Anyone who listens to “Country Music” today probably IS gay… did you not hear about that “Country Music” Awards ceremony with the trannies and drag queens and Intersectional Alphabet Pride Flag in the background?
Real Country Music has been dead for at least 20 years.
There's absolutely zero evidence of the Easter Bunny or Easter egg hunts predating Christianity you fucktard. And the only historical sources on most West Germanic pre-christian paganism are CHRISTIAN sources, because pagans were too dumb and busy frolicking around being degenerates to write anything down.
This is why I laugh anytime those Youtube anti-woke channels say “I feel like the end of all this wokeness is coming soon”… fuck no buddy, it’s just getting started. We’re FUCKED.
Someone should troll him and call him a transphobe for insinuating that "male human" = XY-chromosomed person. Outwoke the woke.
The only surprising part is that she's still White.
Ballerini dedicated the ceremony to the victims of the 2023 Covenant School shooting.
That bitch had the audacity to say that in the same breath as singing post-country pop dreck with drag fags while a nu-pride flag waved in the background... right after a mentally ill trans shot up a Christian school. Trans shoots up school... "Won't someone think of the trannies!!!" All the Country Music legends are rolling in their graves.
I always said Country died after the 1990s anyway, the new stuff is awful, and this is for sure the final nail in the coffin.
Surprisingly based top comments tho...
I'm sure they will race swap all the brown characters for real life white actors right? Is that how this works?
Their profile is just a goldmine of depression
Religious indoctrination is notoriously strong and hard to break, even in the face of evidence.
FUnny enough, according to them IT IS a white male... just not the kind they like to rag on
Everyone knows she's a female, including them, which is why they refuse to rag on her for being a "HUWYTE MAIL" even though according to their doctrine she is one
Where do you live now if I can ask? Where's a better place?
It's blatantly obvious that they put some sort of code in basically overriding everything else when it comes to "racism", doesn't matter how morally reprehensible it is. What would be interesting is to compare different 'types' of so called racism.
Is Dead Space even woke though?? I don't think there was any obvious woke stuff in it, just the usual terrible modern writing and effort and talent.
Ugly art, just like ugly architecture, reflecting an ugly society.
the most war-capable and resilient people on God's green Earth
That's the thing though... not for long. they are intentionally doing everything they can to soften our young generations so that they won't be able or willing to lift a finger to do anything. And it's working.
It’s all about not perpetuating the “male gaze”, see the bitch from around 2009 who started this whole thing… “Feminist Frequency” Anita Sarkeesian.
Despite her being a dumbass, literally every western game company took everything she said seriously and now they all essentially refuse to put “hot women” in video games. It’s spilled over into TV and movies too.
I noticed the new chick from the working version of GTA 6 kinda had a nice ass, I’m sure they’ll remove that by the release date.
Trust the science™
Unless it goes against what we want, then question the science
Of course the only new law “on hold” is the one that negatively affects corporations
It’s because they don’t want to say it’s targeted against men, because they don’t have a concept of “anti-men” in their tiny minded vocabulary.
21st century
I think I finally figured it out… the century turned 21 and can now legally drink, and went out and got shitfaced, that’s why it’s so fucked up!!
That's exactly WHY they get the job
Here’s the post about it from 2021!
I wouldn’t dare go to another country and crap on their cultural traditions
And they wouldn't tolerate it either, a Muslim country's mainstream media and populace will tell you to go Fuck yourself if you try and say shit like this about their holidays and traditions, but over here our spineless occupied mainstream media and shitlibs will just apologize profusely for ever expressing their problematic celebration of Christmas in public
God I hate what the west has become
Can you give some good examples of modern country that doesn’t suck, made within the last 5 years? I’m genuinely curious and want to listen to it...