be filled and for those who can maintain the overall management of other operations of Google to separate it from their works.

This is a simple case of Lucifer returning to Heaven.

m0r1arty 3 points ago +3 / -0

I tend to stick to Crowder for my recap of the situation stuff but I think I understand who he is now. Thanks!

m0r1arty 2 points ago +3 / -1

Is this guy the Left's version of Alex Jones?

m0r1arty 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is just an attempt to delegitimise Trump fans by showing unease by one of the better chess pieces.

Focus on the game ahead and not the attempt to flank.

m0r1arty 49 points ago +49 / -0

Reddit is the opposite of what the Internet is about.

Information wants to be free, Reddit wants to make sure that it isn't.

And worse yet, it's pious about it.

m0r1arty 4 points ago +6 / -2

We can't extradite him to Ukraine and put him on the frontline against Putin if he's waiting to learn English and give a proper reasonable response to questions against her in a court of law.

She's got a new life to live and a skanky Ukrainian single mother isn't worth much on 90 Day Fiancé these days, not now that the competition is much harsher.

Why doesn't anyone, other than the judge here, consider women in these situations?

m0r1arty 8 points ago +9 / -1

Matt Walsh can fuck off.

He's not even a D-grade celebrity.

Be you, go out there and win and you see fit!

m0r1arty 12 points ago +12 / -0

I wouldn't have anyone involved in the management of that operation organise a school crossing let alone the safety of an ex-President in the running to be the next President.

by ger111
m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if I tell you he's a Zionist?

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suspect that's what happened in my case.

A small mention on Nanjing by way of someone talking about Hiroshima and Nagasaki being too far by the US and one of two sitewide bans.

I don't know if (m)any others got culled when I did but it was excessive and flies in the face of reasonable discussion.

As I've said you or Dom would have told me what I did wrong and I would have taken it. Instead I just decided to delete the vast majority of the content I was providing the site with.

m0r1arty 3 points ago +3 / -0

By boys have always had my back AoV and I usually get a message if something ha to get removed.

I might disagree with it but I always take it.

The sitewide ban was from two posts on KiA2, within an hour of each other, for nothing which would break any rules on any subreddit.

Someone's watching over that sub and it's not my boys :)

m0r1arty 14 points ago +14 / -0

But say "Queer"...

m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fuck me that article reads like a tumblr post!

I think I'll go and watch some paint dry and make a better use of my time.

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm certainly not the one to be filling in the position of moderator but I think a rotation with a select few is a reasonable enough idea.

I'm more concerned with those highly ethical journalists showing up and reporting on what is occasionally posted here (But never upvoted) and using it as slander against us as a consumer right group.

Particularly since ever single one of them is complicit to lying to their consumers about verifiable facts.

Some more people with the powers to remove content which is only here to shock with gore factor qualities is a good idea.

Now the whole Israel/Palestine stuff, that's a different story but that's also another conversation.

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

All I know is that I got 2 sitewide bans on the one account on the one day for two different posts which were not even the tiniest part against sitewide rules.

KiA2 clearly has someone over on Reddit's administrative end taking scalps from that subReddit and they can hope that the Nuremberg defence can work for them all they want when they're found out, but it didn't the last time someone tried to use it and it shouldn't the next time either.

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

I say a short stint with a temporary mod with limited powers could be a way of seeing if we can keep the potential screenshots from journalists down to a minimum.

I mean they already gloat about 'infiltrating' Discords and subReddits and so one picture of a dead girl here and they've got their mindless sheep readers bleating about how we're all bad people.

A temporary mod could clean that shit up faster and stop more slander being chucked our way.

The fact that we have to be here due to not being able to have civil conversation elsewhere should certainly be at the top of anyone's list wondering why we are here. Maybe if the authoritarian Left were quite so much of Nazis we could resolve our conflicted opinions in a reasonable matter. But no, we have to make best with what we have for being outed from the web we made popular because of Nancy no-pals.

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