freespeechsquid 15 points ago +15 / -0

“To me, the really important aspects are the freedom to make something new,”

So make something NEW!

freespeechsquid 4 points ago +4 / -0

Our society politely asked the gays not to engage in nonstop unprotected mass orgies for like, I dunno, just a few weeks maybe? To curb the spread of a serious disease primarily within the gay community.

To play devil's advocate, we said "Fuck no" to many of the things "politely asked" of us, didn't we? We thought it was rampantly authoritarian to trample on our liberties to curb the spread of Covid.

On the other hand, their complete inability to stop having constant sex parties, even to protect themselves and their own community, really said a TON about homosexual culture. It was a real eye opener for me. It was like they were being asked to chop off a limb - in fact I get the impression many would do that very thing before giving up their degenerate lifestyle. Much like when you dare to suggest to a Modern Empowered Woman that not being absurdly promiscuous might be a good alternative to murdering a baby in the womb.

It's also worth noting that a great many of the gay men who refused to stop having orgies were also part of the Covid Gestapo demanding that people be locked inside their homes, double masked and double boosted.

Leftist hypocrisy is more virulent than any disease.

freespeechsquid 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds bad, but it's kind of obvious: unless you trigger a reassessment, how does the state's tax board even know that your house burned down? They have a list of addresses and values. The way that's updated IS reassessment.

That's true, but you can guarantee if there was a sudden shift that significantly raised property values, it'd be all hands on deck as they scurried around reassessing properties as quickly as they could.

And even if people do apply for reassessment (which I'm sure incurs a hefty fee), they'll drag their feet about it as long as possible.

freespeechsquid 5 points ago +5 / -0

8.6% is way too high, but a number of those are bound to be trolls, or spiteful leftists who don't actually want it but refuse to admit it.

freespeechsquid 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree, the "believe all women" shit is all the reason I need to declare him guilty of this heinous crime.

I was just wondering if there was some context about him I missed.

freespeechsquid 10 points ago +10 / -0

On the surface, Pavlovich appeared to be self-assured as well. A local girl, she had dropped out of high school at 15 to travel to Europe, Morocco, and the Middle East on the cheap, pausing in Scotland — where Tilda Swinton gave her a scholarship to attend her Steiner school, Drumduan — and London to work in the cabaret scene. Eventually, her visa expired and she ran out of money and so, in 2019, she returned to Auckland, where she enrolled in an acting school and took a job at a perfumery. Pale and dark-haired and waifish, she favored bold colors and outrageous outfits. On the day she met Palmer — on most days then — she’d painted a triangle of translucent silver beneath her lower lashes so it looked as though she’d been crying tears of glitter.


Why is this expose LARPing as a novel?

freespeechsquid 2 points ago +2 / -0

i prefer to call them the "kosher right"

Ha, that's a good one.

freespeechsquid 1 point ago +1 / -0

AFAIC this is the least this scumbag deserves. He made this bed, now it's bedtime.

I know he's a woketard, but I don't know/remember most of the specifics, do you mind elaborating on what he's done that's so bad?

freespeechsquid 20 points ago +20 / -0

This is correct in that they're libfags and fake right wingers, but don't give credence to nonsense terms like "woke right". It just helps the left create a false equivalence.

freespeechsquid 13 points ago +13 / -0

WEF young leaders coalition

I'm still trying to figure out how someone like Musk posting opinions on social media is foreign interference, but an international organization that grooms politicians and holds political summits isn't.

freespeechsquid 19 points ago +19 / -0

Which is why you do managed controlled burns at regular intervals.

This is the only response necessary.

I thought we were supposed to be selfish, technocratic plunderers who had conquered nature for the sake of our own greed.

I thought we needed Science™ to save us from climate change.

I thought we were being held back by those icky, stupid conservatives who didn't believe in either.

But now all the Experts we're supposed to Trust are powerless to prevent a city from catching fire? Now it's pointless to expect action?

"Nothing we could do", those experts say, as they empty water reserves, employ diverse fire fighters who revel in their own incompetence, and let flammable material build up in forests. "Our cities were built to burn."

I guess we can drop all those climate change policies now. "Built to burn" can be the new ethos.

freespeechsquid -6 points ago +2 / -8

Why misrepresent when there is video of the whole thing?

I'm not misrepresenting anything. You can see her falling back from the window in your video, and you can see her climbing through it in this one: https://nypost.com/2021/01/07/videos-show-shooting-of-ashli-babbitt-during-capitol-siege/

It's obvious she was gaining entry to the barricaded corridor and it's obvious the officer was targeting her specifically with a single shot, not shooting randomly into a crowd as you said.

The crowd was shouting and smashing the windows. Ashlii was climbing through. It's reasonable to think the officer was frightened of what would happen when they gained entry.

Like the police officers in full gear carring big guns behind her? Yeah they could have follower her in. Or stop her if they wanted to. Without killing the unarmed woman.

Sure, but that doesn't mean he wasn't justifiably frightened, and it doesn't change that it is you who mischaracterized the event.

Extra : The people who got shot by Kyle RIttenhouse in self-defense were doing things like bashing him in the head with a skateboard or pointing a gun at him first. Ashli Babbit did nothing comparable to get shot. Please don't invoke Kyle Rittenhouse to defend a murderer.

What is comparable is that you are making things up in order to vilify the shooter further than the facts support. That is exactly what the entire left spent months doing to Rittenhouse. It's what they do all the time. While I advocate for using every single one of the left's tactics against them, we will only betray ourselves if we stop caring about facts.

