gopower2024 -24 points ago +3 / -27

How about dont interfere with campus business where people are studying and you won't get arrested.

gopower2024 -25 points ago +2 / -27

I dont see an issue with giving Pallys a shot in the EU/UK/US. A lot of them are doctors and engineers and would be an asset. If Israel says you gotta go, well its Israel's land.

gopower2024 -14 points ago +2 / -16

there is no judeo uni party, just a leftist cabal that took over the Democrat party and a GOP that is trying to stop it, but it slowed by internal corruption. Overall the GOP is better because they still support US allies and keep the military as strong as it can be.

gopower2024 -12 points ago +2 / -14

Nice try but no. Pally supporters are just low IQ mudslimes. Trying to say thay Soros and NGOs are funding mobs to turn public opinion against Pallys and in favor of da joooz is just that..a conspiracy theory.

gopower2024 -25 points ago +1 / -26

Ah nothing like some old internet conspiracy theories to drag out at this late hour. What's next? You will tell is the joooz rigged the elections to put in candidates that will work for them?

gopower2024 -2 points ago +2 / -4

We are on the same side. Jews have a right to their own state and a right not to be singled out wherever they go and falsely accused of genocide

gopower2024 -12 points ago +1 / -13

am I? This is a mainstream position. Most countries recognize the need to protect Jews. They were exiled from over 100 nations for a a reason, and that reason is hate. And as such have codeified laws to protect them. Those laws wouldnt need to exist if whites and their islamist friends weren't always trying to hunt down random Jewish families for the crime of defending themselves.

gopower2024 -27 points ago +3 / -30

Unique hatred because of success. Everyone is simply jealous of their success, and this has gone throughout history. They get blamed for literally everything, from petty same so financially bancrupting countries, mass migration, and wars. All without evidence. So it stands reason they would have a word to define the unique hatred they receive.

And since you mentioned it, they are also accused of being satanists casting spells. Again without evidence.

All they want to do is love peacefully on their own land and they can't even be allowed to do that without whites interfering.

gopower2024 -10 points ago +2 / -12

The stormfags are always out of their hives stirring up anti semitism. Gotta work round the clock to save muh wHiTe RaCe (they won't).

gopower2024 -14 points ago +3 / -17

gaza still exists. If Israel wanted to they could glass that dump. But yet it still festers,

Meanwhile in Ukraine thousands of lives have been lost because of Putlers aggression.

gopower2024 -24 points ago +1 / -25

Usual Anti semitic posts from muh bAsEd billionare

gopower2024 -6 points ago +3 / -9

Actually this does sound like censorship of the internet. Not sure why Nintendo is involved though. It has its uses to deal with the rash of anti semitism that has erupted though.

gopower2024 -10 points ago +1 / -11

Watering down the horrors of the Nazis is neither funny nor amusing.

gopower2024 -50 points ago +2 / -52

oh look we love communism now. But only when its seizing Jewish assets, when its taking my stuff, its bad.

gopower2024 -15 points ago +1 / -16

Exactly, a worthless leftist rag that parrots propaganda. The funny part is these stormfagging retards dont realise the NYT was founded by de joooz also.

gopower2024 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Rolling back womens suffrage is exactly what the snackbars want to do and this is why men are being duped by the far right and their snackbar allies.

gopower2024 -7 points ago +1 / -8

She's right though. Men as a whole are turning to cave snackbar ideologies such as banning women from voting because they cant offer a better alternative.

gopower2024 -30 points ago +2 / -32

So a random story with dubious evidence is comparable to the most significant genocide in history that is proven with evidence and eyewitness accounts?

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