loubag1997 8 points ago +8 / -0

More proof that the only writers Hollywood execs will hire are the ones pushing "The Agenda", and if the writers refuse, they're gone.

loubag1997 2 points ago +2 / -0

In today's world once something has been deemed "blasphemy" by a righteously indignant Person of Color®, it can never be uttered or spoken of again. So I'm sure we'll never know.

loubag1997 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nailed it!! Old school A-list black actors weren't presented on a silver platter to audiences as "the new A-List beautiful perfect Black actor" like they are these days...they were just great actors hired for their talents who happened to be black, then slowly over many roles became famous (like every other race of actor). I'll never understand how our culture has become so immature and backward.

loubag1997 27 points ago +27 / -0

Man this shit writes itself... from Tarantino movies saying the n-word 500 times to this pussy ass bullshit

Wilson was hand-picked by director James Mangold to play Agent Mason in the major summer release. After a Zoom meeting with Mangold, she was cast and didn’t even have to audition, but when she received the script, she wanted to implement some changes.

🤣🤣 Instead of firing her for butting in on his script as a nobody Z-lister because she was "offended", they actually LISTENED to her...after hiring her from a ZOOM MEETING WITH NO AUDITION

“Well, I don’t want to spoil too much, but my character had a particular way of exiting the film,” Wilson told Variety. “And initially I found it to be a little too offensive and a bit problematic, and I was like, ‘We probably don’t need to say these words or have it done this way, and this is something I’m uncomfortable with.'”

Praising Mangold’s collaboration, Wilson added, “He was like, ‘You know what, you’re completely right, I hear you."

Jesus buddy, why not let her rewrite the whole movie??? It couldn't have been any worse...

Today's men have become such pushovers

loubag1997 14 points ago +14 / -0

I'm sure he can't wait to tell his wife's black boyfriend about how much he stood up against racist police brutality that day...

The sad thing is that I've noticed that even conservative men are becoming too soft now, let alone leftist wet blankets like this.

White men used to be so masculine, wtf happened? Remember the trend in the 90s where mainstream culture was pushing men to "get in touch with your feminine side"? Well we sure fucking did, and we lost our masculine side in the process, and looking at western women nowadays it seems they're the ones who found that masculinity. I fucking hate living in bizarro backwards world.

loubag1997 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think he meant to say keeping those books away from schools is helping KEEP kids from castrating themselves

loubag1997 16 points ago +16 / -0

Uh oh....looks like a lot of manchildren jannies (transwomen included) are about to have to leave mommy's basement and touch grass!

And to announce this on Father's Day too...lol

loubag1997 10 points ago +10 / -0

I guess all the downvotes we're getting from "fellow conservatives" means you're right! But maybe they're right, sodomy ain't so bad...all sorts of successful civilizations had it in droves and weren't depraved and misguided at all!

loubag1997 17 points ago +19 / -2

The fact that Republicans were over 50% at one point, and the amount of explicit gay support in THIS VERY thread shows why conservatives never win...

loubag1997 9 points ago +9 / -0

Funny enough the person who showed "her" tits is a male, so I guess the queers could say this whole banning thing is "gender affirming" since then having a problem with the toplessness means they "validate her girliness"??

loubag1997 12 points ago +12 / -0

Every single one of those definitions is activist fantasy bullshit. A glossary about sex related topics and they don't even include the term "sex" 😂 Do other animals only have a "sex assigned at birth" now too instead of just a sex?

loubag1997 7 points ago +7 / -0

Another reason why 1980s was the peak of civilization

loubag1997 10 points ago +10 / -0

I can still remember when I kinda enjoyed reddit, in a guilty pleasure way, maybe 10 years ago. Now it's nothing but ragescrolling retarded posts like this

loubag1997 10 points ago +10 / -0

The fact that the Japanese chick they used as an example in this article goes by "they/them" shows us that it's only a matter of time before Japan falls down the same degenerate shithole as the West, as its youth are being heavily influenced by Western (esp. U.S.) culture, and will soon be in charge of the country.

by Telia
loubag1997 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure the guy who wrote that is a literal AI fabrication. If you look at his "profile pic" on the site, it's clearly an AI-rendered guy with the sunglasses hiding his eyes because of poor AI abilities re: eyes.

loubag1997 33 points ago +33 / -0

Here are some more shit takes from this mainstream propaganda screed:

When I was growing up in the 1990s, the Black girls in my neighborhood had VHS watch parties featuring “The Little Mermaid.” We persuaded our parents to buy us “Little Mermaid’ comforter sets and light-up sneakers, and we obsessed over Ariel. We wanted to be her, even though with her white skin and straight hair she didn’t resemble us at all.

Wow imagine that… identifying with a character that doesn’t need to physically resemble you?? UNBELIEVABLE… who could have thought this kind of advanced level of thinking was even possible???? Dumbass.

That’s not the only reason for the overwhelming excitement. This “Little Mermaid” promises to send a better message to girls. “The Little Mermaid” that my friends and I obsessed over isn’t an empowering tale. After [Ariel] encounters the human, Eric, she trades her beautiful singing voice and mermaid tail for a pair of legs so she can pursue a relationship with him. Her arrangement with the sea witch, Ursula, offers Ariel new beginnings, but she’s also forced to sacrifice all the things that make her who she is for the possible love of a man.

Oh nooooo, somebody falling in love and willing to make sacrifices for that love, instead of wanting to be a 100% self-centered narcissistic bitch like most 2020s women?? DATS UN POSSIBEL!!!1111

Given the updated message in the film, it’s important that Bailey was able to keep her locs, again not sacrificing who she is to play the role: “It was super important for me to have my natural hair in this film. I was really grateful to (director) Rob Marshall, because he wanted to keep my locs,” she told Ebony. “It’s always important to have somebody to cosign. I’ve had my locs since I was 5, so they’re a huge part of who I am. We need to be able to see ourselves, we need to be able to see our hair on big screens like this, so that we know that it’s beautiful and more than acceptable.”

It’s fucking hair. HAIR. This is like a bald old guy saying “I’m so glad they replaced Captain America with a fat old man who is balding like me… WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO SEE OUR (LACK OF) HAIR ON THE BIG SCREEN!!!!111

Yes, Bailey is playing a mermaid, a fictional character, but her portrayal is likely to be a catalyst for those who want to better understand the mythology of Black mermaids and other water spirits across cultures, regions and time periods. There’s Yemaya, goddess of the ocean, who, according to those who practice Santería, created the seven seas. Ariel isn’t a visual embodiment of these deities but Bailey playing her is a prompt to remember that Europeans aren’t the only ones whose culture includes beautiful, feminine water spirits.

Then why the fuck are you hijacking the European version and turning it “Black”??? Why not do a movie about THOSE legends?

loubag1997 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's not about "using" it it's about the fact that it will be used as propaganda to try and convince everyday plebs the movie was good.

loubag1997 35 points ago +35 / -0

Checked the Rotten Tomatoes scores....all the liberal white women are giving it praise, and the only two black female reviewers I saw said it sucked 🤣

but muh identity politics movie!!

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