neopowerave 6 points ago +6 / -0

KS will be your biggest fan ever...for the right price.

neopowerave 4 points ago +4 / -0

Cop: that why were here for

American: that's why we have gun rights for

neopowerave 4 points ago +4 / -0

Feminists created this entire mess and more

Ultimately, it was the ruling class specifically the Rockefellers who funded feminism, for two primary reasons:

  1. To tax the other half of the population (since the Rockefellers are part of the banking cartel) by getting them be part of the workforce and...

  2. To be able to indoctrinate children at a younger age, and for children to look at the state as part of the family (an attack on the nuclear family).


neopowerave 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am a MGTOW.

Understandable considering the sad & degenerate state of affairs.

neopowerave 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, we got some lazy thinking bums here and I'm not talking about the homeless.

neopowerave 13 points ago +13 / -0

Because they are a corporation that gets the exception while mom and pop shops get shafted with rules & restrictions that makes their business go under, corporations are in on it and will cooperate with the interantional banksters to have this biomedical surveillance state.

neopowerave 14 points ago +14 / -0

The doc doesn't know. This is beyond politics. One of the few doctors that realizes that something is up is Dr. Andrew Kaufman as he pointed out that many gov'ts are cooperating and it's being coordinated which he's not wrong.

neopowerave 19 points ago +19 / -0


To, uh, S Peterson. S Peterson ... “Uh, Mr Chairman, this is Dr Hodkinson, I just want to let you know I'm standing by." "Oh, okay. Well, we would love to hear from you. The floor is yours."

"Thank you very much. Uh, I do appreciate the opportunity to address you on this very important matter. Um, what I'm going to say is lay language and blunt. Um, it's counter-narrative and so so you don't immediately think I'm a quack, I'm going to briefly outline my credentials so that you can understand where I'm coming from in terms of a knowledge-base in all of this.

I'm a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology. I trained at Cambridge University in the UK. I'm the ex-president of the pathology section of the medical association. I was previously an assistant professor in the faculty of medicine doing a lot of teaching. I was the Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada Examination Committee in Pathology in Ottawa. But more to the point, I'm currently the Chairman of a biotechnology company in North Carolina selling a Covid-19 test.

And I might you might say I know a little about all of this. The bottom line is simply this. There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus, other than protecting older more vulnerable people. It should be thought of nothing more other than a bad flu season. This is not ebola. It’s not SARS. It’s politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game. There is no action of any kind needed other than what happened last year when we got unwell … we stayed home, we took chicken noodle soup, we didn’t visit granny and WE decided when WE would return to work. We didn’t have anyone, need anyone to tell us.

Masks are utterly useless! There is no evidence-base for their effectiveness whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue-signalling. They’re not even worn effectively most of the time. It’s utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people … I’m not saying that in a pejorative sense … seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying without any knowledge-base to put the mask on their face. Social distancing is also useless, because covid is spread by aerosol which travels 30 metres or so before landing.

Enclosures have had such terrible unintended consequences. Everywhere should be open tomorrow as was stated in the Great Barrington Declaration [https://gbdeclaration.org/] that I circulated prior to this meeting.

And a word on testing. I do want to emphasize that I’m in the business of testing for covid. I do want to emphasize that positive test results do NOT - underlined in neon! - mean a clinical infection! It’s simply driving public hysteria, and all testing should STOP! ... unless you’re presenting to hospital with some respiratory problem. All that should be done is to protect the vulnerable, and to give them all in the nursing homes that are under your control, give them all 3000 to 5000 International Units of Vitamin D everyday, which has been shown to radically reduce the likelihood of infection. And I would remind you all that, using the province's own statistics, the risk of death under 65 in this province is 1 in 300,000… 1 in 300,000!

You’ve got to get a grip on this. The scale of the response that you are undertaking with no evidence for it is utterly ridiculous given the consequences of acting in a way that you’re proposing. All kinds of suicides, business closures, funerals, weddings, etc, etc … it’s simply outrageous! It’s just another bad flu and you’ve got to get your minds around that! Let people make their own decisions. You should be totally out of the business of medicine. You’re being led down the garden path by the chief medical officer of health for this province. I’m absolutely outraged that this has reached this level. It should all stop tomorrow. Thank you very much."

Well, thank you for that again. Uh, hopefully all the layers of government are listening. We have the least amount of influence, but we definitely appreciate everything you had to say. Okay, so um….

neopowerave 1 point ago +1 / -0

5G & Oxygen

https://transition.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Documents/bulletins/oet70/oet70a.pdf p12(p10) Figure 7



What do you think of the safety guidelines? Are they ignoring some biological mechanism?

Highly probable considering we are facing with a [trillion] dollar industry:

"Many recent scientific publications have shown that EMFs affect living organisms at levels far below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased risk of cancer, cellular stress, increased harmful free radicals, genetic damage, structural and functional changes in the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative effects on overall human well-being. The damage goes far beyond the human, as there is increasing evidence of harmful effects on both plant and animal life." https://www.emfscientist.org

A quote from retired naval officer Jerry Flynn who was trained by the military in radio warfare:

"I spent the best part of those 27 years in radio communications but I was in signals intelligence electronic radio warfare so I know a lot about wireless radiocommunications, and your cell phone, your router your laptop, etc. All of those things are transmitters so they're no different in principle than the stuff that I work with in the military. Most of this stuff that you have today in our society was created by the military 50 years ago and most of the problems with microwave we knew 50 years ago is that that the military and private industry and governments have [suppressed it] so they could take financial advantage of it." https://youtu.be/DAD35Zeafzo

Here's a Lena Pu a researcher who shows blood slides from a healthy teacher after a full day of work around strong wi-fi and cellular signals in a classroom: https://youtu.be/D1pzeTFmCn8?t=1881

Do you think all the 240 scientists that signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal was just for fun? Or is it because all of their research that they've conducted so far have come to the conclusion that this isn't something to take lightly and we shouldn't rush irresponsibly to install cells at every post in every block in every city in every state?