I will agree the circumstances of the shootings are quite different. The three who were shot by Rittenhouse were brazenly attempting to murder him, and two were armed - whereas Ashlii was unarmed and entering a barricaded room. Unlike them, she did not deserve to be killed.

freespeechsquid -13 points ago +2 / -15

And a cop shot at random in a crowd, killing an unarmed woman.

This isn't true and I don't know why people keep saying it is. It's a lot like leftists saying Kyle Rittenhouse shot three black people in cold blood.

When Ashlii Babbitt was shot, she was climbing through a broken window to gain access to an area the officer was guarding. There was a shouting, excited crowd behind her, who surely would have followed her in.

Whether the cop was right or wrong to shoot her, he didn't fire randomly into a crowd. He targeted the person breaching a locked (and I think, from memory, barricaded) corridor.

freespeechsquid 2 points ago +6 / -4

Does painting the entire set of islands as a single homogeneous group do anyone any favours?

I think it does. It's obviously not true in the strictest sense, but having everyone share in the shame over what's happened to their country sounds like a good motivator.

freespeechsquid 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's funny as in real life, bronies were basically the first pic and they were actually chill guys but because they liked an animated show for kids, they're 'creeps'.

When you say "basically the first pic", are you implying they sought to read to/entertain kids? Because they might be pretty chill but I'd still view any of them who sought access to a kid with great suspicion.

I'd sooner suspect them of massive autism than attempted molestation, but if that autism requires interaction with a child to properly manifest itself, then no good can come of it.

freespeechsquid 4 points ago +4 / -0

She won't be a woman though. She'll be a masculine girlboss inconvenienced by all those icky stupid inferior bigoted men.

How will the "struggle" of someone as powerful as Ciri (whether she keeps her powers from previous games or not) in any way resemble the struggle of medieval women? Unless they use side characters for that.

freespeechsquid 18 points ago +18 / -0

47% of Democrats?

If this is true (I always view polls with skepticism) that's damning.

The sad thing is, most people wouldn't even care if it was rare and sane. It's the sheer numbers that are alarming, the huge impact that has on Americans, and of course the deeply hostile politics surrounding it.

freespeechsquid 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess my position isn't so much that gay people should be having children (you're right that there is a risk there, and I think a child is going to be negatively impacted by being raised by a gay parent no matter what) as I like to see gay people embracing family values and pulling back from degeneracy.

freespeechsquid 1 point ago +1 / -0

The tech sector's hiring process is also 100% broken. I think that's something that gets overlooked in all of this. You've got HR departments putting together job requirements that are wrong and then sifting through a glut of resumes and mistaking Javascript for Java. The interview process is oftentimes equally suspect. Then toss AI into the mix on both sides of the table both before and now during the interview process and it's all a disgusting mess that no one seems interested in cleaning up.

Isn't there also a massive issue of Indians, when in a position to hire workers, almost exclusively hiring other Indians?

freespeechsquid 6 points ago +6 / -0

The excuse for low skilled immigration was "they do jobs you don't want to do".

The excuse for skilled immigration is "they do jobs you're too retarded to learn".

All this while what is probably the biggest growing jobs sector is massively rejecting American workers, even dumping existing ones.

Elon seems to be taking this very personally (or maybe he's just upset that people don't like him anymore) but white America isn't supposed to be upset about being denied jobs at a catastrophic rate, and demographically replaced by endless masses of Indians?

I always took him for a retard, but a smart retard if that makes sense. Wanting H1B Visas because he believes it's staunchly meritocratic (and majorly helps his bottom line) is one thing, but the complete failure to understand why people are as upset about being replaced as they were 4, 8, 12 years ago really makes me see him in a new light.

freespeechsquid 17 points ago +18 / -1

In 2012, I was in a Starbucks when a well-intentioned grandmotherly type approached me and asked what so many others have asked me over the previous two years when they saw me alone with Nate: “Is it Mommy’s day off today? Are you babysitting?” Unfortunately for her, she chose the wrong guy and the wrong day to inquire and I told her what I’d been itching to tell the dozens of people who had asked me similar questions before. “I’m gay,”

Nobody fucking asked!

Okay, so this guy is an utter faggot in addition to being an actual faggot, and he's someone who shouldn't be in charge of raising a kid. But in theory, I don't think it's so bad for a gay person to embrace a normal, heterosexual arrangement for the sake of parenthood. This is of course assuming he's just a faggot, and not an utter faggot. It's just that a faggot qualified to raise a kid is so astronomically rare.

freespeechsquid 14 points ago +14 / -0

The local pride organization of Emo, Ont., Borderland Pride, won a tribunal hearing against the city and its 77-year-old mayor for allegedly “discriminating” against the LGBTQ+ community. The decision followed after the township voted against an official Pride Month proclamation in June.

The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal found that McQuaker voted against the motion “in bad faith” and thus was liable to pay damages of $5,000 and was also ordered to undergo DEI training. The township was also fined $10,000 with other councillors who voted against the motion required to undergo training.

You don't hate these people enough. You really, really don't.

freespeechsquid 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey, can I form a shitty tribunal to decide people owe me money and garnish people's bank accounts?

Because I want in on that.

freespeechsquid 2 points ago +2 / -0

I occasionally hear things about this kid that makes him sound like a complete asshole.

Doesn't matter if he is, of course. He was still defending himself, and he was still innocent. I still admire his discipline in that confrontation.

But he does, at times, sound like an asshole.

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