ionface 11 points ago +11 / -0

The liberals don't have the Senate, they aren't packing the court or canceling the Electoral College, they aren't making DC a state. Democracy will survive.

Also, he didn't win yet. Let's see how this plays out.

ionface 33 points ago +33 / -0

100 pushups

100 sit-ups

100 squats

10 km run

ionface 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm glad you mean the priests and not the congregation, but it's not a war of ideals, it's an information war.

ionface 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's feeding into the belief system that people are defined by which groups they belong to. I'd rather move people based on opening dialog and dispelling this negative culture of divisive rhetoric.

Edit reply: That's not the same thing, there's a bunch of people who don't know shit or care about politics and philosophy, they haven't broken free of the programming. When people see they've been lied to, it's much more persuasive than trying to break the cognitive dissonance.

ionface 13 points ago +13 / -0

Unless you have a multi-billion dollar propaganda machine, I don't think controlling the narrative is a possibility. Hell, how do you plan on funding all those scientists who are just fishing for grant money?

Turning hypocrites on themselves is pretty funny, I think that's why we do it. Don't fall for intersectionality, and don't victim blame. Drop red pills. Fight for free speech and debunk fake news. Convert your poor deceived neighbors, don't push them into despair because they aren't woke enough for their brainwashed friends.

Fight the censorship, and bring back the arena of ideas. When this happens, we have won.

ionface 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm done reading your papers here, it looks like the lowest power microwave was about 388V/m constant exposure (microwaving mice) at ~2.3GHz. That paper from the 70s says nothing about 60 GHz, and any contemporary papers I've read so far are talking about 60 Hz (ELF) and not much about the intensity of the field. Other much lower frequencies that can penetrate and excite subdermally, and different frequencies resonate with different substances as you know. I'd like you to provide evidence of 60GHz microwaves (or any other 5G band) creating problems.

All the evidence so far has implied that living under powerlines or in any populated area gives you cancer.


What do you think of the safety guidelines? Are they ignoring some biological mechanism? It seems to me that they took into account all the literature, and have come to the conclusions that raising core temperature by 0.1 degrees all day is fine, and that 60GHz will not penetrate the dermis, since skin is thicker than .49mm. You would definitely feel the heat locally on your skin before you get heat stroke, and airflow and sweat helps.

ionface 2 points ago +3 / -1

So due to Beamforming and MIMO, you get at the maximum usage 6V per meter. When you aren't using 5G, you're getting 0-3V. Your TV emits 10V. You're not talking about anti-personnel death rays here, these are cellphone antennas. Like I said, you can cook with microwaves, everyone knows that, but we're talking about electrons on the wind.

Do you have anything that says proteins are denatured with extremely low amounts of 60GHz radio?

ionface 3 points ago +3 / -0

being able to pursue the things you want to pursue

I'd call that some sort of inalienable right.

ionface 3 points ago +5 / -2

If you're concerned about the radio cooking your brain, just line your hats with aluminum foil.

60 ghz & negatively impacts oxygen and making the hemoglobin (a protein) unable to carry oxygen molecules making you unable to breath

I'm not saying that microwave beams aren't dangerous enough to boil someone, but there's a reason we shut off microwave transmitters while people go up to maintain them. People hear "radiation" and think about nuclear fallout. Non-ionizing radiation heats stuff up, it doesn't break chemical bonds. We have been using high powered directional 39GHz (Verizon's 5G band) / 60GHz microwave radio for decades now, and if you've been to the airport I have bad news for you.

So, I bet a lot of people see science graphs like this and misinterpret them: Atmospheric "Oxygen Absorption"

It's talking about how much radio signal is lost in the atmosphere. I can confirm that trees stop my wifi, since the water absorbs the radio waves (radiation), and the trees are fine.

ionface 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some ISPs block all SIP-based VoIP traffic, including many ISPs in the Middle East. You might be able to work with your ISP to allow SIP-based traffic, or you may be able to use a VPN to connect to the service


SIP is a VoIP protocol, and some countries censor VoIP services with licensing regulations. They probably want to force use of their traditional metered telecommunications, rather than have nearly free over-the-top communication.

ionface 7 points ago +7 / -0

Embedded disabled, try opening in new tab.

ionface 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ah okay, it says 2017 he was a partner, everything I read about him is one-sided and incomplete.

ionface 22 points ago +22 / -0

He paints a target on himself, being a free speech activist in the U.K.

Seems like he gets paid by rebelnews, and there are plenty of donations to get him out of jail. He was "holding an event" at "speakers corner", he wasn't just walking down the street. However, they are quite selective when it comes to enforcing that "coronavirus regulation". I'd be interested in knowing everyone who has been arrested for it, and the messages that they were sending at the time.

ionface 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's crazy to me that Russia Today is one of the only news networks willing to cover the death of journalism.

ionface 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not Aldous Huxley's book, by far, but the show had a story, and it was finished.

Spoilers, their World State society collapses, characters die, and there are very few threads to start a new story.

ionface 5 points ago +5 / -0

Story is from January, but in today's context it is pretty funny.

ionface 5 points ago +5 / -0

Scientists will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space The start of a journey to find alien life?

The great surplus of capitalism is what makes technical progress possible, I love how socialists always forget that the USSR caused famines and ecological disasters while the west had all flavors of Pudding Pop.

The USA is the wealthiest and most industrious nation. Also, Americans are the most charitable people, nobody comes close to how much we give, and I'm talking about the percentage of GDP that individuals give away, I'm not even talking value in USD or aid from corporations and tax dollars.

There's a disparity between the haves and the have-nots in this world, and we should all work to elevate the uneducated and needy. The "world leaders" behind the WEF intend to bring about this change through FORCE, not through charity.

Western values will have been tested to the breaking point

Truth, Liberty, Love, Wisdom, Peace & Cooperation... I'm at a loss, what are the values needing to be replaced here?

ionface 7 points ago +7 / -0

Kids will come watch this again as adults and wonder.

ionface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm surprised reddit hasn't been completely abandoned already. Do people really love their fake internet points so much?

ionface -4 points ago +1 / -5

I'd say the reason Nintendo doesn't have broken games is because they test it thoroughly on the one platform they're designed for.

You can't exactly get mad at a company for continuing to support and develop for a game once it's released. Do you think if developers released it when it's done™ that it will ever get released?

I must be missing why everyone is taking this so personally, did they promise to launch on your birthday or something? Better polished than a buggy mess IMO. We get much worse games from BethSoft (for example) releasing on time. CDPR is already going 6 days a week on this baby.

ionface -4 points ago +1 / -5

The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time.

-Tom Cargill, Bell Labs

You're saying you've got experience with Agile SDLC and supporting collaborative projects? How about dealing with a half-dozen patch approval processes? My question was a joke, you are never done with software.

This isn't programming deterministically for a space probe, it's making software "good enough" for millions of environments. There will be bugs, and the way you get to a release date and to your next project is by presenting your audience with the most polished beta version you can make and then developing it more.

I agree that big installation downloads must suck when you have the physical media, but that's why we've had digital versions for 20 years. Are you saying you're upset because you have a bluray of Cyberpunk 2077 and have to wait an hour before playing an updated version?

ionface -2 points ago +6 / -8

Have you ever finished software?

ionface 1 point ago +2 / -1

Don't misunderstand, I'm saying Japan is very conservative, except when the lights are off. You can't be a degenerate in public there, and people are very socially closed off and traditional compared to the west.

ionface -9 points ago +6 / -15

What? Ever heard of development? These aren't actually going to a "gold" CD for distribution. Why would you want buggy software?

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