I don't know how you can't see this as problematic when research & the consensus of scientists in this particular field see it that way. Then you have a crazy nut like Musk who's aiming to launch 4,000 of these low-orbiting 5G satellites - they already have launched hundreds of them as they're attempting to launch 120 of them every month for this year. We are looking at the irradiation of every square centimetre of the Earth without taking in to account the impact it would have on the [Schumann Resonance].

And in case you missed it:

1,670 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/19CbWmdGTnnW1iZ9pxlxq1ssAdYl3Eur3/view https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S037842742030028X https://iervn.files.wordpress.com/2020/02/adverse-health-effects-of-5g-mobile-networking-technology-under-real-life-conditions.pdf

neopowerave 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's a full blown traitor as he has literally advocated for a "new world order."

Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube.

Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”

“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson.

The doctor said that nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus besides protecting older more vulnerable people and that the whole situation represented “politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”

Hodkinson remarked that “social distancing is useless because COVID is spread by aerosols which travel 30 meters or so before landing,” as he called for society to be re-opened immediately to prevent the debilitating damage being caused by lockdowns. Hodkinson also slammed mandatory mask mandates as completely pointless.

“Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever,” he said.

“Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signalling. They’re not even worn effectively most of the time. It’s utterly ridiculous. Seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people – I’m not saying that in a pejorative sense – seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face.”

The doctor also slammed the unreliability of PCR tests, noting that “positive test results do not, underlined in neon, mean a clinical infection,” and that all testing should stop because the false numbers are “driving public hysteria.”

Hodkinson said that the risk of death in the province of Alberta for people under the age of 65 was “one in three hundred thousand,” and that it was simply “outrageous” to shut down society for what the doctor said “was just another bad flu.”

“I’m absolutely outraged that this has reached this level, it should all stop tomorrow,” concluded Dr. Hodkinson.

Hodkinson’s credentials are beyond question, with the MedMalDoctors website affirming his credibility.

“He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK (M.A., M.B., B. Chir.) where he was a scholar at Corpus Christi College. Following a residency at the University of British Columbia he became a Royal College certified general pathologist (FRCPC) and also a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists (FCAP).”

“He is in good Standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, and has been recognized by the Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta as an expert in pathology.”

Here's the clip of the conference zoom call:


neopowerave 4 points ago +4 / -0

The obedient think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly.

-Robert Anton Wilson

neopowerave 3 points ago +3 / -0

I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.

-Thomas Paine

neopowerave 3 points ago +3 / -0

From Judicial Watch Tom Fitton:

"They are preparing for violence. I've told you before about this Transition Integrity Project, this left wing project that war gamed out election battles in the courts and elsewhere and in that in that election integrity war game scenario you had John Podesta... and he was playing Joe Biden in this war game and part of the war gaming was that you would have states threaten secession]over to make sure the electoral slates college elected, the electoral college electors that their slates were counted by the congress. So the goal would be let's say this is the way it would work if there's a dispute over electoral college votes, it goes to congress, and it's congress that's ultimately designates the president and vice president or certifies the results, but there can be challenges to particular results in particular slates, and the Biden war game was that you had states threaten to [secede] from the union in order to get the slates presumably pro-Biden slates counted. So that's I was talking to a reporter today and I said the left is threatening [civil war] and he's like "what?" and this is what I mean and it's all about pressuring the president to leave office even if he wins."


neopowerave 4 points ago +4 / -0

This piece will follow up on the strategy involved in that piece, and develop these in light of John Podesta’s election war-game and the situation in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In the Kenosha situation, we have armed groups on both sides, creating a volatile situation in what increasingly looks like a pre-civil war scenario. All together, we can now see the following is evident:

Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential bid now depends on a combination of a.) severe social media and search engine censorship of book-burning proportions, b.) signs from the military that they will back Biden (per John Podesta ) on the heels of c.) an inconclusive election (mailed-out blank ballots), and d.) (the Soros wing of) BLM’s ability engage in rioting and to pose as Trump-like supporters (QAnon and adjacent, such as ‘Save The Children’) in order to e.) conduct a dangerous or illegal public stunt (false flag).

To read more: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/08/30/bidens-chances-rest-on-john-podesta-planned-military-coup-ballot-harvesting-police-shootings-false-flag/

neopowerave 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's all planned out as the Podesta wargame aka Transition Integrity Project where high profile individuals and professionals wargamed various scenarios of this election for two years.

Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor and former Defense Department official who co-organized the Transition Integrity Project, told The Boston Globe, “All of our scenarios ended in both street-level violence and political impasse.”

During a strategy session, Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman, John Podesta, suggested that if Joe Biden loses in a similar way that Clinton did in 2016, Biden will cry foul, alleging voter suppression. He will pull the strings to keep Trump from getting inaugurated a second time, and his team will pressure Western states to secede if Trump takes office again.

This could spark a constitutional crisis and even a second civil war.


neopowerave 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was referring to CA and TX are getting CA refugees. I just hope it doesn't turn blue.

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