Yes, I agree. That sounds more functional. Haha, but, I mean, it's government spending - of course there's better ways to go about it. I suppose it's strange the US is so bad about it. Can't say I know enough about other countries' histories to explore how they didn't end up with similar issues.
The Canada solution is awful, though. They've been a mess for a while. Terrible message to send their citizens.
I'd rather the whole thing where the government pays for medical care just not be a thing. It's not my neighbor's fault if I smoke myself to death, it's my fault.
I remember there being something about how the US was gonna have some strict laws on packaging/labelling, but I have seen very little change over the years. But when I get my imports (from India..? don't recall), they're covered in gore pics. So, certainly other countries are making some attempt.
God damn am I gonna have to join a smoking forum to hear about tobacco legislation in a timely manner?
When Obama banned clove cigarettes I didn't find out until the stores told me they couldn't legally sell me their stock anymore. Now I just buy it black market, thanks obama.
How is that supposed to work? We already tried the prohibition of alcohol. Just give the government more power next time?
I wouldn't even say they care about winning. They just want to see everyone who disagrees with them suffer and be wholly ruined. There's no end state where they -can- be satisfied.
I'm getting tired of how regular this sort of thing is now. Let's just start the civil war already, there's no way to reconcile.
That wasn't even rape. He willingly had sex with them, they told him he's a fag, and now he's coping with cumming inside another male by lying about consent. I dislike troons, but I hate good words being redefined more.
You can discover standards and integrity without ever touching a bible (they didn't even bring up religion). Try philosophy.
Each of us can only realistically fight on a finite number of hills at the same time. There's just too much for one guy to do, and fighting on at least one hill is enough to not be "letting" society degenerate. The fuck can I do about simps in the first place? I pity those guys a lot, but I really don't know what I could do for them. Hire them an escort? Livestream a cute girl hunting down and slaughtering the top donators?
But your broad point, I can agree with, as men who believe in truth and natural order tend to get a little lazy because they think nature's gonna blow away all the vermin for them.
Surprising to see Peter Pan get brought into the spotlight when the fairies were so similar to trannies (they literally die if you say you don't believe in them). I haven't seen anyone publicly connect those dots, so maybe we'll be in for some ill memes because the writers might not even see it.
Ooh, I got it - Wendy will be asked to fill a parental role, but instead will institute a government to showcase how the best parent a child can have is the government. It will be functional because magic n shiet.
I'm afraid that they would feel embarassed only about having humanity themselves. Expressing your humanity towards them may then only cause a spiteful reaction as they're fundamentally opposed to it. Humanity is a personal failure that should be mercilessly exploited, to them.
If they actually grasped the reality, it would break them. They're in too deep, they need to demonize all opposition, no matter how crazy it makes them.
encouraging them to find their own identities
This seems informative about the underlying thought. In my view, a child doesn't need to be encouraged specifically to discover their identity; it's a natural part of growing up. In clown vision, apparently, children are incapable of this natural process.
Though I am still stuck between these people either being confused about what identity is or they are all victims of abuse. I've been leaning towards the former. After all, this troonery is a mind virus - a seemingly contagious mental illness. Such a thing must have an underlying philosophy, and the correct cure for it is not therapy, it is an ideological antibody of specific truth that contradicts the foundation of the mind virus.
Trying to make what was a single player game into an always-online multiplayer game, then making it into a totally serious competitive multiplayer game was not embarassing enough for Bungie.
I don't like dealing with cheaters in multiplayer games, but fuck everyone involved here, really. Esports has been awful for vidya and every company pursuing it deserves suffering. And especially fuck Bungie for rotting away and being unable to handle making good games anymore.
I don't know, handshake user SuperPervert69. Would you be so kind as to lead us in the disparagement of whites?
Women are just as strong as men, so children must also be just as strong as adults.
No problem, they can just identify as female.
Hmm, I think I see what you're saying. It's definitely less of a sacrifice to say that than going full subversion.
Personally, I'd be pleased if people said more than "woke shit, not buying", just to encourage better public discourse. But that's my own priority of wanting my presumed allies to have a firm grasp of their own ideas, along with the flexibility to argue effectively in public (because eventually they're gonna need to defend their ideas).
I guess I have to agree that long term subversion is an effective way to destroy things, but if that's what "intelligence" is, I'd rather not react to fabian socialists by making another group that's just as bad.
Unlike leftists, we have to abide by principles, so abandoning those principles because the enemy is not held back by them..that is basically the only way to fail. Part of being a principled actor is being willing to protect those principles even if you are going to lose some battle. (I'm suggesting that "intelligent" warfare is a violation of various principles)
I think it'd be fine to just have open discussion of the ideas at play because I'm confident that the bad ideas are unable to withstand competition. Sure, most people aren't prepared to rationally interact with ideas, but enough are to make a difference. And yeah, there is no free speech platform that exists anymore. But some of the low-level commentary can help others think about new perspectives. So I really have to firmly oppose the idea that people should keep their mouths shut if they can't articulate things well or if they can't bend over backwards far enough. That's just a different demand for purity, and much less reasonable for public discourse.
Words on paper can't protect anything. Men can. And trying to rely on other men to protect your rights is a fine way to forget this, apparently.
A little too hard to remember the face of protagonists in every anime. I've probably tried watching all of these, but a third of them I just don't recognize because it's easier to remember shows by what was special about them rather than the minutia of the protagonist's wardrobe and hair.
But the point of these things seems to not be informative anyway.
No theory, I just wanted to point out how dreadful/amusing it is that after years of memeing about "clown world" we now seem to be having international balloon fights. I will not be surprised if someone announces a military defense plan involving a giant circus tent to block out the balloons (but I will want off this ride).
I think the context is important. Or how it's used, at least. A lot of times, to me, it reeks of insecurity. Like the person is actually booty-bothered and throws out some ez acronyms in order to pretend they're in a secure or superior position.
Interesting, I hadn't really been following that tech line. I'm not exactly big on regulations, but I can easily understand it here.
Just a few years is faster than I'd hope for, personally.
Inside the oven. All the way in the back. I left a bonus in there because I know how racist it is to ask you to go to the back.